606 FIELD WORK IN ADMINISTRATION (2-4) 1. Laboratory experiences in a Christian school administration under the direction of an experienced administrator. (Not re quired of those with administrative experience.) 2. A project in administration designed to improve the program of a Christian school, including a written report embodying the results. 608 SCHOOL COUNSELING (2) Principles, practices, particular problems and concerns in counseling pupils and parents from a Christian perspective . 610 CHRISTIAN SCHOOL FINANCE (2) Design, development and implementation of a budget in a Chris tian school; fund-raising procedures and school building design. 612 SCHOOL LAW (2) Constitutions, statutes and court decisions which affect schools, administrators , teachers and pupils. Attention given to laws and
ELECTIVES 4 650 COMPREHENSIVE WRITTEN EXAMINATION ___Q Total 32 Candidates for the master of arts degree will be required to take four graduate units of Bible and/or theology through Talbot Theological Seminary in place of the elective units if they have not had such courses. GRADUATE EDUCATION COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 501 CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ORGANIZATION (3) A survey of current theory and practice of Christian schools in the areas of philosophy, administration, supervision, curriculum, instruction, testing, counseling, finance and law. Designed for those seeking a broad understanding of the purposes and activities of these schools. (Offered summer school only.) 511 CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION (4) Analysis of administrative duties and responsibilities relative to school board, faculty, staff, pupils, parents and community. 512 INDIVIDUALIZING INSTRUCTION (2) Individual differences and means of making instruction more relevant through analysis of needs, differentiated assignments and classroom activities. 517 ADVANCED EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (2) Application of psychological research and theory to the problems of learning, motivation, class organization and control, and be havior differences. 525 DIAGNOSIS OF READING PROBLEMS (2) Appropriate use and interpretation of tests and other procedures for diagnosis and prescription in reading instruction. Laboratory fee: $15. 535 CURRENT PROBLEMS IN EDUCATION (2) Contemporary trends in curriculum, teaching methods and school organization focusing on significant problems and issues that affect teaching and learning. 560 CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION (2) Philosophy and practices of a Christian teacher in the classroom and on the campus. Aims of Christian schools and means of achieving them, including attitudes and convictions which Christian schools seek to develop in students. 605 CHRISTIAN SCHOOL SUPERVISION (4) Development of techniques of evaluation of instruction, in service training, implementation of school programs and other supervisory activities.
regulations relating to private schools. 613 PRINCIPLES OF CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT (4)
Essential elements in curriculum formation; intensive study of varied existing curricula; analysis of contemporary trends in curriculum production: Attention to Christian school curriculum. 623 EVALUATION OF TEACHING AND LEARNING (2) Theory and function of tests and measurements in education , including practice in the use and interpretation of specific test and measurement devices used in schools. 628 INSTRUCTIONAL RESEARCH (2) Methods employed in research, critical analysis of research tech niques including examination of specific projects; research methods and their application to an area of teaching as prepara tion for the project. 630 PROJECT (2) Intensive study of curricula and/or instructional methods in a specific area of teaching, including a written report embodying results of the study. 640 SEMINARS IN EDUCATION (2) In-depth studies in the following areas: curriculum, instruction, instructional media, classroom control and discipline, organiza tion of schools, management of personnel , public relations , im plementation of a Christian philosophy, early childhood educa tion. These seminars are offered each summer as part of the Western Institute of Christian School Administration. Require ments include twenty hours of class sessions in the subject and thirty hours of research and the writing of a paper embodying the results of class study and research. A maximum of two seminars may be used as elective credit in the M.A. program. 650 COMPREHENSIVE WRITTEN EXAM (0) Covers the field of study; must be taken prior to graduation.
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