extremely aggressive, pouring tons of their literature into the mails an nually. One of their most successful gimmicks has been a radio program on which “ Frank and Ernest” an swered questions endlessly with all the wrong answers from the Bible viewpoint!
penalty. With them, we believe there is only one God. Aside from these two points, however, our viewpoints are widely at variance.” However, a study of D aw n ite teachings reveals that many more heresies than rejection of the Trin ity and hell are identical with those of Jehovah’s Witnesses, such as soul- sleep, no-heaven, second probation, universalism, restoration, and par ticularly their rejection of the Deity of Christ, His substitionary death, and His triumphant resurrection. Actually, Dawnites claim to be the “ orthodox” fo llow e r s of Russell, founder of both cults. They have re printed, circulated and propagan dized Russell’s original set of Bible- denying books, originally entitled Millennial Daum, the Divine Plan of the Ages, The Helping Hand for Bi ble Students, and afterwards, Studies in the Scriptures. Russell's blatant claim was that the Bible could not be understood without these volumes. Upon the death of Russell, Ruther ford became head of the sect, renam ing the much-named group Jehovah’s Witnesses. Dawnites and others re jected his authority and went their own way. Although they use slightly different methods from those of Je hovah’s Witnesses, the Dawnites are
CULTS CRITIQUE by Betty Bruechert
For several months, we shall en deavor to answer some o f the ques tions sent in by our readers. Other brief questions will receive prompt attention. This month we give our attention to the Dawnites. Question: I have been receiving a magazine entitled The Dawn, pub lished in New Jersey. The teachings sound exactly like Jehovah’s Wit nesses, but they do not use that title. Are they the same? Answer: They “ sound” like Jeho vah’s Witnesses because they are a splinter group from that sect. The difference between the two groups is that of Tweedledee and Tweedledum. In one of their folders the Dawnites themselves declare: “ Many are ask ing the difference between the teach ings of the Dawn Bible Students Association . . . and those of the sect known as Jehovah’s Witnesses. . . . We hold the same views with respect to the ‘wages of sin’ insisting that death, not eternal torment, is the
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