General Information cont.
"W" in all courses in which passing work is being done . A student who fails to withdraw officially will not receive any refund and will receive a grade of " UW" in each course. To be entitled to honorable dismissal from the seminary a student must have a satisfactory conduct record and must have satisfied all obligations to the school. Transcript records will be released to other schools, upon the student's written request, provided there is no financial obligation to the seminary . COURSE NUMBERS The seminary course numbering system is designed to indicate the relative academic level of courses in this manner: 100-499 Undergraduate , baccalaureate level courses , not offered at Talbot. 500-799 Graduate level, indicating first through third year beyond baccalaureate. Arranged in sequence for M.Div. and M.A. in Christian Education: 500-599 First year 600-699 Second year 700-799 Third year 800-899 Postgraduate level , indicating fourth year beyond
88-91 86-87 84-85 80-83 78-79 76-77 72-75 70-71
3.00 2.67 2.33 2.00 1.67 1.33 1.00 0.67 0.00
B- c+ c- D+ C
Below 70 F
Failure - also assigned for withdrawal while failing Unofficial withdrawal (affects the G.P.A.)
Incomplete (assigned only in cases of extreme emergency)
Withdrawal - passing THESIS NON-RESIDENT STUDENTS A student who has completed the course requirements for his or her degree program, except for the thesis, must register each semester as Thesis Non-Resident (TNR) until the thesis is com pleted and accepted for binding by the Library. A fee of $50 is charged each semester at registration for those in the TNR classi fication . A student finishing course work in December has 1 ½ years to complete the thesis. A student finishing course work in June has one year to complete the thesis. If geographic location prevents registration in person , it is the student's responsibility to contact the office of admissions and records for registration materials. Registration by mail is subject to the same rules as registration in person. COMMENCEMENT All degree requirements must be completed before the student may participate in commencement ceremonies. Those who com plete their degree requirements during interterm or summer school must register in a non-resident status for the following semester, with graduation scheduled at the time of ·the next commencement. In such cases no tuiti?n is charged. It is expected that all graduating students will be present at commencement ceremonies except in cases of extreme emergen cy or other similarly difficult circumstances. Permission to graduate in absentia must be secured from the dean of the semi nary well in advance . GENERAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS SPIRITUAL. Candidates for degrees must manifest exemplary and consistent Christian character. THEOLOGICAL. Candidates for degrees must sign the un abridged Statement of Doctrine in the last semester of their senior year. PRACTICAL. Candidates for degrees must manifest promise of usefulness in the gospel ministry and Christian service . Also, they must have a satisfactory recommendation from the Place ment Committee . For information on the academic requirements for graduation , see specific degree programs under Graduation Requirements in the Index .
baccalaureate. Reserved for Th.M. and D.Min., which programs build on the M.Div . degree.
In general , odd-numbered courses are offered in the fall , with even-numbered courses in the spring. The units of credit are indicated by the number in parentheses after each course title in the catalog. Course prefixes indicate: BE Bible Exposition TH Systematic Theology OT Semitics and Old Testament NT New Testament Language and Literature CH Church History PHR Philosophy of Religion MIS Missions
PT Practical Theology CE Christian Education MIN Doctor of Ministry
Courses taken at the Valley Extension Center are indicated on the transcript by the letter "V" appended to the course number. Other extension centers are similarly identified with an appropri ate letter. CLASSIFICATION OF STUDENTS M.A . First Year 1-28 units Second Year 29 + units M.Div . Junior 1-28 units Middle 29-64 units Senior 65 + units GRADING SYSTEM The following numerical and letter grading system is employed by the faculty in determining the student's final grade. Grade Numerical Letter point grade grade value Meaning 96-100 A 4.00 Outstanding 94-95 A- 3.67 92-93 B+ 3.33
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