King's Business - 1966-08


new 16mm film, “ Fast Way No­ where.” According to Mr. Zeoli, “ It is high time to challenge the assump­ tion that today’s teenagers are mini­ ature adults to whom parental re­ sponsibility can be met with expen­ sive gifts. Left to his own devices, today’s teen will copy the only, yet faulty, example he has — today’s

John Hunter, noted Bible teacher and author, was awarded the honor­ ary Doctor of Divinity degree by Talbot Theological Seminary of La Mirada, California. Pictured below,

on Wednesday, June 22. For 13 years Dr. Laurin pastored the Eagle Rock Baptist Church, Eagle Rock, Calif., and for the past several years he has carried on an extensive Bible- teaching ministry. Dr. Laurin is the author of The Life Series, exposi­ tory studies on the New Testament, and a devotional book, “ Meet Your­ self In the Bible.” Dr. Clyde M. Narramore, president of the Narramore Christian Founda­ tion, Pasadena, California, has an­ nounced that during the summer the organization moved into their newly- constructed International Headquar­ ters Building in Rosemead, Calif. The large two-story facility houses the psychological clinic as well as the other ministries of the founda­ tion, which include radio outreach to an estimated 15,000,000 listeners over 150 stations daily; seminars in counseling for Christian leaders, in­ ternships for graduate students in psychology, and one-month intensive training sessions for ministers. Billy Zeoli, p re s id en t of Gospel Films, Inc., Muskegon, Michigan, has announced the release of their

Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, president of Talbot Seminary and its affiliated in­ stitution, Biola College, cited Dr. Hunter (left) for his . . uncom­ promising stand for the faith, . . . able exposition of the Word of God especially revealed in his interna­ tional reputation as a Bible confer­ ence speaker and . . . outstanding contribution to the Church of Jesus Christ.” Dr. Roy Laurin, well-known Bible teacher, went to be with the Lord

adult, whose god is money and whose motivating force is the accumulation of material wealth.” Daring to chal­ lenge the new accepted conduct, the new film uncovers the teenage world of deceit with stunning truth. This dramatic new color motion picture tells the story of the short-circuited morality of the “ lively ones.”

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Street Baptist Church, Aurora, Illinois, reports: "Since using Scripture Press materials in all depart­ ments of our Sunday School, weekly attendance has grown from an average 385 to 750— with gratifying results in the personal response to Christ in the lives of our people.” Isn’t it time for YOUR school to go Scripture Press?




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