105, 106 GENERAL CHEMISTRY (4, 4) Principles and theories of atomic structure, chemical bonding and chemical reactivity; thermodynamics , chemical kinetics , and electro-chemistry. Laboratory emphasizes quantitative aspects of physical and inorganic chemistry. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisite: High school chemistry. Laboratory Fee $20.00. 301 , 302 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (5, 5) Structure and reactivity of carbon containing compounds; emphasis given to mechanisms of organic reactions. Second semester includes structural biochemistry. Laboratory emphasizes analytical organic and biochemistry. Three hours lecture, six hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 106. Laboratory Fee $30.00. 402 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY (3) The physical laws governing chemical reactivity are investigated. Subjects include thermodynamics, kinetics, electro-chemistry and macromolecular behavior. 407, 408 BIOCHEMISTRY (3 , 3) Fundamental concepts of metabolism, bioenergetics, biosynthesis and other chemistry of life processes. Three hours lecture . Alternate years, offered 1980-81. Prerequisite: 302. 412 LABORATORY METHODS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (2) An integrated laboratory course to accompany Chemistry 411. Modern techniques in molecular genetics , metabolic processes, bioenergetics and enzyme mechanisms. Six hours laboratory. Prerequisites: 302 and Biology 312. Laboratory Fee $30.00.
assumptions, methods and theories of science with a Biblical world view; by examining conflicts such as the questions of origins, the miraculous and man ' s relationship to the environment; and by investigating Biblical metaphors that bear upon science. (Extension program - elective credit only.) PHYSICAL SCIENCE FOR SCIENCE MAJORS 420 SPECIAL PROJECTS (1-3) Research or industrial internship. To provide practical experience in a field of the student's interest. Designed also for work experience off campus in local industry. Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing with consent. 450 SPECIAL TOPICS IN PHYSICAL SCIENCE (3) Varying course content according to student and faculty interest. Topics such as quantum mechanics , special relativity , and nuclear physics routinely offered. PHYSICS 211 GENERAL PHYSICS: MECHANICS (4) Elementary Newtonian mechanics; conservation of energy and momentum; oscillations; fluids and wave motion. Prerequisite: Mathematical Sciences 105. Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Laboratory fee $15.00. 222 GENERAL PHYSICS: ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM (4) Electrostatics; conductors and currents; magnetic fields; electromagnetic induction; electromagnetic waves. Prerequisites: 211. Mathematical Sciences 106. Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Laboratory fee $15.00. 311 ANALYTIC MECHANICS (3) Newtonian, Legrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics. One, two and many particle systems. Prerequisite: 211. 322 CIRCUITS AND INSTRUMENTATION (3) Alternating current circuits, vacuum tube and transistor characteristics, amplifiers , oscillators, and circuits commonly found in scientific instruments. Prerequisite: 222 or consent. 331 THERMODYNAMICS (3) Introduction to energy, heat, work, entropy , temperature and states of matter. The first, second and third laws of thermodynamics with an emphasis on applications. Prerequisite: 211. 332 STATISTICAL THERMODYNAMICS (3) Introduction to the theory of thermodynamics from a microscopic statistical point of view. Application to the perfect diatomic gas, perfect monatomic crystal, perfect electron gas, and photon gas. Chemical equilibrium and the phase rule. Prerequisite: 331. 341 OPTICS (3) The phenomena of diffraction, interference and polarization of light and their application. Geometrical methods applied to the optics of mirror, lenses and prism. Prerequisite : 222. CHEMISTRY 101 , 102 CHEMISTRY SURVEY (3, 3) Principles and theories of general , organic and biochemistry and their applications to medicine and nutrition. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory each semester. Prerequisite: high school chemistry and algebra with at least a grade of "C" or passing grade on entrance exam. Laboratory Fee $15.00.
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