King's Business - 1966-08

A few years earlier, I might have been careful to avoid a meeting with the minister, but I awaited this visit of Pastor Wright Van Plew with real anticipation. I wondered if he would really have the answers. When Pastor Van Plew arrived, I found that he had not come for a debate on Herbert Armstrong, but rather for my decision to trust Jesus Christ. Repeatedly he maneuvered the conversation from “ questions” to “ Christ.” I was brought to see that my real need was to receive Jesus Christ by faith. This night in my home I was able to see myself as a lost sinner in need of the living Saviour. I saw that my real need was not laws, but faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. I told Christ of my sin and I trusted Him as my personal Saviour. After the pastor had given me verses of assurance from the Bible, he turned to Ruth and asked her how things were with her soul. Ruth says now that in that mo­ ment she was angry and offended. After all, she had been brought up in church and had been trained in the teachings of the Bible since she was a child. She had taken the chil­ dren to Sunday school and church services. Why should anyone ques­ tion her salvation, even if she had yielded to some of her husband’s wishes to follow the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong? Before the next Sunday arrived, however, Ruth also had realized her personal need o f Christ. She is thankful now for that question that shocked her into the realization that even religious training does not guarantee salvation. She rejoices now in faith in her living Saviour. Since Christ has come into our lives, our daily experience is truly much richer. There are ways in which we need to grow in Christ, but with His help, we are determined to do that. We want to be so yielded to Christ that He will be able to use us in our local church to carry the mes­ sage of salvation to others of our community. We are grateful to God that He guided us out of the errors of Arm- strongism into the truth of Christ and His salvation. It was such a re­ lief to find that all the demands of the law were fulfilled in Christ, but beyond that it has been wonderful to find that the demands of our hearts for peace and assurance are also fulfilled in Him. Copyright 1964, Scripture Press Pub­ lications, Wheaton, Illinois. Reprinted by permission from P o w e r o f L iv i n g .

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AUGUST, 1966


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