
hood and sacrificial systems to New Testament fulfillment in Christ. Elective. BE 715 THE GENERAL EPISTLES (2) James, First Peter and Jude studied as to the occasion , purpose, structure, contents and message of each writing. Elective. BE 716 THE JOHANNINE EPISTLES (2) A detailed study of these epistles which unfolds the practical solution to the problems of fellowship and falsity. Elective . BE 718 HIGHLIGHTS OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE (N.T.) (2) An exposition of key passages on the life of the believer, with a survey of various systems of belief in regard to spiritual living and a correlation of various facets in the Christian experience. Elec­ tive. BE 719 BIBLICAL EXPOSITION OF PRAYER (2) An exposition of representative prayers and the teaching about prayer in the Old and New Testaments, with special emphasis on the nature of.the Father, the example and teaching of Jesus , the role of the Holy Spirit, and the requirements of discipleship. Elective. BE 720 BIBLICAL EXPOSITION OF REWARD (2) An expository survey of the believer's future reward according to representative passages in both testaments , also a comparison with concepts in the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, Dead Sea

BE 700 EXODUS AND LEVITICUS (2) An exposition of the books with a focus on the background, themes, special problems and the redemptive plan as in the tabernacle, priesthood, offering, feasts and ordinances, in rela­ tion to the New Testament. Elective. BE 701 STUDIES IN JOSHUA THROUGH ESTHER (2) An exposition of selected portions on the conquest of Canaan, the periods of the judges and the kings; also a focus on backgrounds and customs, relationship of truths to the New Testament and spiritual lessons in the lives of the biblical characters. Elective. BE 702 THE POETICAL BOOKS (2) An examination of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon, noting features of Hebrew poetry and the significance of the contents of each writing. Elective. BE 703 THE PSALMS (2) A study of the structure of the Psalter and a survey of the contents as they point to a variety of subject matter and purpose, with special focus on prophetic and devotional values. Elective. BE 704 EZEKIEL (2) A study of the life and times of Ezekiel and an exposition of the book with emphasis on God's dealings with Israel and solutions to key interpretive problems. Applications to believers today are highlighted. Elective. BE 706 THE MINOR PROPHETS (2) A study of the place and function of the prophet in Israel's life, a rapid survey of each book in view of the political, social and religious conditions of the times, and the special message of each prophet as clarified by the emphasis of the content. Elective. BE 707 THE GOSPEL OF JOHN (2) A study of John's Gospel in the light of the author's stated purpose, with emphasis on its contribution to the knowledge of the person and work of Christ . Elective. BE 708 ACTS (2) An exposition of the book with special attention given to interpre­ tive questions and the relation of the message to other Scripture. Prescribed for M.A. (Min.) students. BE 709 THE CORINTHIAN EPISTLES (2) An exposition of each epistle in the light of the social and moral conditions of the times, with special focus on the doctrinal and ethical values and their application to church problems of today. Elective. BE 710 GALATIANS (2) An exposition. of the epistle which devotes special attention to interpretive questions concerning justification by faith and the life of the Christian according to the principles of divine grace. Elective. BE 711 THE PRISON EPISTLES (2) An exposition of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon which unfolds divine revelation about the church and its calling, its relationship to Christ and its life in the world today. Special attention given to more crucial interpretive problems . Elective. BE 712 THE PASTORAL EPISTLES (2) The epistles to Timothy and Titus expounded in the light of their special emphasis upon pastoral ministration and church disci­ pline. Elective. BE 713 THE ESCHATOLOGJCAL EPISTLES (2) An exposition of First and Second Thessalonians and Second Peter with regard to truth concerning our Lord's return and related matters. Elective. BE 714 HEBREWS (2) An exposition showing the relation of the Old Testament priest-

scrolls and Rabbinic Judaism. Elective. BE 721 PROBLEM PASSAGES (2)

A study of selected important problem passages of both testa­ ments in the light of hermeneutical principles, including a survey of literature in the field. Elective. BE 796 THESIS (0) Prescribed for M.A. (B.S., B.E.) and Th.M. (Bible) students. BE 797 THESIS FIRST DRAFT (2) First draft of thesis.* BE 798 THESIS FINAL DRAFT (2)· Final draft of thesis .* BE 801 PARABLES (2) A survey of the parables in the Bible with special emphasis on the parables of Christ , rules governing their interpretation and their dispensational import and application in modern preaching. Elec­ tive for Th.M. students; others by department permission. BE 802 MIRACLES (2) A study of the miracles of Christ, their setting, interpretation, dispensational significance and application in modern preaching. Elective for Th.M . students; others by department permission . BE 803 BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY (2) A presentation of the cultural development of the Holy Land and nations of the Fertile Crescent in relation to Israel, the strategic location of the Holy Land, the climate and topography, and the location of important place names. Elective for Th .M. students; others by department permission. BE 804 THE HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE (2) The fascinating story of how our English Bible is traced from the ancient manuscripts to the latest modem versions. Electil'e for Th.M. students; others by department permission. BE 805 BIBLICAL CHRONOLOGY (2) A survey of problems in chronology throughout Scripture with special emphasis given to more crucial areas, such as Genesis 1, the judges and the kings, and matters relating to Christ. Elective for Th.M. students; others by department permission. *BE 797 and 798 are prescribed for the M. Div. students majoring in this department who will write a thesis. BE 797 will be taken at the completion of64 units and BE 798 at the completion of80 units. Neither of the two is applicable toward graduation unless both have been completed.


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