Department of Christian Education cont.
Christian magazines. The value , principles, planning and promo tion of church publicity . The place of public relations in the life o the church. Practice in preparation of bulletins, news releases, promotional letters and display advertising. Emphasis on direct mail, radio and television. Elective. CE 649 INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY (2) Administration of the audio-visual program for the local church. Methods for use of materials for various age levels . Study of equipment and source materials, principles and practices. Elective. CE 730-731 CREATIVE EDUCATIONAL PROCEDURES (2, 2) Research into the educational value of creative classroom tech niques. Development of skills essential to simulation and gaming, programmed instruction, personalized systems of in struction, and computer-based instruction. One or more sections may be offered each year with different emphases. Elective. MINISTERIAL COUNSELING AND FAMILY MINISTRIES CE 522 COUNSELING TECHNIQUES (4) The special distinctives of the counselor in a religious setting, his ministry to all age groups, referral , qualifications, techniques and rehabilitation programs. Study of cases via films, tape and live case analysis with role playing to develop skill in these areas. Training and actual counseling experience are provided. Psycho logical study of the delinquent, alcoholic , adolescent, aged, sick and suicidal will be included followed by case studies and counseling principles . Prescribed for M.A. (C.E.) and M.A. (M.F .M.) students. CE 624 GROUP DYNAMICS AND HUMAN RELATIONS (Same as PT 724) (2) Theory and practices of the group processes as applied to church groups, social activities, classes, committees and inter-church councils. Investigation of the techniques of sensitivity training as it relates to the church. Methods of Christian growth in the small
Analysis ofministries of edification as they relate to the personal, the interpersonal, the congregational and the administrative aspects of ministry with people of all ages (631). Analysis of worship and witness ministries in and emanating from the church (632). In both courses focus is on the exploration of various methods and resources available for ministry and on the develop ment of individual skills in communicating and leading in these ministries. Prescribed for M .A . (C.E.) students. CE 631 pre scribed for M.Div. (C.E. major) students. CE 633 PRINCIPLES OF RESEARCH (2) A review of basic techniques for educational research with assessment of each technique for its use in religious education. Consideration of statistical methods. Development of a plan for a research project . Elective. CE 635 COLLEGE TEACHING PROCEDURES (2) Concepts of aims, learning, tests and measurements and class room procedures at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Newer procedures in guided learning and teaching machines . Elective. CE 638 CURRENT TRENDS IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (2) Identifying and understanding those issues which are of primary concern to the field of Christian education today . Opportunity will be provided for individual and group research in areas of personal concern. The course will investigate current educational trends, alternative church education patterns and new forms of ministry. Elective. CE 641 RELIGIOUS DRAMATICS (2) The place and value of religious drama. Criteria for play selection and reading in the field. Elements of production with practical ways of making lighting equipment, costumes and set designing. Elective. CE 642 LEISURE, RECREATION AND THE CHURCH (2) Exploration into the biblical concepts of leisure and the use of leisure time. Patterns of recreational and social activities in the local church. Leadership development in recreational skills. Elective . CE 644 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH (Same as PT 644) (2) The place of music in the church ' s program. Criteria for the selection of appropriate music. Techniques for leading music and teaching various groups. The relationship of music to worship, instruction and fellowship. Elective. CE 645 HYMNOLOGY (Same as PT 645) (2) The historical development of hymns and hymn tunes in the several national traditions, with emphasis upon the English
group environment is a major emphasis. Elective. CE 627 PREMARITAL PREPARATION AND COUNSELING (Same as PT 727) (2)
Counseling techniques applied to dating and courtship, engage ment and premarital adjustments. Principles and structures of premarital counseling are stressed and demonstrated. Emphasis on the use of TJTA, Prepare, and Family History analysis. Prerequisite: CE 522 or permission ofprofessor. Prescribed for M.A . (M.F.M.) students. CE 628 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY COUNSELING . (Same as PT 728) (4) Advanced course dealing with problems and conflicts within marriage and family settings. Counseling methods and practical behavioral methods from a scriptural context designed to meet problems and conflicts; conducted via demonstrations, case stud ies and counseling involvement. Prerequisite: CE 522 and 627 and permission from the department chairman. Prescribed for M.A. (M.F.M.) students. Elective. CE 629 GROUP COUNSELING AND THERAPY (Same as PT 729) (2) Training in the principles of counseling and therapy in a group setting. The class itself used as a laboratory experience with the student participating both in the role of therapist and client. Prerequisite: CE 624. Elective .
hymn; evaluation and use of hymns. Elective. CE 647 CONGREGATIONAL AND CHORAL CONDUCTING (Same as PT 647) (2)
Instruction in the fundamentals of the conductor's art, beginning with the simple rhythms and advancing to the larger forms of church music. Elective. CE 648 RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM (2) The fundamental principles and basic forms of writing. Attention to writing for newspapers, denominational and interdenomina tional publications, radio and television. The writing of drama for
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