Relay Annual Report 2023


Dear Supporters and Friends,

What a year. Relay Education continues to grow and build innovative programs and partnerships. This year we expanded our team, delivered new types of programming, and established programming in new parts of the country. Our core programs have stayed consistent, with our school programs reaching upwards of 20,000 participants across Canada. This year saw new partnerships that brought us to northern communities in Canada, and our Kids’ World of Energy Festival went national for a second year, reaching 2,500 participants through virtual, and in school festivals across the country. The Green Skills Academy, an innovative program that equips learners with practical skills for the green workforce, was launched this year. From solar installation to sustainable agriculture, our courses empowered individuals to thrive in the evolving landscape of green careers from coast-to-coast-to-coast. Relay Education continues to evolve alongside the needs and growth of renewable energy, to support equity within the green economy, and on building energy literacy in Canada and abroad. You are vital in the renewables revolution. Join us in the movement towards a brighter, greener tomorrow.

Thank you for being an integral part of Relay Education. Your support fuels our passion. Together, we will continue to nurture green leaders and build a sustainable world.



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