King's Business - 1966-08

if, when a riot breaks out, the police would just quietly withdraw from the scene so there could never be any charge o f "bru­ tality” leveled at them. Wouldn’t then the cry ascend to high heaven, "Where are the police? What’s the matter with the law-enforcement agencies o f our land? Where is our protec­ tion?” As a matter o f fact, this was exactly what took place at the Watts riots in Los Angeles, during the summer o f 1965. The police were there doing the very best they could in the midst o f wild-eyed utterly irresponsible mobs who roamed the streets o f the Watts area. The police were accused o f brutality. In the same breath, the National Guard, which was not present during the early stages o f the riot, was severely condemned for its absence from the scene o f activity. I f the National Guard had moved in, they would have come with fixed bayonets and other effective weapons o f defense and law enforcement. So the ir­ responsible yowl goes up, whether or not the law enforcement agencies are present. They are always wrong! In the meantime, the "nine old men” , to quote the late President Roosevelt, on the Supreme Court bench, go merrily on their way, interpreting the law as favoring the destructive elements in our society, under the guise o f protecting personal liberties, and handicapping those who would keep this a law-abiding nation. It is difficult to understand what sort o f illogical thinking is employed in pursuing such an ideological enigma. Could it be that there is a hesitancy lest mobsters who represent more votes at election time than do the law enforcement agencies, be offended? One trembles at the possibility o f this sort o f at­ titude. O f course, it is readily granted that there may have been a few instances o f excessive restraining power in the intense stress and strain which is always to be found in an emotional crisis involving an appreciable number o f people. Cases like this inev­ itably occur, but it must be understood that these extreme situa­ tions are on both sides. Yet no one seems to consider that the hoodlums are revealing themselves to be extremely brutal as well, without the excuse our police officers have. It is quite readily granted that morally speaking we as a nation find ourselves in a very deplorable condition. Centuries ago the Lord had some things to say to a spiritually decadent nation through the lips o f His prophet, Isaiah: "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. I f ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good o f the land: but if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword.” (Isa. 1:18-20). On every hand we see a rebellious nation, defying the laws o f God and the laws o f men. Tw o courses o f action may be followed: one is to be willing and obedient to God’s laws; this leads to blessing; the other is to refuse and rebel against God; the certain end result o f such a course o f action is too horrible to contemplate. It would mean hurtling ourselves into the inescapable judgment o f a holy God. God grant that it may never happen here!

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AUGUST, 1966

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