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of them personally and individually. Take your class roll, go into your room, lock the door, and get on your knees and tell the Lord about each girl. Tell Him about each one’s characteristics and how she reacts to the message. Tell Him all that you know about each one and then plead with Him for each one personally. Look to the Spirit to give you wis dom in handling them and in know ing what to say to them. Please do not give up the class until you have done this.” She agreed and did as her brother had suggested. She began with the first name on the roll and told the Lord all that she knew about that one and then she took the second, the third, and so on down the list. The next Sunday as she gave the message two or three girls accepted the Saviour. During the next few weeks all had accepted Him. A care ful diagnosis of each case coupled with ea rn estn ess, thoughtfulness, and a deep desire to win each one worked wonders in that class. It will be true in every class. 7. The soul-winning teacher must learn to apply the right Scripture in each case. Just as there is such a thing as making the wrong diag nosis, so there is a possibility of giv ing the wrong medicine. All pupils will not be saved through that beau tiful verse John 3:16. Some will be saved through very unusual passages of Scripture. The Holy Spirit is not bound to use any particular line. He takes anything He wishes to take out of the Word and uses it to bring light and life to souls. The teacher under the guidance of the Spirit must watch carefully, read carefully, memorize carefully, and apply the Scripture carefully. Remember I Co rinthians 2:4 where our Lord tells us that we are to use His Word, not carefully chosen and selected phrases and words of our own wisdom, to win souls. Let the Spirit of God use the Word o f God. 8. The soul-winning teacher must expect definite results. Her prayer should not be, “ Lord, won’t You?” but rather, “ Lord, I am expecting You to work in this life, just as You have promised You would.” I hired my secretary ten years ago. I only had to ask her to work for me once. Each morning when I arrive at my office I expect to find her ready for dictation. God grant that each teacher will have the blessed experience of being a soul-winning teacher, earnestly de siring the salvation of each unsaved one and longing to see the saved ones grow in grace and in the knowl edge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
food for the strong. The table is spread so that everyone who sits around it may have something to eat. The soul-winning teacher must prepare a spiritual feast for her class in the same way. Only the Holy Spir it can enable her to have the varied ministry that is needful for the many kinds of hearts that will be present. 3. The soul-winning teacher must be earnest. If the scholars see that the teacher is not much interested in the lesson but is teaching as a matter of routine or as a sideline, they will not be attentive or show any interest in what is being said. If the teacher is careless, the pupils will also be careless. Therefore, the Sunday school teacher should have an intense earnestness and should realize that she is a channel used by the Lord to impress, influence, and change the lives of those who are sitting before her. 4. The soul-winning teacher must make the lesson interesting to the child or pupil, so that it will be im pressive and easily understood. The use of illustrations is especially valu able for holding interest. These may be drawn from the animal kingdom, the mineral kingdom, or the vegeta ble kingdom, from the sky, the sea, or human society. All illustrations should be pointed and of such a character that the scholars can un derstand them easily. Proper illus trations can make a lesson so inter esting that the children will sit on the edge of their seats, waiting for the whole story. 5. The soul-winning teacher must make the lesson clear and plain. She must have no doubts about the pupils' understanding what she has taught. The only way to be sure of this is to ask questions which can not be answered by “ yes” or “ no.” Ask questions which require careful thought and in te llig e n t answers. Sometimes it is necessary to present a truth in a number of ways before the students fully understand. 6. The teacher must diagnose each case and find the right medicine. The story is told of a young woman who had a class of girls about twen ty years of age. There were about twenty-four girls in the class, all of them bright, intelligent, and edu cated girls, but none of them were saved. The teacher was quite dis couraged because they did not seem to respond to the Gospel. She said to her brother who was an evangel ist, “ Sam, I am going to give up my class because I am not able to win the girls. I am just wasting their time and mine.” “ Elizabeth, do not give up the class until you have spent one night with God over each one
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