
Doctor of Ministry Program cont.

family in terms of the roles, relationships and responsibilities of its members; and 4) the future of the family in relation to biblical doctrine and contemporary trends. Interaction with current view­ points on the family and exposure to some of the main literature relative to the family in theology. Emphasis on the practical relationship of Christian family living to God, the church, the community and ultimately to the whole world. · MIN 807 EVANGELISM IN THE LOCAL CHURCH* A practical study of the biblical foundations, the theology and the "how to" of local church evangelism. Focus not upon a single method of local church evangelism, but rather upon a spectrum of basic approaches which must be considered if a church is to have a balanced and comprehensive program of outreach. MIN 808 BIBLICAL MODELS FOR MARRIAGE AND FAMILY COUNSELINGt Models for personality, partnership, parenthood and peer rela­ tionships examined in the light of the Word of God with a view to improving skills in individual, marriage and family counseling. Emphasis on the integration of psychology and theology through the case study approach to learning. MIN 809 THEOLOGY OF THE CHURCH* An examination of the fundamental doctrines concerning the church including its nature, organizational structure, ministry, sacraments, purpose and place in God's design. Discussion of the significance derived from each of these areas for the practical life of the church, with special focus on current theological issues involved. Emphasis on the meaning of these doctrines for the practical life of the church. Attention given to student projects prepared prior to the course. MIN 810 PREACHING AND CHURCH GROWTH* Examination of contemporary preaching in the light of the church growth movement. Attention given to a variety of preaching forms, such as evangelistic, expository, life-situation, socio­ prophetic, biographical, dialogue, as well as radio and television techniques. Class members involved in both analysis and actual preaching. · MIN 811 INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS IN THE CHURCH*t A biblical and practical examination of what believers ought to do with and for each other in the local church. Special attention given to: ways of facilitating fellowship, the place.of confronta­ tion, the handling of criticism, reactions to change, the potential of small groups, the administering of discipline, the meaning of love, the nature of forgiveness and the importance of unity. Key biblical words and concepts studied and practical implications developed for the program of the local church. Discussion of relationships among the staff, boards, committees and the con­ gregation at large. MIN 812 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPYt A course designed to provide the counselor with a broad under­ standing of the marriage and family counseling process, coupled with training in the use of specific techniques and therapy strategies. Specific attention given to such topics as marriage contracts, human sexual inadequacy, family systems, as well as others, all from the perspective of the Christian counselor. Case histories and personal counseling experiences of class members to supplement theoretical matters.

a follow-up project at the conclusion of the classroom experience. D.Min. course descriptions are listed below. A minimum grade of "B" must be maintained in each course acceptable toward completion of tl).e program. 2. A Dissertation Action Project: Action research, as disting­ uished from library research, will be conducted by the can­ didate in the major field of concentration. Ordinarily, the minimum length will be 100 pages and the maximum length 150 pages. However, the quality of the project will be con­ sidered of more importance than the length. The subject must be approved by the candidate's advisor. The disserta­ tion action project must be submitted to the student's advisor according to dates prescribed by the Graduate Committee. The original and one copy of the dissertation, completed in prescribed seminary form, must be in the dean's office three months before graduation. A schedule of classes is available upon request. For more in­ formation, please contact: Dr. James Conway, Director of the D.Min. Program, Talbot Theological Seminary, La Mirada, California, 90639-0001. DOCTOR OF MINISTRY COURSES Courses in this section are conducted at the postgraduate level, with enrollment restricted to those who have been granted admis­

sion to the D.Min. program at Talbot. MIN 801 PASTOR'S SYMPOSIUM*

An in-depth study of the varied tasks of the contemporary pastor, with particular consideration of his roles as expositor, discipler, evangelist, counselor and leader of worship. Pastors who have distinguished themselves as thoughtful practitioners of the art serve as resource leaders. MIN 803 PRE-MARITAL AND MARITAL COUNSELINGt A course designed to equip the pastor in the principles of both pre-marital and marital counseling. Emphasis given to the prac­ tical aspects of structuring and conducting a complete pre-marital preparation program wfrhin the local church. Specific techniques for marital counseling to be presented, discussed and demon­ strated throughout the duration of this course. Prerequisite: training in the use ofthe Taylor-]ohnson Temperament Analysis. MIN 805 PHILOSOPHY OF MINlSTRY* A practical approach to a philosophy of ministry with a study of several contemporary approaches to local church ministry; re­ search into a biblical framework for priorities, goals, organiza­ tion and effective leadership in the local church. A course de­ signed to enhance the minister's ability to consider the various options and facets of today's ministry and focus them for effec­ tive evangelism, discipleship and worship. MIN 806 THE FAMILY IN SCRIPTURE AND THEOLOGYt Research into the family in Scripture from an exegetical examina­ tion of the more significant biblical passages which deal with the family. Attention given to more detailed discussions of the biblic­ al teaching about such basic concepts as headship, Christian love, self-image, fear and parental discipline. An examination of the family in theology, with consideration givpn to a theological perspective of: 1) the institution of the family; 2) the foundation of the family in the marriage relationship; 3) the function of the


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