
tian education department using standard research procedures. Topic selection and course enrollment is by advisor's approval. Elective. CE 690 EDUCATIONAL INTERNSHIP (2-8) Structured field experience in educational ministries, age level programs and/or parachurch ministries. Consultation and super­ vision under both faculty and field personnel. Minimum of 100 hours field involvement for each unit of credit. Prerequisite: Completion ofhalf the required units for the M.A. (C.E.). Admis­ sion by signature only. Elective. CE 791-792 EDUCATIONAL PRACTICUM (2, 2) Directed experiences in educational ministries conducted through a local church. Praxis in leadership for major educational func­ tions for various age levels. A minimum of 100 hours field involvement per semester. Prerequisite: 48 units of class work. Prescribedfor, and limited to, M.Div. students majoring in C.E.

CE 673 BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE FAMILY (Same as PT 773)(2) Relating biblical teachings about marriage, family and human relationships to the nuclear and extended families, early marriage and parenting skills. Prescribed for M.A. (M.F.M.) students. Elective. CE 674 THE MINISTER AND HIS FAMILY (2) (Same as PT 774) A consideration of the special and unique problems faced by vocational Christian workers and their families. Includes all phases of occupational Christian ministry. Prescribed for M.A. (M.F.M.) students. CE 675 FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION IN THE LOCAL CHURCH (Same as PT 775) (4) Objectives, organization and administration of a program of family life education in the local church. Includes an analysis of current trends in family life education. Prescribed for M.A. (M.F.M .) students. CE 722 COUNSELING TROUBLED FAMILIES (2) A comparison of positive and negative family systems in Scrip­ ture, in theory and in church life. Then the development of a team approach to intervention, enrichment and equipping for ministry to families. Prerequisite: CE 522, 628 and 675 or their equiva­ lents. Prescribed for M.A. (M.F.M.) students. Elective. INDEPENDENT PROGRAMMING CE 636-637 INDEPENDENT STUDY (1-2, 1-2) In-depth investigation of a topic under the guidance of the Chris-

CE 797 THESIS FIRST DRAFT (2) First draft of thesis or thesis project.* CE 798 THESIS FINAL DRAFT (2) Final draft of thesis or thesis project.*

*CE 797 and 798 are prescribed for the M.A. and M.Div. students in this department who will write a thesis or thesis project. M.A.C.E. students will take the series in this order: CE 797 at the completion of32 units, and CE 798 at the completion of48 units. M .Div. students will take the series in this order: CE 797 at the completion of64 units, and CE 798 at the completion of80 units. Neither of the two is applicable toward graduation unless both have been completed.


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