"The aim of the Semitics and Old Testament department is to give a sound basis for exposition of the Old Testament. Tools can be acquired which will enable the expositor to glean fresh insights from the Bible throughout a lifetime."
Dr. Thomas Finley Associate Professor ofSemitics and Old Testament
Department of Semitics and Old Testament Thomas J. Finley, Ph.D., Chair
OT 709-710 READING OF SELECTED PSALMS FROM THE HEBREW TEXT (2, 2) Particular emphasis upon the devotional and practical values . Prerequisite: OT 604. Elective.* OT 711-712 MESSIANIC PROPHECIES (2, 2) The Messianic prophecies in their progressive unfolding on the basis of the Hebrew text. Prerequisite: OT 604. Elective.* OT 714 READINGS IN THE MINOR PROPHETS (2) Selected passages from the minor prophets with reference to the versions and interpretative problems. Prerequisite: OT 604 . Elective.* OT 716 OLD TESTAMENT TEXT, CANON AND INTRODUCTORY STUDIES (2) Text, canon and examination of the foundations and conclusions ofmodem historical-critical methods, with particular reference to Pentateuchal criticism; special introduction of selected Old Testa ment books. Prescribed for M.Div. and M.A. (B.S., O.T.) stu dents. Prerequisite: OT 603. OT 717 ARCHAEOLOGY AND THE OLD TESTAMENT (2) A treatment of the archaeological method. Survey of the history of excavations in Palestine, Egypt and Mesopotamia, and the bearing of discoveries on the Old Testament. Elective.* OT 718 ARCHAEOLOGY OF PALESTINE (2) The history of excavation, the history and geography of the land and the bearing upon the Old Testament. Elective .* OT 725 APOCRYPHA AND PSEUDEPIGRAPHA (2) Consideration of the non-canonical literature from the period between the Testaments. Emphasis on the development of Jewish thought during the centuries before the advent of Christianity. Elective.* OT 730 THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS (2) A survey of the discoveries, the origin of the Qurnran Commun ity, its beliefs and practices and the relationship of the finds to Old
Associate Professors: Finley, Rigsby
The aim of this department is to acquaint the student with the life, customs and thought of the Hebrews and their neighbors in the biblical and related periods; and to give the student an accurate foundation in Hebrew grammar, syntax and exegesis, so that his expositions of the English Bible will reflect this sound basis of interpretation. The department purposes not to be exhaustive, but rather directive in the matter of further independent study from the original languages. OT 506 OLD TESTAMENT INTRODUCTION (3) A study of the canon of the Old Testament and an examination of the foundations and conclusions of modem historical-critical methods with particular reference to Pentateuchal criticism; intro duction to the separate books. Prescribedfor M .A. (B.S., B .E.) and M.A. (C.E.) students. OT 603 ELEMENTS OF HEBREW (4) Basic grammar with translation and written exercises; readings of selected biblical texts. Prescribed for M. Div. and M.A. (B.S.) students. OT 604 ADVANCED HEBREW (4) Grammar and syntax with selected readings and exegesis in biblical texts, including passages in Zechariah . Prescribed for M. Div. and M.A. (B.S.) students. OT 704 OLD TESTAMENT PROPHECY (2) The character, extent and personalities of Old Testament prophe cy, with a treatment of principles of prophetic interpretation . Elective.* OT 705 ADVANCED HEBREW READING (2) Selected passages of the Hebrew text with emphasis on reading and translation. Prerequisite: OT 604. Elective.* OT 706 ADVANCED HEBREW GRAMMAR (2) A study of the details of Hebrew grammar and syntax along with readings in the Hebrew text. Prerequisite: OT 604. Elective.* OT 707 OLD TESTAMENT POETRY (2) The nature, scope, and principles of Hebrew poetry in the Old Testament. Comparisons with the poetry of the Near East. Elective.*
and New Testament studies. Elective.* OT 731 BIBLICAL ARAMAIC (4)
A study of the grammar with emphasis on comparisons with Hebrew; translating of all the Aramaic of Daniel and Ezra. Prerequisite: 604. Elective.* OT 732 SEMINAR IN HEBREW EXEGESIS (2-4) A consideration of selected Old Testament passages with em phasis on historical background and detailed exegesis from the Hebrew text. Prerequisite: OT 604. Elective.* OT 796 THESIS (0) Prescribedfor M.A. (B .S., O.T.) and Th . M. (O.T.) students. OT 797 THESIS FIRST DRAFT (2) First draft of thesis.** OT 798 THESIS FINAL DRAFT (2) Final draft of thesis.** OT 801 THE BOOK OF JOB (2) The underlying problems in the book, the interpretation of the
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