Relay Annual Report 2023

Relay Education's Annual Report for FY 2023. Open and start reading right away!



Dear Supporters and Friends,

What a year. Relay Education continues to grow and build innovative programs and partnerships. This year we expanded our team, delivered new types of programming, and established programming in new parts of the country. Our core programs have stayed consistent, with our school programs reaching upwards of 20,000 participants across Canada. This year saw new partnerships that brought us to northern communities in Canada, and our Kids’ World of Energy Festival went national for a second year, reaching 2,500 participants through virtual, and in school festivals across the country. The Green Skills Academy, an innovative program that equips learners with practical skills for the green workforce, was launched this year. From solar installation to sustainable agriculture, our courses empowered individuals to thrive in the evolving landscape of green careers from coast-to-coast-to-coast. Relay Education continues to evolve alongside the needs and growth of renewable energy, to support equity within the green economy, and on building energy literacy in Canada and abroad. You are vital in the renewables revolution. Join us in the movement towards a brighter, greener tomorrow.

Thank you for being an integral part of Relay Education. Your support fuels our passion. Together, we will continue to nurture green leaders and build a sustainable world.




Relay Education is leading the charge for a greener future and fostering the next generation of green energy leaders.

Relay Education is a Canadian charity delivering hands-on quality education and training programs about renewable energy, conservation, climate change and green careers. Relay delivers workshops in classrooms and communities across Canada. We are committed to collaborating with Indigenous communities to offer programs that can strengthen their participation in renewable energy opportunities, whether through training programs or educational workshops for community members.

More than 19,500 participants took part in programs on environmental education.



The Green Skills Academy launched April 1, 2023 to help grow Canada’s green workforce. The program offers free training courses in sustainability sectors for equity-deserving communities across Canada. The program received $5 million in funding for one year from the Government of Canada.

The Green Skills Academy offers free career training courses in four focuses: sustainable agriculture, solar installation, wind energy technology and operations, geographic information systems (GIS) mapping. The program was created to address the shortage of renewable energy workers, increase hiring of local people in community food projects and increase knowledge of GIS applications for solar energy projects. The courses are multi-week programs providing safety and workplace certifications, real job training and applications that meet industry standards, career guidance and networking. Relay delivered nine courses with 127 participants from April to June 30, 2023. The program will continue until March 31, 2024 with 50 courses planned and 800 graduates anticipated. These courses will encourage participation from members of equity-deserving groups, which helps to break down barriers that hold many folks back from accessing jobs in these groqing sectors.

The courses are provided by Relay Education and our partners, including post- secondary institutions, across Canada.

This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada's Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program.

The opinions and interpretations in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Canada.

32% Participants are Indigenous or Black Canadians. 90% Course completion rate. Green Skills Academy participants who successfully finished the program in this time period. 81% Participants are a member of an equity-deserving group. Self-identify as Women, Indigenous, Black Canadians, other racialized communities or visible minorities, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ2+ and/or newcomers.


The Solar Installation training course teaches participants about the fundamentals of rooftop solar energy systems. The course provides an introduction to electricity, solar energy, training certifications and hands-on installation of a demonstration solar panel system. Participants gain knowledge, skills, and exposure to the field of solar energy in a two to four week course. In this fiscal year, we delivered two solar installation courses. One in St. Theresa Point, a fly-in community located approximately 650km northeast of Winnipeg, Manitoba. The program attracted 18 participants. The second was held at York University in the Greater Toronto Area. This 4-week program equipped 12 participants with comprehensive knowledge and hands- on experience in solar technology. Relay's partnerships with institutions like York University and the Toronto Black Farmers and Growers offered insights into sustainable urban farming practices, which complement solar installation.

"The program equipped me with the technical, administrative and soft skills needed for solar. I know that I can launch myself in the solar job market with confidence and that I'll be successful."

Snehal Khade, Green Skills Academy Graduate


The Wind Energy Operations training course is a multi-week program which includes education on wind energy operations, maintenance and technology, supplies, training certifications and exploration of the wind industry in Canada. Participants receive an understanding of jobs in wind technology, with a focus on the skills of the trade required for wind energy technicians.

All participants will receive safety certifications in standard first aid, working at heights, fall protection and confined space awareness. Participants at Holland College will also receive certification in wind turbine high angle rescue. Lockout/Tagout electrical safety training and WHMIS safety training. 34 participants completed one of three Wind Energy Operations courses. The four-week training programs took place at Holland College in Summerside, Prince Edward Island and LC Extension, a part of Lethbridge College, in Lethbridge, Alberta.

“I want to extend my profound gratitude to the entire staff of the Green Skills Academy. This training program has helped to create more job opportunities for individuals in the clean energy industry.”

Ansu Keifala, Green Skills Academy participant



The GIS Mapping for Solar training course is a 12-week online program to learn how to use Geographic Information Systems mapping for solar energy projects. Participants increase their knowledge of GIS analysis to evaluate impacts on land use by solar energy developments, such as the impact of a large solar farm on local food production.

"The GIS Mapping for Solar Course taught me how GIS tools could be applied to solar energy projects and the theory behind it. Very helpful!"

Participants learn how to apply mapping techniques to find opportunities for solar energy

generation in rural and urban areas. They gain experience working through mapping exercises to address challenges and learn participatory

Rizwan Shahid, Senior Geographic Information Scientist and Green Skills Academy participant

techniques to increase public engagement in communities.


The Sustainable Agriculture training course is a multi-week program that provides participants with the ability to work in and build greenhouses, indoor vertical gardens, and outdoor gardens. Training includes learning how to grow food, garden and develop a food security project.

The Sustainable Agriculture program has 10 courses planned to begin after July 1, 2023, so participant course numbers are not reflected in this annual report.

Aujuittuq, Grise Fiord, NU Bearskin Lake First Nation Cowessess First Nation Eabametoong First Nation, Fort Hope First Nation Igluligaarjuk, Chesterfield Inlet, NU Ininī-otōškanink, Cote First Nation G̱ aw in X̱ aad kíl, Old Massett, Haida Gwaii Gespeg First Nation Gesgapegiag First Nation Relay delivers many workshops to Indigenous students. Some of the communities we delivered workshops to include:


Relay offers a wide range of energy and environment workshops for students across Canada. Our programs are offered in person and virtually. Our school programs are developed to meet education curriculum with a focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics), and ensure we provide as many hands-on, experiential activities as possible. We believe the best way to teach is for it to be self- directed with students. We are meeting youth wherever they are at in their learning. Experiential learning gives ownership to youth to discover their strengths and learn by doing it themselves, which is when we see the best learning outcomes.

Kahnawà:ke Mohawk Territory Kangiqliniq, Rankin Inlet, NU

Keeseekoose First Nation Kingfisher Lake First Nation Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug, Big Trout First Nation Listuguj First Nation M’Chigeeng First Nation Moose Cree First Nation Muskrat Dam First Nation Neyaashiinigmiing First Nation, Chippewas of Nawash First Nation Pasqua First Nation Peepeekisis First Nation Sachigo Lake First Nation Saukiing First Nation, Chippewas of Saugeen Sheshegwaning First Nation Six Nations of the Grand River Timiskaming First Nation Wapekeka First Nation Weagamow, North Caribou Lake First Nation Wikiwemikoong Unceded First Nation


19,359 youth participants took part in hands-on, curriculum based educational programs. 19K

workshops delivered covering climate change, renewable energy, electricity, water conservation, green careers, job and interview skills and the green economy. 896 of teachers surveyed recommend our programs to other educators. 99%

Indigenous youth participants took part in 125 workshops across the country. 1729


July 1, 2022–June 30, 2023 Some percentages and amounts have been rounded to the nearest whole number.

Total Revenue $3,587,448

Government, Foundation and Corporate Grants






Fee for Service (Programming)



Receipted Donations



Non-Receipted Donations (Corporate Donations, Foundation Donations)



Other (Interest and miscellaneous)



to program delivery and operations

Total Expenses $3,668,658


Programs $3,401,833 Management and Administration $180,645 Fundraising $86,180

to management and administration


Year End

Assets $927,472 Liabilities $588,871


to fundraising



Our work would not be possible without our funders and partners.

Accenture Canada Atura Power Brant Community Foundation Chawkers Foundation Clean Foundation EcoCanada EcoCity Fund Electricity Human Resources Canada Elemental Energy Employment and Social Development Canada General Motors Guelph Community Foundation

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Ottawa Community Foundation Pattern Renewable Energy RBC Richmond Community Foundation Saskatchewan Power Scotiabank Telus Friendly Futures Foundation TD Bank TD Friends of the Environment Foundation Toronto Hydro Trottier Foundation VanCity

JW McConnell Foundation M.H. Brigham Foundation

192 Spadina Ave, Suite 429 Toronto, ON M5T 2C2 Registered Charitable Number: 83703 5468 RR0001

Relay Education Annual Report 2022-2023

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