May 1929
T h e
K i n g ' s
B u s i n e s s
mates that 1,000,000 acres of American soil are being farmed by Jews, the value of which, with their personal property, amounts to $175,000,000. —o— Tel Aviv, Palestine, the only city 100 per; cent Jewish, unfortunately is being affected by modern ideals. At the Purim carnival, beginning March 22, was a beauty contest. “Miss Palestine” was chosen to participate in the international beauty contest to be held at Galveston. —o— According to reports, the rite of cir cumcision which has been practiced by the Jews and Moslems for centuries may soon be discarded by the Turks in their falling in line with western civilization. According to James N. Rosenberg, President of the American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements in Russia, Inc., $20,000,000 will be expended during the next ten years in the colonization of Jews in Russia. —o— According to reports the Comzet Cen tral Government Commission proposes to settle 38,500 Jewish families on the land in various parts of Russia. “Realizing the strategic importance to England of Palestine, as ‘a great frontier zone joining Europe and Asia,’ certain British citizens have formed a Seventh Dominion League. This League wants England to make Palestine its seventh dominion w h e n the 25-year mandate granted by the League of Nations expires. The significance of this move is better seen when compared with alleged plans of Mussolini, through his clever rapproche ment between church and state in Italy, to acquire the Palestine mandate and Catholicize the country by populating it with Italy’s surplus population.” — o — Orthodox Jews of Soviet Russia are alarmed over the shortage of flour for matzos for Passover. Money is being raised in America to supply the need. —o— “A ‘universal religious peace confer ence’ is to be held in 1930, in Geneva, when one thousand delegates are expect ed. Sixty seats have been allocated for Jews.” —o— The Jewish scientist, Prof. Einstein, has condensed his work to a five-page ar ticle entitled “A Uniform Theory of Fields of Force.” He has submitted it to the Prussian Academy of Science. — £>— — o — The following is quoted from B’nai B’rith, March number:
j “ TO THE JEW F IR ST ” ttKia4ttKBS4tii3KBS4taXK^!D)g \ Q} B y D avid L. C ooper
Jewish Suspicion Concerning Pact Be tween Papacy and Italian Government rTHE new developments between the Papacy ,and the Italian Government and the complications in international af fairs which may arise therefrom, are causing some concern in Jewish circles, as is seen in an article by Dr. S. Margoshes in the February 10th issue of the Day, according to the Jewish Missionary Mag azine. Below appears his view of the sit uation : “An important corollary of this new status is the claim to a seat in the League of Nations. Should such a seat be granted to the Pope, it would certainly introduce a disturbing factor into the League coun cils, as far as the Jewish national home land is concerned. “For the Pope has never denied his im placable opposition to the idea of a Jewish national home in Palestine. Already his predecessor, Leo X,III, was actively en gaged in checkmating every Jewish move made by the chancelleries of Europe in the direction of a more favorable attitude towards Zionism. The historic concept of the papacy is that Palestine, being the cradle of the Christian religion, is to be ruled by a Catholic power if not by the Catholic church itself. The Zionist idea, being irreconcilable with this concept, is naturally to be fought. Now rumor has it that the Pope is now going to exert all his influence with the League to have the mandate over Palestine so revised as to substitute Italy for Great Britain as the mandatory power. Newspaper accounts even have it that Mussolini, in anticipa tion of the Papal move, is ready to for bid Zionist activity in Italy and to begin pressing the Italian claim to Palestine. “All this, of course, spells a hard time for the Zionist Organization. Unfortu nately the Zionist Organization the world over is not sufficiently strong now to carry the burden of new opposition in addition to the old burdens that it has been carry ing wearily for all these years. The Jew ish Agency, all loose talk to the contrary notwithstanding, is not yet a fact, and cer tainly, is not the source of strength which would help the Zionist Organization to ward off the new attack. But Zionism somehow has thus far managed to thrive on opposition and it is to be hoped that it will succeed in overcoming this new oppo sition which once more in history renews the age-long struggle between Rome and Jerusalem.” Controversy Over Rachel’s Tomb According to the Scribe of Portland, Oregon, friction has arisen recently con cerning the ownership of Rachel’s tomb. At present it is in need of repairs. The Jews in Jerusalem have petitioned the government for permission to make said repairs, the Moslems objecting. It was decided that the government s h o u l d make the repairs. The controversy has reached the stage that an investigation is being made as to who is the rightful owner of this ancient tomb.
Einstein and Jewry Prof. Albert Einstein, the noted Jewish scientist, is, according to B’nai B’rith, a 100 per cent Jew. Though he is on a pin nacle of fame today, he is deeply con cerned in the restoration of the homeland to the Jewish people. Because of this in tense interest the editorial writer of B’nai B’rith speaks of him as “Einstein of the universe and of Jewry.” According to the March B’nai B’rith, Dr. Joseph Goldberger, the discoverer of the cause and cure of pellagra, scorned the great benefits of a private practice and served the government at a very meager salary. From such compensation he could accumulate nothing; hence, at his death he left nothing to his widow. A bill was presented in Congress to pension his widow at $150 per month. His services to the government evidently were of ines timable value. — o — ■ The Steadfastness of Marranos During the time of the Inquisition the Jews of Portugal either had to accept the Christianity of the country or be ex pelled. Many of them chose to identify themselves with the medieval church with mental reservations, according to B’nai B’rith. The secret convictions of their hearts were implanted in the hearts of their children and in turn were passed on to the succeeding generations. Now that tolerance is permitted, these 'Marranos no longer suppress their convic tions but are returning to their ancient faith. This fact is seen by their com mencing the erection of a synagogue in Brogansea, Portugal. Religion is a personal matter between each individual and his God. It is criminal to force one’s convictions upon another. Though at present in most cases religious toleration and liberty are granted to all, according to prophetic predictions, in the end-time there will be a revival of relig ious intolerance when all will have to ac cept the religion and the mark of the beast or suffer martyrdom for their faith. Jewish News Notes According to the American Hebrew of March 15, the Jewish Theological Semi nary will erect buildings between 122nd and 123rd Streets on Broadway, New York City, at a cost of $3,000,000. The prevailing opinion concerning Jews is that they are to be found in America only in thé large cities. A most interest ing article in the American Hebrew of March 15, which gives the report of the General Manager of the Jewish Agri cultural Society, shows that 109,600 Jews liv.e in rural territory. It further esti — o — The Heroic Service of Dr. Joseph Goldberger
Up to the end of February of this year five hundred Chalutzim from East Europe have left for Palestine.
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