of children, birth through grade six; methods , resources, pro grams and issues in children's ministries; church-home educa tional designs. Prerequisites: 200, 252 (may be taken concur rently if necessary). 303 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF YOUTH (3) Adolescents in our culture and ways of appropriately ministering to them, with emphasis on expressing a philosophy of ministry with this age group. Development aspects of adolescents and leadership skills, such as communicating , organizing , counseling and motivating. Prerequisite: 200, 252 (may be taken concurrent ly if necessary). 401 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF ADULTS (3 ) Examination of needs , curricula , programs, methods , and audio visuals used by church and other agencies. Includes worship , counseling, recreation and stewardship . Prerequisite: 252 . 402 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (4) The historical and philosophical progress of Christian education , tracing the importance of Christian leadership through church related education movements with special study of present trends. Designed to aid students in forming a biblical philosophy of Christian education. Prerequisites: 301 , 302 , 303. 450 , 460 SEMINAR: SUPERVISED FIELD EXPERIENCE (3 ,3) Taken in sequence; Practical experience in the area of the student's vocational in terest, with faculty counseling and supervision. Offered both semesters. For Christian education majors only . Prerequisite: 200,252 , 301,302 , 303. ELECTIVES: 190 BIBLE TEACHING RESOURCES (2) Geography of Bible lands as well as manners and customs of Bible times are studied in order to enrich Bible teaching. 300 C-Y-A OBSERVATIONAL LABORATORY (l-1-1) Guided experience in observing the teaching of (c) children at each age level and in various agencies (or situations) ; guided experience in observing (y) youth ministries of various types , noting leadership styles , methods and materials employed; or guided experience in observing the teaching of (a) adults. Should
Developing facility in teaching the Bible at youth and adult levels. 423 SINGLES MINISTRIES IN THE CHURCH (2) [ssues and needs of never-married and formerly-married persons, including identity crisis , role definition and self-acceptance. Re sources , programs and skills for ministering to these needs. Alternate years , offered 1983-84. 424 TECHNIQUES OF COUNSELING (2) Study and evaluation of the counselor and the counseling process , counseling as it relates to conversion, subsequent growth, lead ership counseling and the educational intentions of the church ; reading in special areas of work ; vocational guidance and sex education . 428 FAMILY MINISTRIES IN THE CHURCH (2) Biblical concepts of the family; survey of the needs of whole and fragmented families in the church; resources and techniques available for churches to meet these needs. 430 LEADERSHIP ROLES OF WOMEN (2) Biblical concepts of women in leadership. Evaluation of the emerging leadership of women in the church and parachurch agencies leading to the development of a biblically-oriented phi losophy of women in leadership; problems particular to women in leadership. Prerequisite: consent of department. 440 LEADERSHIP ROLES OF MEN (2) Biblical concepts of men in leadership. Evaluation of leadership of men in the church and parachurch agencies leading to develop ment of a biblically-oriented philosophy of men in leadership; problems particular to men in leadership . Prerequisite: consent of department. 441 LABORATORY IN CONFERENCE PROGRAMMING (2) Programming of conferences for use by church-related groups. Principles for program design with opportunity for application in a practical situation. Offered in interterm. 444 MUSIC IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (2) Music in the church's educational program; criteria for selection of appropriate music; song-leading and methods of teaching music to various groups , relationship of music to worship, in struction and fellowship. Alternate years , offered 1982-83. 457 INNER CITY MINISTRIES (2) The church in the inner city , needs of the community and adapta tion of administration , methods and curriculum to meet special ·needs. Emphasis on field study . 470. DISCIPLESHIP DEVELOPMENT (2) An exploration of the biblical teaching about the discipling min istry; personal requirements , objectives , essential components and applications to a ministry with youth. Emphasis will be on developing a personalized follow-up program that leads a new believer to be able to disciple another. 475 LABORATORYININTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS (2) Provides the theory and experiences necessary to initiate , develop and maintain effective interpersonal communication skills. Development and maintenance of trust, verbal and non-verbal expression of feelings , constructive confrontation and resolving interpersonal conflict are applied to ministry situations. 480 RESEARCH IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (1-3) Development of research skills and independent study in Chris tian education. Limited to seniors majoring in Christian educa tion with approval.
be taken concurrently with age level courses. 310 INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY (2)
Systematic design and use of audio-visual/technology for in struction; development of skills in use of equipment and produc tion of materials. 368 DRAMA IN THE CHURCH (2) An overview of available materials as well as techniques of selecting , staging and directing several types of dramatic pres entations for the church and Christian education programs. Alter nate years , offered spring I 984. 410 BIBLE TEACHING RESOURCES (2) Geography of Bible lands and manners / customs of Bible times are studied in order to enrich Bible teaching with students partici pating in demonstrations using audio-visual materials. 412 MISSIONS EDUCATION IN THE CHURCH (2) Basic administration of a program of missions education ; auxili ary organizations of the church ' s educational program through which missions is taught to all age levels. Alternate years , offered 1983-84. 416 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT (2) Essential elements in curriculum formation ; intensive study of varied existing curricula, contemporary trends in curriculum production.
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