
Physical Education cont.

ural and rhythmic exercises , fundamentals of games, techniques covering the simplest primary skills through the more difficult seasonal sports, such as baseball, basketball , football and vol­ leyball ; development of a program of physical education on the elementary school level. Alternate years , offered 1982-83. 308 SPORTS OFFICIATING (Men) (2) Rules , scoring and mechanics of officiating athletic events; selected activities and practice in actual officiating required. Alternate years , offered 1982-83. 309 SPORTS OFFICIATING (Women) (2) Rules, scoring and mechanics of officiating athletic events ; selected activities and practice in actual officiating required. Alternate years , offered 1982-83. 310 ANALYSIS OF SOCCER (Men) (2) Emphasis on the analysis of individual skills and team play; various techniques of offensive and defensive tactics and strategy. Prerequisite: 1IO . Alternate years, offered 1983-84. 3 I I ANALYSIS OF BASKETBALL (Men) (2) History , rules, elementary mastery of individual and team play; and methods of teaching basketball. Prerequisite: 110 or 150 . Alternate years , offered 1982-83 . 312 ANALYSIS OF TRACK AND FIELD (Men) (2) Rules governing individual events and the conduct of meets; elemental mastery of form ; mechanical principles involved; methods of coaching the various events. Prerequisite: 130. Alter­ nate years , offered 1983-84. 313 ANALYSIS OF BASEBALL (Men) (2) History , rules, nomenclature, care of field; elemental mastery of each position, including base running, sliding and base coaching; offensive and defensive play ; strategy and methods of coaching softball . Alternate years, offered I982-83. 314 ANALYSIS OF WRESTLING (Men) (2) Essential techniques of wrestling ; development of a team; con­ ditioning and conduct of practice sessions ; mechanical principles which govern performance. Prerequisite: 130. Alternate years , offered. 1983-84. 316 ANALYSIS OF TEACHING INDIVIDUAL AND TEAM SPORTS (2) A theory and laboratory course designed to acquaint students with teaching progression , practice techniques , selection and care of equipment for selected sport activities . Prerequisite: Comple­ tion of all required 100 level courses . Alternate years, offered 1982-83. 317 ANALYSIS OF FOOTBALL (Men) (2) Analysis of teaching individual skills and team play; various techniques of offensive and defensive tactics and strategy. Alter­ nate years , offered 1982-83. 320 ANALYSIS OF INDIVIDUAL AND DUAL SPORTS I (Women) (2) The organization and conduct of tennis , badminton and archery competition; progression drills , and practice techniques ; coaching; selection and care of equipment. Prerequisite: 1IO. Alternate years , offered 1983-84. 321 ANALYSIS OF INDIVIDUAL AND DUAL SPORTS II (Women) (2) The organization and conduct of golf, gymnastics; balance and posture. Prerequisite: 110, 120, 140. Alternate years , offered 1983-84.

120 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES (Women) ( 1) Fundamental techniques of individual skills , basic strategy and rules. Field hockey , soccer, softball and track , slimnastics, field sports . May be repeated . Lab fee: $8 . 130 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES (Men) (1) Fundamental techniques of individual skills , basic strategy and rules. Flag football , soccer, softball, track and field , wrestling, body building . May be repeated. 132 ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION (1) Individual program of activities to meet the physical development needs of a student. 133 GAMES AND RHYTHMIC ACTIVITIES (1) Games of low to high organization for grades K through 12. Basic rhythmical activities with emphasis on development of basic motor skills. Lab fee: $8. 140 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES - AQUATICS (I) Fundamental and advanced techniques of individual skills . Life saving , swimming , water safety instruction. Prerequisite for WSI: Valid ARC senior Life Saving Certificate or equivalent. May be repeated. Lab fee: $8. 150 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES (I) Advanced skills , individual and team strategy and rules in gymnastics , golf, tennis , soccer, basketball, volleyball. May be repeated. Lab fee: $8 . 201 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (l) Games , basic rhythmic skills and physical activities designed for the elementary child; preparation for the upper division profes­ sional methods course in the teaching of physical education . (Education majors only) 205 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION (3) A historical review of physical education and sports; objectives of physical education; development of a basic philosophy and background for professional education. Alternate years , offered 1982-83. 301 KINESIOLOGY (3) Human movement with emphasis on the structure and function of the skeletal , muscular and nervous systems, with simple me­ chanical principles involved in movement skills. Prerequisite: Biology 271, 272 (see prerequisites) . Alternate years , offered 1982-83. 302 PHYSIOLOGY OF EXERCISE (3) Immediate and long-range effects of muscular activity on the human organisms. Prerequisite: Biology 271 , 272 (see pre­ requisites) . Alternate years , offered 1982-83 . 304 MOTOR LEARNING (3) Overview of significant factors which influence and determine the learning of motor skills. Basic principles of learning theory , transfer, cues , coding , practice , reminiscence , perception, motivation , reinforcement , extinction and similar concepts ap­ plied to motor performance. 306 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION (2) Elementary school physical education procedures including post-


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