
Psychology cont.

Department Minor: 18 units , 12 of which must be upper divi­ sion. Psychology 200 is a prerequisite for the minor. 200 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY (3) A survey of psychology as an empirical/behavioral science with a consideration of underlying philosophical bases in light of a Christian world view. Topics to be surveyed include develop­ ment , cognition, learning , motivation , physiology, socialization , personality and psychopathology. 201 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION - PROGRAM I (3) The application of the principles of growth and development to skills and techniques of teaching children in the pre-school through activities in literature , music , dramatic play and move­ ment education. (Not for psychology credit.) Fall semester. 203 PSYCHOLOGY OF PERSONAL ADJUSTMENT - I (2) A study of the dynamic personal adjustment and maturity . In­ cludes a focus on such issues as self-esteem , the impact of parent-child relationships on adult personality, coping with an­ ger , gui lt and depression and interpersonal relationships and relationships skills. Fall semester. 204 PSYCHOLOGY OF PERSONAL ADJUSTMENT - II (2) A continuation of 203, built on the foundation of knowledge and skills developed during the fall semester. Prerequisite: 203. Spring semester. 210 STATISTICS WITH COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (4) Elementary statistics for psychological research ; literature and computer analysis in sampling, probability, descriptive statistics, basic nonparametric statistics, t-tests, correlation, regression equations and data processing . Not for general education math / science requirement. Three hours lecture , two hours laboratory . Either semes ter. Laboratory fee: $IO. 301 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Application of social and psychological principles to the educa­ tive process; role of the teacher and learner; motivation , intelli­ gence, transfer of learning , measurement ; influences of cultural values and American social structure on schools, school systems; recent outstanding contributions in research and experimentation. Prerequisite: 210. 303 HUMAN SEXUALITY (3) An examination of the areas of human sexual functioning and behavior. Issues of sexuality are discussed within a psychological and medical/health related framework. Prerequisite: Psy 200 or Biology 111 . See Biology 303. 305 EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (4) Philosophy, methodology and analysis of the experimental method. Discussions of problems in conducting and evaluating psychological research. Three hours lecture, two hours labora­ tory . Prerequisite: 210. Laboratory fee: $10. Spring semester. 306 INTRODUCTION TO MEASUREMENT (3) Theory and principles of measurement including the construc­ tion , reliability, validity and application of measurement devices in various professional settings. Prerequisite: 210. Spring semes­ ter. 307 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY I (3) Theory and research in the physical , emotional, cognitive , per-

ceptual, social and moral a~pects of development. Emphasis on infancy and early childhood with some consideration of the middle childhood period. Fall semester. 308 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY II (3) Theory and research focusing primarily on adolescent develop­ ment with some consideration of the pre and post adolescent periods. Issues considered include physiological, psychological and social changes, identity formation, behavioral issues and moral development. Spring semester. 309 ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Nature , causes and treatment of abnormal behavior , including personality disorders , neuroses, psychoses , reactions to stress and other dysfunctions. Fall semester. 310 LEARNING (4) Empirical findings and theoretical developments in the area of learning and their application to human behavior. Three hours lecture , three hours laboratory . Prerequisites: 200 , 210. Labora­ tory fee: $5. Fall semester. 311 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION - PROGRAM II (3) Application of principles of growth and development to skills ; techniques of teaching pre-school children art and science. (Not for psychology credit .) Spring semester. 313 PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE (3) An examination of the nature and scope of religious exµerience including such issues as the development of religious concepts and values , conversion , the experience of prayer and spiritual maturity . Attention is also given to introductory issues of the integration of psychology and theology . 350 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION - PROGRAM III (3) Various kinds of schools for young children, their philosophy and program emphasis; Title 22, materials and equipment purchasing; scheduling, staffing, job descriptions; food preparation , parent meetings, practicing nutrition ; accident prevention and emergen­ cy care. (Not for psychology credit.) Fall semester. 400 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION - PRACTICUM (2) Experience gained by working in the Biola University Child Center (or equivalent). (Not for psychology credit.) Either semester. 405 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Attitude formation and change , attitude measurement , prejudice , conformity , leadership, affiliation drives and group processes . Social experiments and research . Prerequisites: 210. Spring semester. 411 THEORIES OF PERSONALITY (3) An overview of personality theories including the primary repre­ sentatives of the major schools: analytic or dynamic, humanistic­ existential and behavioral. Fall semester. 414 READINGS IN PSYCHOLOGY (1-3) Reading and biweekly discuss ion with professor of record in a topic of the student's choosing. The student is expected to work out, with the professor ' s supervision, a detailed course pro­ posal and bibliography and submit with a Learning Contract form available from the departmental office. Prerequisite: senior standing. Either semester.


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