
RICHARD V. HOFFMAN Catalog Librarian, Instructor, 1974 B.A. , Pomona College; M.L.S., University of California, Los Angeles. DAVID G. HOLMQUIST Assistant Professor of Physical Education , 1978 B.S. , Biola College; M.S. , California State University, Fullerton.

MARGUERITE G. KRAFT Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies, 1973 B.S. , Wheaton College; M.A. , Hartford Seminary Foundation; D.Miss ., Fuller Theological Seminary. PAUL KULD Assistant Professor of Biology, 1969 B.A., M.A., California State University, Long Beach . NICKOLAS KURTANECK Professor of Biblical Studies, 1959 B.A. , Grace College; Th.B. , B.D., Th.M. , Th.D. , Grace Theological Seminary. PETER KURTZ Professor of Physics , 1968 B.S. , M.S. , University of Missouri; Ph.D. , University of California , Los Angeles. LLOYD E. KWAST Associate Professor of lntercultural Studies, 1972 Diploma, Grand Rapids Bible College ; B.A. , California Baptist Theological Seminary; B.D. , M.R.E., American Baptist Seminary of the West; M.A. , D.Miss., Fuller Theological Seminary. LASZLO LAK Special Lecturer in Applied Performance in Music, 1978 Diploma, Sherwood Music School ; B.M. , Chicago Conservatory College; M.A. , University of California, Santa Barbara. MILDRED C. LEE Instructor of Nursing, 1979 B.S., M.S. , California State University, Los Angeles. E. STANLEY LEONARD Associate Professor of Christian Education , 1966 B.A. , Th.B. , Fort Wayne Bible College; M.R.E., Biblical Seminary; M.A., New York University. TODD LEWIS Assistant Professor of Communication , 1974 B.A., Biola College; M.A., Ohio State University. Ph.D. Candidate , Louisiana State University VERN LEWIS Professor of Psychology, 1965-69, 1971 B.A. , Biola Coll ege; M.A., California State University , Fullerton; Ph.D. , Claremont Graduate School. BARRY LIESCH Assistant Professor of Music, 1974 B.M., University of British Columbia ; M.A. , State University of New York, Binghamton; Ph.D. , University of California, San Diego . ALBERT CHIH-SHION LIN Assistant Professor of Biological Science, 1977 B.P. , Taipei Medical College; Ph.D. , State University of New York, Buffalo.

JOYCE L. HULGUS Assistant Professor of Psychology, 1975

B.A. , Washington Bible College; M.Ed. , Millersville State College; M.A. , Candidate Ph.D. , Rosemead Graduate School of Professional Psychology. MASAKAZU IWATA Professor of History, Dean of the College, 1961 B.A. , M.A. , Ph .D., University of California, Los Angeles. JUDITH L. JENSEN Assistant Professor of Psychology, 1979 B.S. , California State University, Los Angeles; M.S. , Loma Linda University; M.A. , and Psy.D. , Rosemead Graduate School of Professional Psychology. B. CAROLYN JOHNSON Special Lecturer in Applied Performance of Music, 1979 B.A. , M.A. , California State University, Long Beach . JUNE LYNN JONES Assistant Professor of Nursing, 1978 R.N. , Bethesda Hospital ; B.S.N. , University of Cincinnati; M.S., University of Wisconsin, Madison. RICHARD JONES Professor of Education, 1963 B.A. , Wheaton College; B.D. , Fulle r Theological Seminary;

M.A., California State University, Los Angeles; Ed.D. , University of California, Los Angeles.

ROBERT KARMAN Director of Counseling Center , 1976 B.S. , Massachusetts Institute of Technology; M.A. , Rosemead Graduate School of Professional Psychology. LETA A. KILANDER Associate Professor of Nursing, 1968 R.N. , St. Luke ' s Hospital , Bellingham; B.S., University of Washington ; M.N. , University of California , Los Angeles. GORDON KIRK Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies , 1974 B.A., Biola College; M.Div. , Th.M. , Talbot Theological Seminary.


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