King's Business - 1929-05

May 1929


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

wayward wills into conformity to His. Is this a small mercy ? Besides this, keep in mind that if a request is not imme­ diately granted, that is no reason for thinking it will never be granted. As a quaint old writer puts it, “Delays are not denials.”— Miss Lucy A. Bennett. —o— May 25— “Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be estab­ lished” (Prov. 16:3). The realities of the great Lord of us all are brought very close to us in a word like this. Therefore commit your life afresh to Him, disappointed, weary soul, disappointed because the things you have longed for have not come to you; dis­ appointed because your experience has fallen short of your hopes; disappointed because your service seems like rivers run into the sand. Commit your life afresh to Him ; venture to believe Him against all the contradictions of your own experience; and God will transform your simple faith by asserting Himself in the very center of your being.— Dr. Stuart Holden. ' —o— May 26— -“A pure river of water of life proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb” (Rev. 22:1). The river still flows. It is always pro­ ceeding. There are variations in the cur­ rent and in the depth, but they are not due to intermittent pulsations coming from the source, but to obstacles that men place in the channel. Travelers tell us that at certain seasons of the year, there form up on' the main tributary of the Nile, great banks' of tropical weed which stop the flow, and that when these break, the inundation comes that brings fertility down in the delta thousands of miles away. And so we may pile up obstacles between ourselves and the continuous flow of the river; and while its waters are sparkling on the one side, there may lie a dreary expanse of parched and barren clay upon the other. Think of the disciples in Jerusalem for the ten days of waiting. It was no indolent waiting. How they must have felt solitary and helpless with­ out their Master! How tremendous they must have felt the task that He had left them as a legacy. How nearly they must have felt their own impotence 1 How eagerly they must have desired that yet un­ known equipment which He had promised them! Arid so they filled the days, not with mere passive waiting, but with a waiting screwed to the highest tension of expectation and yearning in the fulness of desire. T i me spent in waiting is not wasted.— Alexander Maclaren. —o— May 27—" Let us run . . . the race set before us, looking unto Jesus” (Heb. 12: L 2). I heard a farmer once say that he had a servant in his employ who was a very good man, but a very bad plowman. When he was plowing, instead of fixing his eyes on some object in front of him, and keep­ ing it steadily before him as he drove the plow, he was in the habit of continually looking back to see whether he had made a straight furrow 1 The result was, he was constantly making crooked ones. There are many of God’s servants who

are making a similar mistake. The true attitude of service is to be pressing to­ wards the mark, and to be looking oft unto Jesus.— Rev. Evan H. Hopkins. May 28— “For this God is our God, for ever and ever; He will be our Guide even unto'death” (Psa. 48:14). If it were possible to be more sure of one promise than another, it might well be that of guidance. “I will guide thee with mine eye.” “The Lord shall guide thee continually.” Yet there is nothing which at times causes greater perplexity to the believer than the absence of any visible sign of guidance at the crossroads of life. There is no visible guidance now, “we walk by faith, not by sight,” but let those who have stepped out in faith on a dark path, tell how it cleared till they “saw the faint blue hills of the Land of Promise”, rising up against the sky, till they felt the presence of their Guide and knew that all the way, “even unto death,” He would be with them. “Hour by hour, day by day, Guided over life’s perilous way: We may not see Him who goes before Till our feet have touched the beautiful shore; But we hear His voice, and we feel His hand, As by the river of death we stand. And through that darkened hour we know, Its waters shall never overflow: Across the waves of its mighty tide, For ever and ever our God shall guide.” The Master knew what trouble meant, uncertainty, loneliness, failure, antag­ onism ; but His will was at one with God’s will, and so there was harmony and not discord even in the midst of strife. No though but of goodwill was ever harbored in His breast, and so injuries, misrepre­ sentations, even intentional malice, left Him invincible. The powers of evil com­ bined together to do their worst and fail­ ed, leaving Him undefeated. His peace was won through the deliberate accep­ tance of the Father’s will, and we may have His peace; not the comfort and ease which the world might give in having our own way, but the peace which comes to us even when in the world we have tribula­ tion through the harmony of our will with God’s. The troubling of idle regrets and useless repinings in our hearts is stilled, and the peace of God which pass- eth all understanding takes possession so that we are more than c o n q u e r o r s through Him that loved us.— Selected. —o— May 30— -“Now, therefore, our God, . . . let not all the weariness seem little before Thee that hath come upon us” (Nehemiah 9:32). Here is a touching plea that goes to the heart-experience of many a child of God! Have we not all had times in our lives when the feeling of overcoming tiredness of head and bodily frame makes life al­ most too great an effort? And then, the May 29— “My peace I give'unto you. Let not your heart be troubled” (John 14:27). ■

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