
cultural phenomena, including material culture, social organiza443 METHODS IN ANTHROPOLOGY OR tion , religion , language and related topics. 311 GENERAL LINGUISTICS (3)

LINGUISTICS (3) How to obtain and arrange anthropological and /or lin;;uistic data gathered on the field. Prerequisite: six units from 300-320 or consent. May be repeated on different topics. 451 SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND CHURCH GROWTH I (3) Social structure and its relationship to the principles and practices of church expansion . 452 SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND CHURCH GROWTH II (3) Principles and practices of church expansion applied to an indi­ vidual case study of a church. Prerequisite: 451. 454 PRINCIPLES OF CHURCH PLANTING (3) Sociological structures and their relationship to the principles and practices of church establishment. 455 THE CHURCH IN THIRD WORLD SOCIETIES (3) The message , method and role of the evangelical -church in societies undergoing socio-technological change. 457 INNER-CITY MINISTRIES (3) The church in the inner-city; needs of the community and adapta­ tion of administration , methods and curriculum to meet special needs. Emphasis on field study. 458 WORLD RELIGIONS (3) The philosophies and beliefs of the world's leading religions. 462 HISTORY OF THE EXPANSION OF CHRISTIANITY (3) The background , origin , development and spread of the Christian religion. Emphasis on the modern era , especially contemporary growth dynamics and church structure in Africa , Asia and Latin America. 465 JEWISH LIFE AND EVANGELISM (3) The history of the Jews, their festivals and customs , their fun­ damental beliefs; effective methods of evangelization. 467 VARIANT RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS /CULTS (3) Survey of various religious movements in America with an analy­ sis of their distinctive differences when compared with historical Christianity. 468 THEOLOGY OF MISSIONS (3) The biblical basis of missions and the position of missions in the life of the Church . 469 THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION BY EXTENSION (3) History , objectives and methodology of the theological education by extension. Writing of programmed instruction. 470 SEMINAR IN INTERCULTURAL STUDIES (1-3) Advanced seminar on a specialized topic involving intercultural studies . May be repeated on different topics . 472 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION (3) Relationship between communication and culture, with emphasis on factors affecting the quality and processes of interpersonal communication between persons of different cultures or subcul­ tures. 473 , 474 PRACTICUM SEMINAR (l-3 , 1-3) Supervised field experience in an intercultural situation. 480 DIRECTED RESEARCH (1-3) Directed research in intercultural studies. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit on different topics to a maximum of six units.

Descriptive and historical study of language ; linguistic analysis, language classifications, language and its cultural and social settings. 312 PHONETICS (3) The science of the articulate sounds of human speech ; the classi­ fication, reproduction and the proper recording of speech sounds; principles of phonetic change. 314 LANGUAGE LEARNING (3) Application of linguistics in learning to speak a second language. Focus on the language learner, techniques for language learning, evaluation of materials , organization of materials, evaluation of progress. Practical experience with a non-European language. Prerequisite: 311, 312 or consent. 320 PEOPLES OF THE WORLD (3) Specific area studies with emphasis on customs , arts, history , religion , social structures . One or more sections offered every year in areas such as: Africa , Asia , the Americas , the South Pacific, Europe. May be repeated with different course content. 321 PEOPLES OF ETHNIC AMERICA (3) A study of non-caucasian ethnic groups in America in the light of their historical and socio-cultural background and their interac­ tive relationships with mainstream American. Includes field­ work. 330 INTERPERSONAL CROSS-CULTURAL ADJUSTMENT (3) Issues relating to intercultural living with focus on personal and interpersonal adjustments with nationals and other missionaries; language, value conflicts , status and rol e, culture shock , stereotypes, cultural limitations and related topics. 411 PHONOLOGY (3) Properties of phonological systems ; feature and component analysis ; emphasis on methods of reducing non-Indo-European languages to writing . Prerequisites: 311 and 312 . 415 , 416 MORPHOLOGY AND SYNTAX (3 ,3) Structure of words and the combination of words into sentences ; principles of identification of morphemes and syntactic devices. Prerequisite: 311. 421 TRIBAL RELIGION IN ANTHROPOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE (3) Religion from an anthropological perspective . Prerequisite: 300 or 320. 424 BIBLE TRANSLATION (3) The scientific approach to translation ; the fundamental proce­ dures of translating; principles for resolving the problems faced in Bible translation . Focus on developing practical skills. Pre­ requisites: 300 and 311. 433 CHRISTIANITY AND CULTURE (3) Inter-relationships between supracultural Christianity and human cultures. Prerequisite: 300. 441 APPLIED CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY (3) Application of anthropological insights to cross-cultural prob­ lems. Emphasis on: marriage customs , leadership patterns , political relations , indigenous movements , culture change, world view, etc . Prerequisite: 300.


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