The Master ofArts Degree. Offered in Christian school adminis tration and education (through the education department). TALBOT THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY , a professional gradu ate school of Biola University , offers the Master ofArts degree in biblical studies , ministry , Christian education , missions , theo logical studies and marriage and family ministries. Talbot also offers the Master of Divinity degree , the Master of Theology degree and the Doctor of Ministry degree. ROSEMEAD SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY, a professional school of Biola University , offers the Master ofArts , the Doctor of Psychology and the Doctor of Philosophy degrees in clinical psychology. DOUBLE MAJOR A student may be graduated with two majors. The following information is for those pursuing two majors: All pre-requisites , supporting courses and departmental require ments for each major must be completed . The second major must have a minimum of 18 upper division units unique to that major (i .e ., minimum of 48 major units and 148 total units required - see individual major requirements). The student must confer with the departments in which he will major and with the registrar. MINORS Although Biola University does not require the student to have a minor for graduation, there are a number of instances in which a student may wish to take a minor , especially in planning for a career in teaching. By checking the various departments of the catalog , a student may determine if a minor is offered. A minor usually requires a minimum of 18 units , 12 of which should be upper division. Nine units must be taken in residence , six of which must be upper division . All units must be unique to the minor and may not be counted toward major requirements.
An additional $1 will be added to the transcript fee for rush (over the counter) requests. NAME CHANGES All name changes by marriage , divorce or court order must be accompanied by a copy of the legal action which changes the individual's name . EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES All groups or individuals who represent the university must manifest satisfactory standing as to application , cooperation , spiritual life and scholastic attainment (the overall grade point average must be C) , and must be approved by the faculty. PRE-PROFESSIONAL COURSES Many leading educators in the professional fields recognize that a liberal arts curriculum provides the most suitable undergraduate preparation. The satisfactory completion of the courses required of all students during their first two years in attendance at Biola University provides much of the necessary background. Biola University offers courses which serve as foundational material for several of the professions. There are certain basic courses in natural science, language and social science which are required by most professional schools . To be sure that the proper courses are selected, the student should seek information from the professional school of his choice . Pre-Medical: In addition to the general courses a student in terested in entering the medical field should take courses in biology, chemistry , physics and mathematics. See the biological science or physical science majors for specific recommendations and requirements. Pre-Legal: In addition to the general courses a student interested in entering the field of law should take courses in modem lan guages, political science, economics , American history and gov ernment, and related subjects. Pre-Seminary: Biola University provides an excellent back ground in undergraduate education for seminary training . The general education requirements , the Bible requirements and ma jor field requirements in their total scope meet the requirements for admission into seminary . The pre-seminary student should check his program at Biola University with the requirements of the particular seminary he plans to enter. DEGREES OFFERED The Bachelor ofArts Degree. Offered with majors in American studies, art, biblical studies , communication , English, history , humanities, intercultural studies, liberal studies (see education department) , music , psychology , social science and sociology. The Bachelor of Music Degree. Offered with emphases in ap plied music , music theory and composition and music education . The Bachelor of Science Degree. Offered with majors in bio logical science , business administration , Christian educa tion, mathematical sciences , nursing , physical science, public administration , physical education and recreation and camp administration. All baccalaureate degrees require a minimum of 130 semester units of credit for graduation. Each major consists of a minimum of 30 units of which 24 must be upper division. The Bachelor of Music degree requires 140 units . The majors in recreation and camp administration and business administration require 134 units. A degree in biological science requires I35 units and nursing, 142 1,1nits. For specific major requirements please see indicated major listings.
1. Completion of all academic requirements and approval of the student's graduation petition by the major advisor and the registrar a year before your graduation date. 2. A minimum of thirty units must be taken at Biola University , including at least fifteen units (upper division level ) in the major field . Extension credit or credit by examination may not be used to fulfill the minimum residence requirement of 30 semester units. Students desiring a minor , see paragraph above on minors. 3. A "C" average (or a 2.00 grade point average) is required on all work taken at Biola University , and within the major field . 4. A minimum of 130 units of university work must be success fully completed . 5. All course work during the final semester which will be applied toward graduation requirements must be taken at Biola. SPECIAL NOTE: All graduation requirements may be met within four school years by carrying approximately 16 or 17 units each semester. A student may still be graduated within four years if he wishes to take a lighter load and will enroll in summer school and/or interterm. continued 29
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