King's Business - 1929-05

May 1929


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

and goodness, all the grace and help, which Christ ministered in the days of vigorous strength and clear-sighted cour­ age. He changes not!— Dr. F. B. Meyer. —o— June 4— “As the Lord commanded Mo­ ses" (Exod. 40:29). I was almost startled when I was read­ ing the two last chapters of Exodus to notice the repetition of the phrase, “as the Lord commanded Moses.” It occurs no less than eighteen times in these two chapters. He set up the veil “as the Lord commanded Moses” ; he set the bread upon the table, “as the Lord commanded Moses” ; he lighted the lamp, “as the Lord commanded Moses” ; he burnt sweet in­ cense on the altar, “as the Lord com­ manded Moses.” “Thus did Moses: ac­ cording to all that the Lord commanded him, so did he” (Exodus 40:16-27). “So Moses finished the work. Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle” (vs. 33, 34). Why do so many Christians seem to lack a similar token of the Divine ap­ propriation and approval, for not by any means upon all who bear Christ’s name does the Spirit of glory and of God rest. Is it not because there is often careless­ ness in little things? We forget that there is nothing trivial with God, and that He expects the utmost fidelity, thoroughness, and exactitude from us. The gloom that is so often caused by disobedience will give place to the glory which irradiates the very countenance if in all things we are obedient to the voice of God.— J.C.M. “But we ndv&r can prove the delights of His love ........ Until all on the altar we lay; For the favdr He shows, and the joy He bestows Are for them who will trust and obey.” —o— June 5 —“Blessed be the God and Fa­ ther of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ” (Eph. 1:3). This is the good old foundation upon which the heirs of promise have always built their faith and hope. They knew that all fulness was in Christ, for their use and enjoyment; and they were persuaded that they should honor Him most by be­ lieving this with the strongest certainty. They could not trust too soon, nor too much, to His faithfulness. And therefore they come boldly to the throne of grace, that they may receive out of His fulness at all times, for all things, for body and soul, for earth and heaven, what they wanted, and what He had promised. The more they live just by faith, they will ex­ perience more occasion to rejoice in the Lord; and to find that His arm to ful­ fill will always go as far as His promise. ...........Yes, the Lord of Hosts fights for them. All their enemies are His, and therefore they may safely trust and not be afraid. O my soul, . . . . face thy i enemies, whoever they be, with holy bold­ ness, for God is with thee. He has under­ taken to fight thy battles. Canst thou meditate upon His Word, and yet be afraid? Of whom? Of what? O vile un­ believing fear 1 Beg of God to save thee from it.— Romaine.'

I n c o m e

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J i s s u r e d

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'{ J h e B ib le B e f r ie n d e d .

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? What is an Annuity • Bond Agreement?

9 A r e Annuity B o n d * Agreements unques­ tionably safe?

V Do men of recognized • business ability secure Annuity Bond Agree­ ments from the Amer­ ican Bible Society? ^ What will money in- • vested in A n n u i t y Bond A g r e e m e n t s eventually accomplish through the American Bible Society? 9 What advantages do • Annuity Bond Agree­ ments have over many forms of investments? Are A n n u i t y Bond • Agreements r e c o m- mended as a source of income for widows and persons unfamiliar with

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