"Mission needs today include translation, leadership training, church planting, using the local arts for praising God and opening up new frontiers. Working with the team of experienced faculty members who are committed to the unfinished task ofcommunicating the Gospel is a real privilege. lie/ping students become the kind ofpeople God needs today is a constant challenge.,, Dr. Marguerite Kraft Associate Professor of lntercultura/ Studies Department of Intercultural Studies Marguerite G. Kraft, D.Miss ., Interim Chair
Professor: K wast Associate Professors: Kraft, Murphy Assistant Professor: Liao
Objectives: The objectives of the intercultural studies department are to enable every student to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the theological , historical , sociological , anthro pological and linguistic issues of the cross-cultural communica tion of the gospel; to enable every student to demonstrate a personal responsibility to the mandate given by the Lord Jesus Christ to make disciples of every nation; to enable every student to understand man and culture , to increase his or her understand ing of linguistic and cultural diversity , to relate more meaningful ly to peoples with a different linguistic and cultural background and to be encouraged to analyze and understand intercultural problems and develop Christian perspectives toward these prob lems ; to enable every student completing the major to demon strate competency as a career missionary in the areas of theology , sociology , history , anthropology and linguistics as they relate to missions ; to make available an information center which will answer inquiries concerning missions; to demonstrate that all those in the department are obedient to the Lord, as evidenced by the fruit of the Spirit in their lives , so that they will carry out His program of discipling all peoples. Department Major: This major is an interdisciplinary one and consists of 30 units , of which 24 must be upper-division . ICS 300, 311 , 441 , 451 , 462 and 468 are required. ICS 468 may be taken as Theology 468 . The remaining units of the major are electives and may be selected from any of the intercultural studies courses or a wide choice of courses from other departments . The rationale for these ICS elective units must be presented in writing , approved and on file with the intercultural studies department at the beginning of the junior year or upon declaration of the major. This rationale may be reviewed at each registration time . Department Minor: 18 units , of which 12 must be upper divi sion, including ICS 300 , 45 I and 462 or 468 . Students must consult with department advisor. 300 GENERAL CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY (3) Nature of culture ; cultural growth and history; the range of
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