Gaggleville Baby Goose Introduction

310493 Gaggleville Porch Goose™ Large 23"H Statue $29.99

NEW 378172 Large and Baby Goose Statue Bundle $54.99 $49.99 Savings of $5 when bundled

NEW 377693 Gaggleville Porch Goose™ Baby 17"H Statue $24.99

“So cute and a great price! Perfect for fall!” Nicole D.

Save on 2+ ONLY $ 9 99 Bundle Only 89 99

NEW Pumpkin Duo Bundle 378174 1 Large Goose, 1 Baby Goose, 1 Outfit for Each $99.99 $89.99 Savings of $10 when bundled

Multi- Seasonal Outfit

349058 Pumpkin, Large

NEW 377934 Pumpkin, Baby

348986 Scarecrow, Large


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