People Matter at NSLHD Thank you to all the staff who took the time to complete the People Matter Employee Survey. The survey closed on 28 June 2019. Northern Sydney Local Health District achieved a participation rate of 38 per cent overall. Congratulations to our two team winners who have earned a major prize of $5000 to spend on culture improvement initiatives arising from this year’s survey results: • Information Communications and Technology (ICT) – for the highest participation rate • Mona Vale Hospital – for the most improved participation rate For updates on results and further information about the survey, and initiatives implemented as a result of your feedback, please visit the Staff Engagement page on the intranet.
Staff from ICT and Child, Youth and Family Health Service with consumer representative Emma Cushing (second from the right)
Official launch for new Child, Youth and Family Health website
The Child Youth Family Health Service (CYFHS) new website has received thousands of visits since its soft launch in early June. Kim Field, Director Primary and Community Health recently officially launched the website at a staff afternoon tea and took the opportunity to thank all staff and consumers involved in making the website a reality. The website brings 13 services together to create a central resource hub for parents and families.
possible without district-wide collaboration. “A special thanks to the Information Communications and Technology (ICT) team and all other services across the district who made this project such a success,” she said. “This project wouldn’t have been possible without your expertise and dedication.” You can visit the new website by visiting Theteam encourages all staff to recommend it to patients, family and friends.
Kim said the two-year project would not have been
We know our staff do amazing things and we want to hear about it. Share your news, achievements and events with your District colleagues. Contact our team on 9463 1722 or email to submit your news.
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