King's Business - 1966-08

book reviews by Arnold D. Ehlert, Librarian, Biola College

book would be useful for students of English, church libraries, and pas­ tors who could well sprinkle more literary allusions into their sermons to keep the interest of students and teachers in the congregation. — 291 pages; cloth; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York; $4.95. BOOK ENDS______ (A Review of Current Publications) STUDIES IN THE LIFE AND TEACHINGS OF OUR LORD by R. A. Torrey. 346 pages; cloth; Baker Book House. Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.95. The first dean or Biola presents an extensive systematic course of studies in our Lord's life and teachings. The volume is divided con­ veniently into 140 different lessons, each one complete in itself. A series of questions and answers are used which will help the individual Bible student or can be an excellent guide for use in a Bible class. The book was originally pub­ lished by Biola when the school was founded nearly six decades ago. GOD'S CHURCH; A BOOK OF STORIES ABOUT THE CHURCH FOR YOUNG PEOPLE by Devere Ramsay, illustrated by Rita Endhoven. 48 pages; paper over boards; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $1.95. Really for children from the third grade up. Delightfully illustrated, in­ cluding the story of our servicemen finding Christian natives in the South Pacific Islands. I TALKED WITH NOAH; IMAGINARY CON­ VERSATIONS WITH BIBLE CHARACTERS by Wil­ liam H. Pape. 128 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.95. These "conversa­ tions" cover twelve Biblical characters, and be­ come so real that one is almost startled. Such imagination is legitimate, when it is properly recognized and admitted, and helps to fill in possible details of the life and ministry of these men of long ago. CHRISTIAN COUNSELLING; A GUIDE TO TRAINING AND STUDY by Bruce Reed. 50 pages; paper; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.. Grand Rapids; $.75. A brief introduction to this im­ portant ministry. These studies are designed for group use and include questions and suggestions for study. This is a ministry not limited to the clergy. DEVOTIONS AND PRAYERS OF RICHARD BAXTER by Leonard T. Grant. 119 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.00. Medi­ tations and prayers selected from one of the spiritual giants of the 17th century. THE "WE KNOWS" OF THE APOSTLE PAUL by Holmes Rolston. 101 pages; paper; John Knox Press, Richmond. Va.; $1.65. Sermons preached at Trinity Presbyterian Church of Rich­ mond, Va. The author is a Southern Presbyterian, editor-in-chief of their Board of Christian Edu­ cation. HYMNS AND SONGS OF THE SPIRIT. 223 pages (247 nos.); cloth; Judson Press, Valley Forge; Bethany Press, St. Louis; no price listed. Designated to provide practical, singable, wor­ shipful, and Biblical hymns "relevant to twen­ tieth-century life and language" (preface). 52 SOUL-STIRRING ILLUSTRATIONS by Billy Apostolon. 118 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.50. Sparkling stories collected from a number of sources. Recommended, books are avail­ able from the Biola Book Room, 560 South Hope Street, Los An­ geles; and on the La Mirada Cam­ pus, 18800 Biola Avenue. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalog will be sent upon request.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ by John F. Walvoord In an unprecedented hour of pro­ phetic significance and interest, the president of Dallas Theological Sem­ inary, who has specialized in the field of Biblical eschatology for more than 30 years, presents what will doubtless be one of the most impor­ tant texts on the exposition of this important book. The author certain­ ly recognizes the symbolic features of Revelation, but points out that many of the truths presented through John, under the inspiration o f the Holy Spirit, can definitely be interpreted literally. He upholds the pre-millennial position concerning the return of the Lord, although he points out the views of others. The thing which any layman will ap­ preciate is the avoidance of too much technical language while spe­ cial attention is devoted to textual and doctrinal problems. To those who are interested in teaching this book of the Bible, which ascribes to itself a particular blessing, not spe­ cifically delineated for any of the other 65 books, or for those who are interested in a closer study of the Apocalypse for themselves, this publication will be a welcome addi­ tion to a Christian library. — 347 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $5.95. A Dictionary of Biblical Allusions In English Literature by W. B. Fulghum It is well-known that almost all literature is sprinkled profusely with Biblical quotations, allusions, and references. Students, and in many cases as well, cannot any more be expected to recognize these. This volume is designed to make available in alphabetical order the more im­ portant of these. The author includes Biblical words, phrases, persons, and places. In each instance he identi­ fies the Biblical connection with the main references, and then quotes one or more literary sources in which it is found. Beginning the alphabet are Aaron, Abaddon, Abel, Abigail, Abis- hag, Absalom, Accurse Thing, and Aceldama. Cross references are used from one form to another, e.g., “ Abednego, see Fiery Furnace.” The

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AUGUST, 1966

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