
skills at the end of the student's first year of study in terms of 6. All degree requirements must be completed before the student whether or not the student is perceived as having potential to may participate in the commencement ceremonies. complete the remaining courses of study and practicums in counseling. COURSEWORK

For course descriptions, see other sections of the catalog as noted by the course prefix: R = Rosemead, T = Talbot, B = Biola

SUPERVISION Supervision will be provided at the rate of at least one hour per week during the practicum counseling experience. Students will be .informed of known opportunities for practicum. A special form explaining the internship experience and reporting proce­ dure will be provided. ADMISSION TO PROGRAM To be admitted to the program, a student must file a graduate application with the dean of admissions, Biola University, and provide the following: 1. Transcripts and evidence of an accredited or recognized bac­ calaureate degree with a grade point average of at least 3.0. 2. Three letters of recommendation on forms provided by the university. 3. A brief biography and statement describing the preparation, goals and aspirations of the student relevant to this program. 4. Proof of completion of the above prerequisite requirements. Applications received will be reviewed on the basis of the above. After initial evaluation by the M.F.C. Admissions Committee , a personal interview will be required of those applicants being considered for acceptance. 5. Graduate Record Examination scores for the verbal and quan­ titative sections. REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION: 1. Completion of a minimum of 48 semester units of acceptable graduate level work; at least 42 completed in residence at Biola. This includes 38 hours of required coursework and 10 hours of elective coursework. One of the required courses may be offered during interterm of the first year. 2. At least 200 hours of practicum experience in a counseling center. 3. A grade point average of at least 3.0. 4. Satisfactorily complete a personal interview with the Family Institute faculty. · 5. Complete a total of 50 hours of therapy: approximately 25 hours of group, family or marital therapy and approximately 25 hours of individual therapy (total must equal 50 hours). This therapy is to be financed by the student and should be started the first year.

REQUIRED: RPSY 603 RPSY 606 RPSY 650 RPSY 651 RPSY 662 RPSY 663 RPSY 690 RPSY 691 RPSY 693 RPSY 711 RPTI 722 TCE 628 TCE 673 TCE 675 ELECTIVE: BICS 472 BSOC 442

Introduction to Psychopathology and Psychotherapy (3) Developmental Psychology (3) Statistics and Family Research (3) Survey of Marital/Family Assessment (3) Marital and Family Systems 11 (3) Human Sexuality (3) Prepracticum (2) Practicum in Child/Adolescent services (3) Practicum in Marital/Family Services (3) Seminar in Ethical and Professional Issues (2) Systems of Integration (3) Marriage and Family Counseling (4) Biblical Foundations of the Family (2) Family Life Education (3)

Intercultural Communication (3) Contemporary Sociological Theory (3)

Group Dynamics and Human Relations (2) Ministry through Special Education (2, 2) Pre-Marital and Marital Counseling (2)

TCE 624 TCE 625-626

TCE 627 TCE 628 TCE 629 TCE 651 TCE 661 TCE 670 TCE 671 TCE 672 TCE 722 RPSY 711 RPSY 661 RPLB 672 RPTI 710 RPTI 741 RPTI 744 RPTI 745

Marriage and Family Therapy (4) Group Counseling and Therapy (2)

Childhood Development and Education (2) Adolescent Development and Education (2) Young Adult Development and Education (2) Middle Adult Development and Education (2) Older Adult Development and Education (2) Counseling Troubled Families (2) Seminar in Ethical and Professional Issues (2) Marital/Family Systems I (3) Marital/Family Evaluation and Intervention Techniques II (3) Sin and Psychopathology (2) Guilt, Conscience and Socialization (2) Integration and Therapy (2) Maturity: Psychological and Theological Perspectives (2)


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