DIGITAL TRUST INDEX Understanding How Digital Experiences A ect Consumer Trust Endorsed by
Executive Summary
Trust is a two-way relationship. In today’s digital age, it is hard to build and easy to erode. Last year’s Digital Trust Index examined the delicate balance between a frictionless user experience, security, and the increasing importance of data privacy in shaping how trustworthy a brand is perceived to be. However, this year’s findings reveal a significant shift: consumers are currently shouldering the responsibility of building trust with brands . Consumers are required to navigate complex consent forms, ensure their data is protected, and constantly monitor for potential breaches. This situation underscores a substantial gap where brands need to step up and take proactive measures to earn and maintain consumer trust. Despite advancements, there is still too much friction for customers, as the user experience remains hindered by cumbersome processes and barriers. Global trust in digital services is decreasing or remaining stagnant at best, even among highly regulated industries. This trend highlights a growing scepticism and the need for brands to rebuild confidence.
The threat landscape does not remain stagnant. As cyber threats evolve, brands must continuously adapt their security measures to stay ahead. Customers are increasingly demanding that brands embrace innovative and advanced technologies to enhance both their experience and security. There is a clear demand for brands to adopt cutting-edge solutions that not only protect data but also streamline the user experience. The responsibility of building and maintaining trust should not rest solely on consumers. Brands must take proactive steps to reduce friction, enhance security, and transparently communicate their efforts. By doing so, they can bridge the trust gap and foster a more secure and trustworthy relationship with their consumers.
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Global trust in digital services is decreasing or remaining stagnant at best, even among highly regulated industries. “ ”
2025 Thales Digital Trust Index #2025TrustIndex
02 04 06 16 21 24 28 30 32 35
Executive Summary
Key Findings
The Global Context
Consumer Privacy Demands
Brands’ Growing Bad Bot Problem
Access Denied: Passwords Still a Problem
No Trade-Off: The Burden on Consumers
Building Trust Through Technology
About the Research
Key Findings
Although this has dropped from 44% to just 32% of those aged 16-24. BANKING REMAINS THE NUMBER ONE TRUSTED SECTOR GLOBAL TRUST IN DIGITAL SERVICES IS IN DECLINE The majority of sectors experienced a decline in trust levels compared to last year, with not one sector achieving at least 50% when it comes to high levels of trust among consumers.
75 %
Three-quarters of consumers indicated that passwordless authentication, such as using biometric data or a PIN, is important to them (versus 72% last year).
86 %
MORE THAN FOUR IN FIVE consumers expect some level of privacy rights from the companies they interact with online.
42 % 37 %
Government organizations are the only sector where trust increased compared to last year ( 42% vs 37% ).
19 %
of consumers surveyed trust news media organisations with their personal data, placing them below all the other sectors.
ONLY 3 %
of consumers have been informed that their personal data has been compromised in the past year.
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