King's Business - 1929-05

May 1929


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

and compassion of a loving Creator and a living Saviour. Besides its ministry of prayer, the League publishes and distributes free of charge a number of leaflets and bulletins on prayer, personal work, Christian stew­ ardship, fundamentals of the faith, etc. The year verse for the League is Ephe­ sians 6:18. Work Among th e M ormons It is said that about 500,000 people in Mormon-land are practically untouched by any Gospel work other than that of the Utah Gospel Mission of Cleveland. This mission has now been in operation for 28 years, covering a region about 200 by 800 miles. They report a total of 413,- 000 at special meetings; 430,000 Gospel calls made; about 35 million pages of Gospel print (28 tons) distributed, exclu­ sive of Bibles, of which approximately 40,000 have been sold or given away. Their missionaries are said to have trav­ eled a distance equal to six times around the globe, making an average of three calls to the mile, leaving an average of 71 pages of print at each call and a Bible or other Christian book at every tenth home. Mormonism sends out over 1,000 emissaries a year to spread itself; should not we send the light back? Further information concerning the work being carried on by this active mis­ sion, its needs in men and money, can be secured by addressing Rev. J. D. Nutting, Secretary, 9277 Amesbury Ave., Cleve­ land, Ohio, THE MISSIONARY REVIEW OF THE WORLD is a world-wide missionary mag­ azine. Each issue contains articles and edi­ torials showing the progress in preaching of the Gospel to every creature. It publishes up-to-date news of all Home and Foreign Mission work. It describes methods for awakening interest in churches and mis­ sionary societies, as well as giving informa­ tion regarding the latest and best missionary books. Articles written by such well known writers as Robert E. Speer, Samuel M. Zwemer, Prof. Harlan P. Beach, Helen Barrett Montgomery and many others will appear in the pages of the REVIEW dur­ ing the next twelve months. N ote —Each magazine will be mailed to subscribers direct from its own office of publication. The two magazines may be ordered sent to different addresses. Postage extra to Foreign Countries —The Mission­ ary Review of the World 50c; T he K ing ’ s B usiness 25 c .

June 6 —-“Be ye therefore sober, a n d watch unto prayer” (1 Pet. 4:7). We are stewards of prayer. The Scrip­ tures teach us that it is by prayer we take hold on God, and persuade Him, and move Him to do many things which He would not do except on the condition of believing and prevailing prayer. It is by prayer we reach the condition of saving faith and of sanctifying power. It is by prayer we become agents of the Holy Spirit for the welfare of others, for heal­ ing the sick, for the saving of souls, for the protection of other people, for. the opening of fields of usefulness, for pro­ viding temporal means, and for every good thing in this life and in the life to come. True prayer always brings the deepest rest in the heart-life, while at the same time it is the greatest worker, and most energetic force, in the moral world. The promises of God form a lever by which all things are lifted . . . . God wants to be gracious, but He is waiting for us to pray, for us to prevail with Him, and He honors us by holding His infi­ nite wealth and grace for us to command. ...........Only think what God would do if His professed followers would take time to pray . . . . Have you thought that we must give an account for the power of prayer entrusted to us?— G. D. Watson. D.D. a» The G re at Comm ission P rayer League C on tinu es Its Im p o rta n t M inistry Another year of intercession has just been completed by the Great Commission Prayer League of Chicago. It was nine­

Ou r Missionaries Through the kindness of our readers we are able to supply T he K ing ' s B usiness to some­ thing over 600 missionaries. That fund is now exhausted. They are the readers who appreciate T he K ing ’ s B usiness perhaps more than anyone else, yet they are unable to pay for it themselves. This is indeed a real investment. Will you have a part in it? Send your donations to T he K ing ’ s B usiness , 536 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

teen years ago that the League was founded by the late Thomas E. Stephens in order to stimulate prayer for a world­ wide revival of the Church, and a world­ wide evangelization of both Jews and Gentiles, according to the “Great Com­ mission.” Many thousands of Christian people of all denominations scattered throughout the world are united in this prayer fellowship. That there is great need for such a ministry is evidenced by the thousands of requests for prayer that are ; received every month by the League. These are definitely remembered at the throne of grace by a faithful corps of prayer help­ ers, and1 •many answers to prevailing prayer are recorded. Thus the League: is an added testimony to the faithfulness

OV E R 1 0 0 0 P A G E S A Y E A R - - - TWE L V E I S S U E S

For every — Pastor, Missionary Leader, Student, Shut-in, Family, Denomination, Christian Worker, Missionary.


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Review of th e World

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The Missionary Review of the World

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