The Soul Winning Teacher
by Dr. Walter L. Wilson
T h e S u n d a y S c h o o l teacher has * two kinds of work to do in the class. She is to win the lost for Christ and to teach Christians the Word of God and the ways of God. In order to accomplish these two things, the teacher must meet certain re quirements. The student will look at her life for evidence of the power of the message she presents. He will watch her manner of life, her dress, her conversation, and will be im pressed either positively or negative
ly by what he sees in her. She should be a good advertisement for the ministry she gives. 1. The first requirement for the soul-winning teacher is that she must be spiritually minded. She must depend upon the Holy Spirit for the material and the method of presenting it. The Scripture speaks of some who so spake that many believed. Since it is possible so to speak that many will believe, it is also possible so to speak that no one
will believe. 2. The soul-winning teacher must be resourceful. She must look to the Spirit of God for the ability to say the right thing in the right way so that each member of the class will get some portion for his heart. This may be illustrated by the dining table. The mother fixes food for the baby, food for the children, and food for the old grandmother. There is hard food and soft food, sweet and sour food, food for the weak and
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