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BE JOYFUL! and Other New Broadman Christmas Cantatas HEAR YE! BE JOYFUL!, Jacqueline Hanna M cN a ir A n arrangement o f old Ch rist mas carols from around the world in a mu ltip le-choir can tata d e s ig n e d f o r J u n io r , youth, and adu lt voices. $1.25 A n easy, singable SATB can tata using fam ilia r carols such as "H a rk ! the Herald Angels Sing ," "Jo y to the W o rld ," and "S ilen t N ig h t." Soprano and alto solos included. $1.25 GOD WITH US! EMMANUEL, P h ilip M . Young W ritten in seven sections, this easy SATB cantata utilizes medium and high voice soloists w ith trumpet trio and optional handbell choir. $1.25 The cantatas above, medium length RECORDINGS Each o f these cantatas has a companion record album to aid the conductor and his cho ir in learning the cantata. Each is a 12-inch, 3314 rpm, mono phonic. Each, $3.98 PROGRAM FOLDERS To enhance the presentation o f each o f these cantatas. The front matches the c a n t a t a cover, inside pages contain the text, and the back is left blank for your church's use. Size of each, 8 !4 x 514 inches. Price o f each, 100, $2.00; 500, $8.00; 1,000, $14.00. CAROL OF LOVE, Ellen Jane Lorenz
W E t h o u g h t t h a t surely the ultimate had been reached by the judiciary o f our land in the many recent decisions at all levels handed down in favor o f the individual’s rights as op posed to the rights o f society as a whole. But another recent de cision o f the Supreme Court once again has shocked the sensi bilities o f all who still cling to the concept o f historic Christian Americanism as it has been known since the early days o f our beloved nation. In a five to four vote, the Supreme Court has further hampered the effectiveness o f the law enforcement agen cies o f our land. Regardless o f the wording o f this ruling and its interpretation, the net result is that thereby crime is made easier. The task o f our already over-worked police departments has become even more difficult and, once again, the police, rather than the criminals, emerge as the defendants in any brush with the criminal element. After this five to four decision was ren dered by the Supreme Court, the announcement appeared in the newspapers that the President was about to appoint a certain individual to replace a retiring Justice. The press further stated that it was expected that this particular Justice would follow along with the liberal wing o f the Supreme Court. Unfortun ately, this means that future decisions o f a similar controversial nature will find the Supreme Court divided six to three, instead o f five to four. The utterly incongruous part o f the whole situa tion lies in the fact that on the one hand the President would make such an appointment, knowing the liberal, socialistic ten dencies o f the appointee, and on the other hand that he would dare to make a rather plaintive, if not pathetic, cry before Congress in one o f his addresses this year to the effect that "the fact o f crime and the fear o f crime mark the life o f every American.” How befuddled can an individual get! The police and the various law-enforcement agencies throughout the land, whose duty it is to maintain law and order and to reduce crime to the lowest possible level, are being ham strung at every turn. Wherever riots occur, whether on uni versity campuses or in areas ó f minority groups, all one hears is the stupid cry, "Police Brutality!” Is there no one in a place o f governmental responsibility to raise his voice in defense o f the noble but thankless efforts that the police are putting forth in an attempt to maintain law and order? If the results would not be so utterly disastrous, it might be o f interest some time
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