
Admission, Registration and Graduation Requiretnents cont. semester units of credit. The maximum limit for recognized correspondence courses in Bible is six units. RE-ADMISSION

ADMISSION OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS AND RESIDENT ALIENS English Proficiency: It is essential that students from other countries be able to understand directions and lectures in English and also be able to express their thoughts clearly in spoken Engli sh immediately upon arrival on campus. In order that the applicant's proficiency in English may be determined, the appli­ cant must take the Test of Eng li sh as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) as admini stered by the Educational Testing Service at the nearest overseas examinat ion center. The minimum score for admission is a total score of 500. The preferred score is 550 or higher. All students whose native language is other than English must take and pass EN 107 (Eng li sh as a Second Language) their first semester in residence. (See page 54) Students who wish to take TOEFL shou ld obta in the TOEFL Bulletin of Information for Candidates , International Edition. Copies of this Bulletin and the Registration Form may be obtai ned in a number of cities outside the United States . They often are available at American embassies and consu lates, offices of the United States Information Service (USIS), Un ited States edu­ cationa l commissions and foundations abroad, and binational centers. Students who cannot obtain loca lly a TOEFL Bulletin ofInforma­ tion for Candidates, International Edition and Registration Form should write for them well in advance to: Test of English as a Fore ign Language, Box 899-R, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A. 08541. Because this test is administered on ly at certain times, the candi­ date for admission should make inquiry as to the testing dates well in advance of the date of anticipated matriculation in the United States . Financial Responsibility of International Students: All appli­ cants for admiss ion to Biola University must establi sh the degree of their financial responsibility to meet the costs of an education in the United States. The student must supply information attest­ ing to his ability to provide Uni ted States dollars in the minimum amount required to support the costs of tuition and room and board, in excess of the cost of a round trip fare from his native country. Applicants who do not have the finances to pay all of their expenses must come under the sponsorship of an approved mis­ sion or other approved agency. Sponsorship must include finan­ cial responsibility toward the sponsored student . Employment: Foreign students admitted to the United States on a student visa are required by law to be registered as full-time students, carrying a minimum of 12 credit units of academic work. No off-campus employment is permitted such a student without written permission of the United States Immigration authorities. Such permission is se ldom granted. VETERANS Biota University is approved as a degree-granting institution for the attendance of vet~rans under Title 38, United States Code. This includes the programs covered in chapters 31, 34 and 35 of Title 38, relating also to the educati on of disabled veterans and war orphans. The Ca li fornia Department of Veterans Affairs has

A student who has attended Biola University and has dropped out for one semester or longer will be required to file an application for re-admission and pay a fee of $5 . Students enrolled for the spring semester, but who fail to pre-register for the fall semester , will be charged a $25 re-application fee. ADVANCED PLACEMENT PROGRAM Biola University. as a member of the College Entrance Examina­ tion Board, recognizes the merits of the Advanced Placement Program and will grant credit for Advanced Placement courses taken in high school. Credit will be given when recommended by the high school and when the Advanced Placement examination grade is 3 or better. COLLEGE LEVEL EXAMINATION PROGRAM Biola University subscribes to the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) of the Col lege Entrance Examination Board. Biola University enco ura ges transfer students from non­ accredited schools to va lidate certain credits on the basis' of the examinations provided by this program. High school students with superior records are encouraged to take the general examina­ tions prior to entering Biola University. Credit for CLEP general examinat ions will be awarded only in those areas where a general education requirement has not been met by previous college course work , and only up to the amount needed to complete the requirement. (For example , a maximum of only eight units in the sciences and mathematics will be released if the student has no credits in these areas.) Elective credit will not be given for the general examinations of CLEP. Credits wi ll be awarded for CLEP subject examinations in areas not covered by CLEP general examinations provided no college credits have been attempted or earned in the same field. Students should not take English composition through CLEP . Students are advised to take the CLEP tests as early as possible in their college program to receive the maximum value from them. Bio la University reserves the right to determine the score at which credits will be released and the amount of credit awarded. The office of admissions and records has final authority for the release of CLEP credits into Biola University. CHALLENGING A COURSE In addition to the Advanced Placement Program and the College Level Examination Program, both of wh ich may release ac tual units of credit toward graduation , it is possible for a student to challenge a pa11icular course or requirement. If the student demonstrates by his performance on a comprehensive examina­ tion that he has a good grasp of the course content he can be granted exemption from taking the course but no units of cred it will be allowed. However , for the R.N. or L. V .N. , units of credit may be granted based on challenge examinations . Specific in­ formation regarding these examinations is available from the department of nursing. For further information see the dean of admissions and records.


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