"Through courses and an internship program, Biola's art department has prepared me for a career in the graphic arts industry. Working through philosophical and ethical problems was also part of our curriculum. As Christian faculty and students, we shared our questions and discoveries and discussed how to be the best Christian artist possible." Becky Gerlach Art student Department of Art FACULTY 110 DESIGN I (3) Problems involving the basic elements of design. Fee $ 15 . 115 CERAMICS I (3) Basic techniques of clay handling and glazing. Fee $15. 120 SCULPTURE I (3) Introductory problems in three-dimensional expression, includ ing carving, modeling and casting. Fee $25 . 200 DESIGN II (3)
A continuation of Design 110 , with problems in color, composi tion and rendering. Prerequisite: I IO or consent. Fee $15. 204 THREE-DIMENSIONAL DESIGN (3) Studio projects investigating the principles of three-dimensional design in various media. Fee $15. 206 DRAWING II (3) Continuation of Drawing I studying sti ll life and model in various media. No prerequisite for non-art majors. Art major pre requisite: 103 or consent. Fee $20. 207 LETTERING (3) Basic styles of lettering; practice in pen and brush lettering; display signs and manuscript projects. Fee $ I5. 208 PRINTMAKING I (3) Introduction to printmaking processes including woodcut , linoleum block , collage print and serigraphy. No prerequisite for non-art majors . Art major prerequisite: I 03 or consent. Fee: $15. 301 ART HISTORY I (3) Survey of ancient and medieval art; emphasis on works of architecture, sculpture, painting and their significance in general world culture. 302 ART HISTORY II (3) Historical and cultural consideration of visual art from the Renaissance to the present. 304 CERAMICS II (3) Advanced studies in techniques of ceramics, including use of kiln. No prerequisite for non-a11 majors. Art major prerequisite: 115 or consent. Fee $15. 305 SCULPTURE II (3) Advanced studies in sculpture with emphasis on student research and experimentation . No prerequisite for non-art majors. Art major prerequisite: 120 or consent. Fee $25. 306 ELEMENTARY ART WORKSHOP (3) Developing and preparing art projects suitable for elementary school pupils. Fee $15 . 308 PAINTING II (3) Pictorial problems in various techniques of painting. Pre requisites: Art 103 , 105 , 110 or consent . Fee $20 .
Associate Professor: Zamora Assistant Professor: Mitten Instructor: Acquistapace
Objectives: The art department seeks to aid in the development of men and women for the life and production of the artist ; to provide guidance in the development of a biblical philosophy of art that relates to the person, his Creator, and in tum , to the world . Upon completion of the art major , the student should have begun to develop an adequate foundational understanding of various areas of expression: ski lls in areas of two and three-dimensional fine arts, advertising design and art education . Through develop ment of skills, philosophy and historical perspectives of art , the Biola graduate should be prepared for post graduate study or a career in art in either secular or Christian related enterprises. Department Major: 50 units of art of which 33 are specified requirements (see department for listing). The remaining 17 units are art electives. Department Major with Advertising Design Emphasis: 50 units of art of which 33 are specific requirements , 10-13 units are specified upper division core requirements and 4-7 units are art/ communicatfon electives. Department Major with Education Emphasis: 38 units of art of which 33 units are specific requirements , five units are elec tives in art. (Please consult with education department and major advisor.) Department Minor: The student must complete lower division courses 100, 103, 110 and six units of electives , plus six units of upper division courses totaling 20 units. 100 ART INTRODUCTION (3) Designed to promote an appreciation of painting, scu lpture and architecture, as well as the graphics, industrial and decorative arts; comparative study of styles, periods and artists. 103 DRAWING I (3) Basic drawing to study form , perspective and composition. Fee $15. 104 CRATTS (3) Introductory studies in various forms of handicrafts , including silk screening, textiles , stained glass, leather and weaving. Fee $20. 105 PAINTING I (3) Painting in oil, problems using sti ll life. No prerequisite for non-art majors. Art major prerequisite: 103 or consent. Either semester. Fee $15.
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