EDITORIAL COMMENTS The May issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS was received and read this week. Your editorial was interesting and went along with something I read in our newspaper recently which shows that the rumors are correct. We can be grateful for the removal but would be happier for a thorough house clean ing as your article shows. Mrs. Howard Murphy, Richmond, California E ditor ’ s N ote : The Editorial spoken of concerned the situation at the San Francisco Theological Seminary, whose president has been a frequent storm center in theological circles because of his unorthodox views concerning cer tain tenets of our Christian faith, his advocacy of homosexual practices and his recommendation of pornographic literature. SUMMER BIBLE CAMPS We appreciate very much the recent news coverage on the American Sun day School Union Bible Conferences in the May KING’S BUSINESS. . . We are now launching our Sesquicen- tennial year. In connection with this, we have a new 28-minute, 16 mm. sound motion picture entitled, “ This One’s For Jesus.” I am sure that there are many churches, as well as Bible conferences and vacation schools, which will be interested in using this film. Paul E. Almquist, American Sunday School Union, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania BRAINWASHED In the June issue the article “ I Was Brainwashed by the Jehovah Witness es” by James M. Aiken, was to me one of the most interesting pieces I have read in a long time. We have been for some time plagued by them at our door. I don’t like to be rude, but there seems no other way to be rid of them, short of slamming the door. It seems if you engage in a con versation with them, they know just how to pick apart your beliefs and feelings. Is there some way or some thing you can say to put a stop to their arguments? Mrs. Thomas Berg, Los Angeles, California E ditor ’ s N ote : I would point you to two very important verses in the Word of God found in II John 10 and 11 . Here we are specifically told of the dangers of getting involved with those who bring to our homes false teach ings. I believe you can stand upon this scripture and make certain that they are not given the opportunity to say anything concerning their evil her-
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