King's Business - 1966-08

“ Things NewandOld” in Sword Bnnks! Why Our Churches Do Not Win Souls

Nearly all of my Bible searching had been in the Old Testament. Much of what I had read had seemed to substantiate Armstrong’s doctrines. God had indeed given in­ struction concerning the eating of meats, the keeping of feast days such as the Passover, the Feast o f Tab­ ernacles, and the Sabbath days, all of which Armstrong insists are to be kept today. That cold winter day, however, as I sat in my car, the story of Christ and His love in the book of Mat­ thew made a new impression upon my heart. As I finished the 28 chap­ ters and resumed my journey home, FACTS VERSUS HYPOTHESIS If things evolved from crudeness at the first, A nd, as the scientists declare, do bet­ ter grow U n til to full perfection they arrive, I’d like, with some inquiring minds, to know W h y walls we build, in times so far advanced, Cannot compare, for durability, W ith Roman walls I’ve seen on other soil. Outlasting, as they do, each cen­ tury. I wonder can it be the m ind o f man W as smaller, after all, to think and plan? Again, the Egyptologist, today Proclaims the fact that ages of the past Produced a culture, and a system rare, That, all our modern systems, may outlast. Now turn we to the Book o f sacred lore, W here prophets o f the living God foretold A growing decrease in the faith of man, W h o yet would leave the Father's sheltering fold. I wonder if those prophets brave and keen W ould ill compare with preachers we have seen? — A lic e Maude Carvell I felt sure the end of my search was near. The following Sunday our family attended the River Bend B ib le Church. I listened with interest to everything the pastor had to say that day. Many of his comments on the Bible called to my mind the pic­ ture of Christ’s death that had been portrayed so clearly in my reading of Matthew’s Gospel. Before we left the church, I invited the pastor to visit our home. I thought per­ haps his knowledge of the Bible might enable him to help me. (continued on next page) THE KING'S BUSINESS

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Dr . Ri ce : Here Is M y Q u e s t i o n . . .

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gy Dr. John R. Ric#

¡/l/hyOut Chmkes DoNot W h Souls A

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