
418 THERAPEUTIC TECHNIQUES (3) Emphasis on core facilitation skills. Supportive, re-educative and reconstructive therapies considered. Personal growth activities incorporated. (Permission only.) 426 SEMINAR IN GROUP COUNSELING (4) Techniques for forming groups, analyzing processes, leadership, facilitators , measurement of behavior and methods of stabilizing gains over time. Three hours lecture , two hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 15 units in psychology and consent. 428 EUROPEAN STUDY ( 1-3) Travel to places of historic interest such as Freud's museum in Vienna, Jungian Institute in Zurich and various clinics in Europe. Offered in summer on sufficient demand. 430 FAMILY INTERACTION AND THE CHILD (3) Analysis of patterns of family dynamics and their influence on the development of children. Pathogenic family interactions and healthy family patterns emphasized. Prerequisite: 307. 450 DIRECTED FIELD WORK IN PSYCHOLOGY (1-3) Supervised experience in mental health , educational, correctional or related facility. Open only to upper division students . Pre­ requisites: 306 , 309 and consent. Either semester. 470 SENIOR SEMINAR IN PSYCHOLOGY (3) Reading , research and discussion of various contemporary issues in the field of psychology including current trends and the rela­ tionship of psychology to other disciplines. For senior majors only.

480 RESEARCH IN PSYCHOLOGY (1-3) Research under the guidance of the professor of record which may range from the development of a proposal to completion of a literary, field laboratory or social research project written accord­ ing to APA format. The student is expected to work out, with the professor's supervision, a detailed plan for the research to be undertaken and submit with a Research Contract form available from the departmental office. Prerequisite: 210 and advanced standing . Either semester. The following graduate level courses may be taken by senior psychology majors with consent of the departmental chair. For course descriptions see pp. 152-3. 502 STATISTICS (3) 510 MOTIVATION (3) 513 SENSATION AND PERCEPTION (3) 530 HISTORY AND SYSTEMS OF PSYCHOLOGY (3)



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