King's Business - 1929-05

May 1929


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

“When Ye Pray, Believe” O NE of the great dangers in the Christian life is for­ mal religion without spiritual power. This is espe­ cially true in the matter of prayer. We are so liable to be like the heathen or the Pharisees, employing vain repeti­ tions, and making long, meaningless, unbelieving prayers, which are not heard. Thus we prevent the mighty God from doing anything for us or through us. We are warned in the epistle to the Hebrews, that “without faith it is impossible to please God.” There is no exception to this rule in the matter of prayer. Prayer without faith is an insult to God. It is mockery. It is questioning His love, His goodness, His promises, and His ability to abundantly answer prayer. It is limiting the Holy One of Israel. It is a sin which needs to be definitely confessed and forsaken. Jesus tells why His prayers were answered. “Have faith in God,” was His reply, and then He warns against the sin of unbelief. A little doubt will spoil all the faith we have, for He declared ^ “Whosoever shall say . . . and, shall not doubt in his heart . . . he shall have” (Mark 11 :23). And then the Lord adds this blessed prom­ ise, “Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” '“When ye pray, believe” that God is. —Hebrews 11:6. The professing Christian who has any question as to the existence of a living, loving, personal, almighty God, the Creator of all things, who hears and answers the prayers of His believing people, might just as well quit praying. There are a thousand, yea, a million reasons for believing that “God is,” and not one for doubting it. Every star in the heavens, every flower on the earth, every chap­ ter in the ¡'Bible;: every transformed, Spirit-filled Christian is a testimony that “God is.” “When ye pray, believe” that God is near. —James 4 :8. Because we are made nigh to God by the precious blood of Christ, we are to “draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith” when we pray, and believe that God draws nigh to us. Near, so very near to God, Nearer I cannot be; For in the person of His Son, I am as near as He. When you pray, do not think of God as “far off.” Wait in His presence, and make your requests known with confidence and thanksgiving. “When ye pray, believe” that God hears you.- —1 John 5:14-15. Our God is no respecter of persons. Every believer has access unto the Father by one Spirit on the ground of the shed blood of Christ. He bids us come boldly to a throne of grace and make our requests known (Phil. 4:6). He does not mock us. He delights to hear His children when they pray. “Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward” (Hebrews 10: 35). Believe that God hears you and expects to do for you “exceeding abundantly” above all that you ask or think (Eph. 3:20). “When ye pray, believe" that the holy Spirit helps you. —Romans 8 :34. Every child of God has received the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Godhead (Gal. 4 :6). If any one has

The Temple Light By Dr. G. B. Young A masterpiece of thrilling fi ct i on that old and young will read with keen delight. It is a story of Old Jeru­ salem—a story of ;he Temple Light —and a story of The True and Only Light. Be sure to order this book. Cloth $1.50 Cynthia Stands Fast By Florence Nye Whitwell A char mi ngl y written story, of particular interest and value to new converts and timid Christians. T h e character drawing is excellent a n d Cynthia's romance is delightfully pic- t u re d: .' Although Cynthia received no encouragement from her friends or fam­ ily she bravely let her light shine for Jesus. Paper 75c; Cloth $1.25

The Patmos Vision By George W. Davis An exceptionally interesting a n d helpful b o o k to the seeker after t r u t h concerning our Lord’s Second Coming and kin­ dred themes. If you want to know what will happen to the Jews, the Gentiles and th e Church d u r i n g the age which confronts us, read this book.

Paper $1.50; Cloth $2.25

The Betrayal of Jean Whitney

By Keith L. Brooks This dramatic, human-interest story is so well told that a reader seldom lays it aside until the final chapter is finished. One of the best books we know of to put into the hands of young folk and “broadminded'’ church members. Paper 50c

Fine Gold

By Josephine Hope Westervelt Brimming with interest.,from cover to cover, this mis­ sionary romance of South A m e r i c a presents a thrilling story of adventure as well as an inti- in a t e picturer of; missionary life in the priest-ridden lands to the soutn- w a r d. Illustrated with 18 full-page photos. Cloth $1.50

In The Twinkling of An Eye

By Syndey Watson One of the best and most interesting books ever written on the subject of our Lord's Second Coming. Startling, swift-moving, breath-taking in parts, this fascinating story awakens every reader to a realization of the fact that the com­ ing of the Lord is near at hand. Cloth $1.75

The Mark of the Beast By Sydney Watson A thrilling se­ quel to “In •the Twinkling of An Eye” that e v e r y Christian should r e a d , and get others to read. It follows Scripture closely a n d gives an awe-inspiring p i c t u r e of the reign of the Anti­ christ and the hor­ rors of the Tribu­ lation period. Cloth $1.75

Scarlet and Purple By Sydney Watson The value of this story is enhanced by the fact that without detracting from its interest- compelling features in any manner, it brings the reader face to face with Jesus Christ, as Saviour—so charm­ ingly that m a n y have . b e e n con­ verted as a result. Cloth $1.75

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