
"God has provided two special ingredients (among others) that enhance Talbot's New Testament program: (1) a faculty that combines academic skill and practical experience and (2) special circumstances permitting specialization in New Testament interpretation. Our graduates who have emphasized New Testament studies are currently strong Bible expositors and faculty leaders throughout the world.,, Dr. Robert L. Thomas Professor ofNew Testament Language and Literature

Department of New Testament Language and Literature Robert L. Thomas, Th .D., Chair


Advanced exegesis dealing with the original text. Special atten tion given to the structure and to the interpretative problems of th< epistle. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective.* NT 604 EXEGESIS OF THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS (2) Advanced exegesis of the Greek text. Preparation of a commen tary by the student on a selected portion. Prerequisite: NT 505 Elective.* NT 606 NEW TESTAMENT INTRODUCTION (3) New Testament historical backgrounds; English translations o the New Testament; formation , history, extent and transmissior of the canon; special introduction of each New Testament book Prescribed for M.A. (B.S., B.E.) and M.A. (C.E.) students. NT 706 EXEGESIS OF THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS (2) Translation and exegesis of the epistle. Preparation of a commen tary by the student. Prerequisite: NT 505. Elective.* NT 707 EXEGESIS OF THE EPISTLE TO THE COLOSSIANS (2) Introduction to the epistle with emphasis upon the problemi present in the Colossian church. Exegesis of the epistle . Pre requisite : NT 505. Elective.* NT 708 EXEGESIS OF THE EPISTLE OF SECOND CORINTHIANS (2) A detailed study of the Greek text of the epistle with specia attention given to problems of grammar and interpretation. Pre requisite: NT 505. Elective.* NT 709 LIFE OF CHRIST (2) . A study of the mission, life and teachings of Christ on the bas is oJ a harmony of the Gospels. Attention given to the simi larities anc




Professor: Thomas Associate Professor: McDougall Assistant Professor: Hutchison


The purpose of this department is to impart to the student a knowledge of the Greek New Testament which includes three principal areas: historical backgrounds, Greek grammar and ex­ egesis of the text. The plan is to provide students with tools which will enable them to utilize the Greek text in future study and in exposition of the Word of God. A qualifying examination in Greek is available to all students with previous Greek training. Those with a grade of "C" or higher on the examination will be enrolled in NT 505 and the rest in NT 501. NT 501 -502 BEGINNING GREEK (2, 2) An introductory study of the basic elements of New Testament Greek. Translation of portions of the New Testament in the second semester. For those who are deficient in Greek and plan to study the language in seminary. Prescribed for those who do not qualify by examination for NT 505. NT 505 GRAMMAR AND INTRODUCTION TO EXEGESIS (4) Translation, building a Greek vocabulary, consideration of syn­ tactical principles and the use of these in developing a compre­ hensive exegetical method. Prescribed for M. Div., M.A. (B.S.) and M.A. (T.S.) students. NT 506 EXEGESIS OF SELECTED EPISTLES (4) Exegetical study of four epistles taken from the following list: I Thessalonians, II Thessalonians, James , I Peter, I John . Atten­ tion given to content , authors ' styles and the epistles' characteris­ tics and to assisting each student to develop an exegetical methodology. Prerequisite: NT 505. Prescribed for M.Div. and M.A. (B.S . , N.T.) students.


differences in the Gospel accounts. Elective.* NT 711 THE INTER-BIBLICAL PERIOD (2)

l NT 714 THE SYNOPTIC DISCOURSES OF CHRIST (2) Christ's major discourses in the Synoptic Gospels, with principa emphasis upon the Sermon on the Mount, the Parables of the Mysteries of the Kingdom and the Olivet Discourse. Pre­ requisite: NT 505. Elective.* NT 716 NEW TESTAMENT TEXT, CANON AND INTRODUCTORY STUDIES (2) Textual criticism; formation, history, extent and transmission o the canon; special introduction of selected New Testament books. Prerequisite: NT 505. Prescribed for M.Div . and M.A. (B .S. O.T. and N.T.) students, others by department permission . NT 717 SENIOR SEMINAR (2-4) Supervised research of designated problems in New Testamenl literature, history , interpretation or theology. Elective .* l , The political, social, religious and literary history of the Jews ir: the period between the Old and New Testaments as an aid to~ clearer understanding of the Gospel accounts and the Apostolic Age. Elective.*


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