
Nursing cont.

departments, Indian health projects, rural physician's offices and acute and convalescent hospitals . Prerequisite: 430. Offered in­ terterm only. TRANSFER-CHALLENGE POLICY: For transfer nursing students, registered nurses, licensed voca­ tional nurses and other applicants with health profession back­ grounds. GENERAL POLICIES: 1. Applicants planning to challenge nursing courses must be accepted by, and fulfill all matriculation requirements of Biola University . The department of nursing should be contacted at the time of admission to the university. 2. Separate application must be made to the department of nursing. The application will be sent upon return of the university application . A $20 non-refundable application fee made payable to Biota University department ofnursing must accompany the application . 3. In addition to the official transcripts sent to the office of admissions and records, separate official transcripts (in­ cluding high school , school of nursing and any other college or Bible school) must be sent directly to: Biola University department of nursing, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada , California 90639. Transcripts sent to the office of admissions and records are not forwarded to nursing. 4. All students applying to the nursing program must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5. 5. Transfer-challenge students who have met prerequisites comparable to the generic students will have equal access for open spaces in all nursing courses. 6. The department of nursing health form required of all nursing majors must be submitted prior to clinical chal­ lenge and admission to clinical nursing courses. 7. The applicant must complete the required non-nursing pre­ requisites as outlined in the Standard Curriculum Chart for the nursing major before entering clinical nursing courses (except 30 unit option) . Transfer credit for non-nursing courses will be granted by the office of admissions and records as indicated in the university catalog. If a given nursing course from a regionally accredited nursing pro­ gram is comparable in content and level to a given course offered by the department of baccalaureate nursing, trans­ fer credit will be granted. 8. All transfer-challenge students must successfully challenge or complete NVR 200: Conceptual Framework for Nurs­ ing. Comparable courses will be evaluated for transfer credit. 9. Following notification of acceptance into the department of nursing , the candidate may begin the challenge process: a. This process consists of teacher-made examinations with theory and clinical components. The theory portion must be passed before the clinical component can be taken.

410 NURSING OF THE FAMILY III - CLINICAL (6) Application of theoretical content in episodic and distributive settings. (C*) 415 NURSING IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES (2) Concepts of stress, shock and emergency care and their rela­ tionship to health workers overseas. In-depth study of nutrition , community health, nursing assessment , establishment of clinics and coping without a physician. Open to Registered Nurses , Licensed Vocational Nurses and all clinical nursing majors. Offered interterm only. 416 INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS IN NURSING (2) Basic skills involved in relationships between Christian workers in health care provision . Verbal/non-verbal communication, time and resource management discussed with emphasis on missionary problems. Open to Registered Nurses , Licensed Vocational Nurses and all clinical nursing majors. Offered interterm only . 420 EPISODIC NURSING - THEORY (2) Examination of stress-response process of complex cardiopul­ monary , renal, neurological , and metabolic adaptation problems in the intrapersonal system and its impact on the interpersonal

system. Prerequisites: 302 , Biology 221. (C*) 420 EPISODIC NURSING - CLINICAL (3)

Application of concepts of complex stress-response processes for assessment, planning and giving care to multi-cultural indi­ viduals in the acute care setting . (C*) 430 ADVANCED DISTRIBUTIVE NURSING-THEORY (3) Combines nursing theory with concepts of community health and community mental health. Prerequisites: 400 , 410, 420. 430 ADVANCED DISTRIBUTIVE NURSING- CLINICAL (5) Opportunity to demonstrate proficient use of the nursing process with individuals , families and communities in promotion and maintenance of adaptation. 441 INTRODUCTION TO NURSING RESEARCH (2) The research process applied to nursing includes problem defini­ tions and basic research design. Each student works on develop­ ing a basic research proposal. Prerequisites: 400 , 410 , 420 , Statistics (may be taken concurrently with consent of instructor). 442 APPLIED NURSING RESEARCH (1) Critique literature, continue work on research proposal or initiate or participate in a research project. Prerequisite: 441. 450 ADVANCED EPISODIC NURSING-THEORY (2) Combines theory of leadership and nursing care delivery systems with issues and trends in nursing. Prerequisites : 400 , 410 , 420. 450 ADVANCED EPISODIC NURSING­ CLINICAL (5) Application of theoretical contact in giving and directing care for a group of clients. Students may elect clinical experience from several episodic care settings. 465 RURAL CLINICAL NURSE PLACEMENT PROJECT (3-4) A clinical enrichment experience for Community Health Nurs­ ing. An educational opportunity in rural nursing in northern California in settings such as home nursing service, public health

(C*) denotes that a class can be challenged for the units listed .


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