

Prerequisites: Economics 201 , 202 Business 221 , 320 , 330 , 334 or consent.

Methods, policies and principles of modern marketing systems ; various channels of distribution and future trends . Prerequisite : 320 , Economics 201. 331 CONSUMER BEHAVIOR (3) Consumer buying patterns , decision making , motivation and behavior. Behavioral science applied to the solution of marketing problems. Behavioral research techniques. Prerequisites: Psychology 200, Business 221 , 320, 330 , Economics 201. 334 ADVERTISING PRINCIPLES (3) Advertising methods currently used for promotion of products , services , ideas and events by business firms , trade associations and community organizations, including the church; assigned student projects. Prerequisite: 111 or consent , 330. 431 MARKETING MANAGEMENT (3) Planning and implementing marketing policies and strategy. De­ veloping marketing mix. Organizing and administering the marketing and sales department. Planning distribution channels of consumer and industrial goods. Forecasting and budgeting. Market Analysis. Marketing problems. Public policy in market­ ing. Prerequisites: Business 221 , 320, 330 , 334 , 370 , Economics 201 , 202 or consent. 432 MARKETING RESEARCH (3) Research methods and applications in advertising , distribution , product development. Identification of data sources. Collection , analysis and interpretation of data in solving marketing problems. Preparation of research reports . Prerequisites: Economics 20 I, 202, Business 221, 320, 321, 330 , 334 or consent , 420. 434 MARKETING FOR NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS (3) Role of marketing in churches , missionary organizations , public agencies, health services, schools, museums , public utilities , public transportation , arts , etc. Planning, research , product and service development, pricing , promotion and public relations .

QUANTITATIVE MANAGEMENT 191 QUANTITATIVE MANAGEMENT METHODS (3) The essential quantitative methods of business including simple and compound interest, ratio and proportion, annuities, statistical methods , logarithms , linear programming and elements of calcu­ lus. Prerequisite: consent. 221 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER PROGRAMMING (3) How computers work; computer language; flow charts; simple problems in computer programming and in data processing. (See also Mathematical Sciences 200.) 223 CALCULUS FOR MANAGEMENT SCIENCES (4) See Mathematical Sciences I03 for description. Prerequisite: 191. 320 BUSINESS STATISTICS (3) Collection and presentation of business data , central tendency and dispersion measures for business analysis, sampling and inference for hypothesis testing and quality control , business forecasting with simple and multiple regression , index numbers. (See also Mathematical Sciences 2 I0.) Prerequisite: 191 or permission. 321 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (3) Information systems , their design , implementation and contribu­ tion to management planning , decision making and control. Pre­ requisites: 111 , 211, 212, 221. 420 ADVANCED BUSINESS STATISTICS (3) Application of statistical inference to business situations; sam­ pling distribution , theory of estimation and tests of hypothesis, linear hypothesis theory, decision theory , regression and correla­ tion , experimental design and non-parametric statistics . (See Mathematical Sciences 440.) Prerequisites: 223 and 320 (Math 210).


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