King's Business - 1929-05


May 1929

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

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Striking Stories o f God’s Workings vjrA 1 hLbKbDIHlbMONTHFROMBIOLAWORKERS

Back-Door Ministry NE of the Bible Institute’s volunteer Bible Women, who is also a home-keeper, is a splen­ did personal worker and has been used of the Lord to win many clerks, street-car conduc- , tors, and tradesmen to the Lord as she has met them in their places of business and as they have served her in her home. She gives an interesting ac­ count of how the Lord used her to win four milkmen to Himself. She says: I have had four milkmen accept Christ very definitely. One man came to our home for about a year. He accepted Christ and was such a bright student of the Word. I gave him a Scofield Bible afid spent much time explaining the Scriptures to him. One morning in the middle of December a knock came at my door and I found that another man had taken the route and had come to present his bill and introduce himself as the new milkman. I talked to this man also about accepting Christ, found that he was not a Christian but that he was a very willing listener to the Gospel story. After dealing with him and presenting the claims of Christ I gave him a Testament which contained a decision blank and asked him if he would accept Christ. He did accept, and signed the card, and I presented the next step to him, that of confessing Him before men. During the time that he served us this man, too, was a real joy in his earnestness and eagerness to learn more about the Lord and more about His Word. Soon, however, another man appeared and announced himself as another new milkman, the other man having been transferred to a better position. In talking with him I found that he and his wife had been greatly burdened because of the illness of their little son. They despaired of his life and appealed to Christian friends to pray for his recovery. In, answer to prayer, when the doctor’s skill had failed, the little boy was restored to health and this gave me a very good background against which to present Christ as a loving Saviour and One to whom we can take our burdens and trials, too. He accepted the Lord and seemed so happy to learn how he could really be in vital, close contact with Him who had been so good to them as a family. His ministry in the neighborhood was of short duration and I was glad that I seized the first opportunity of introducing him to the Lord. One more milkman accepted the Lord under much the same circumstances that the other three had, and I am praising God for the joy and privilege of a back-door ministry. “ Speak a Word for Jesus, Someone Spoke to You” A T a recent Report and Fellowship Luncheon held at -the Institute the Girls’ Glee Club Quartette sang that beautiful song, “Speak a Word for Jesus, Someone Spoke to You.” Just a few days later one member of the Quartette, a splendid Christian girl, was suddenly called Home to be with the Lord. How God used the Homegoing

of that sweet, consecrated girl to the blessing of many girls in the Euodia Clubs was told by one of the teachers as follows: I went to my class after the luncheon with that song ringing in my ears and with the prayer in my heart that the Lord would help me to indeed speak a word for Him to some girl in my classes. In a few days the sad news came of the Homegoing of one who had been in the Quartette that sang that blessed message. I attended the memorial service and was so touched by the testimonies of her fellow students as to the sweetness and consecra­ tion of that life that I felt it worth while to pass on the story to my classes. In the first class three fine high-school girls accepted Christ and in another class one girl who had been a Christian and had grown cold and indifferent, knelt down and asked the Lord to forgive her and accept her and take her life for service for Himself wherever He would have her be. She gave her testimony at the very first opportunity in the class. So even the Homegoing of this dear one was used to bless not only the student body of the Bible Institute but the blessing overflowed into the high- school classes. At the beginning of the year we made it our object to be “fruit-bearing.” We prayed earnestly that the Lord would win many precious souls to Himself through our ministry as Euodia teachers, and He has answered “ex­ ceeding abundantly.” Many-have accepted Christ and still others have surrendered their lives to the Lord. As guests of the Institute that day and guests of Euodia too, the hostesses of the various Euodia classes were present at the luncheon. These hostesses are women living near the various high schools who have opened their homes that these groups of high-school girls might have a place in which to carry on their Bible study. It would be impossible to carry on these Euodia Clubs in many locali­ ties if these homes were not available as meeting places. One woman has had a Euodia class in her home for nine years, and the Lord has graciously blessed her and has used that class to bring many girls to know Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. — o — A S tudent’s Testimony I SHOULD like to-tell in a brief way about some of the courses I am taking in the Bible Institute. Some of them are not listed in the catalogue, and some of these courses I had not expected to take. The first one of these is Trusting I. This is rather a stiff course for beginners. Before I got here I had been told that I might expect work when I arrived. When I came to Los Angeles I found myself in a very strange city. Then when I went to the place where I expected to find work I was told they didn’t need anyone. I tried five different places but found nothing. I became very discouraged, and thought, “Well, Lord, why did you lead me away out here to starve?” even as the Israelites of old complained. I really didn’t say that, but I did think it. A whole week went by, and I finally found myself with only twenty cents. Then

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