King's Business - 1952-02



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In This Issue Beginning "INS IDE H O L L Y W O O D By Dorothy C. Haskin

SYNGMAN RHEE, President of Korea, makes a plea for Scriptures



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d went to nimf a n d hound up his wounds , , orea is a wounded nation — bleeding in body and spirit — crying out for a message o f comfort and hope. ^ These suffering, sorrowing, dying people are in desperate ' need of the Word of God. Christian America must help. SaS m v v u vta s a iv tt u i u v a \ 7 v u * v n u l o i i u n m u v i i v n u i u o i /> We must pour the healing power o f the Scriptures into the grievous wounds o f Korea’s millions. % POCKETTESTAMENTLEAGUE

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is now d istribu ting Gospels in Korea. Will you help? We need your prayers! We need your money! Give now — for the need is desperate. The Word of God holds the only message o f hope and comfort for Korea’s suffering people. Write for free copy “Korea” — a special edition of the PTL Quarterly ALFRED A. KUNZ , EXE CUT I VE DI RECTOR


Page Two

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Theologians Versus Bible Teachers By Keith L. Brooks Reprinted from Prophecy, January 1952 We are coming into most critical times. There is to be more and more confusion among the people of God. Yes, there will be a sudden sleepiness even among the “wise virgins!” There will be in­ creasing divisions among Bible students and much confusing literature put out by very earnest people. The trend away from premillennial truth, even in some supposed fundamen­ tal institutions, is becoming disturbing. Students are being sent forth who have no positive convictions regarding prophetic things. They dare not attempt a clear Scriptural exposition of the sec­ ond coming of the Lord and kindred truth. They do not know whether there is to be a millennium or not. They are not sure that the Lord’s return for His own will be pre-tribulation. They are half inclined to believe in partial rap­ ture —if any. They imagine that the rebirth of the nation of Israel is but a passing phase of no prophetic signifi­ cance. Students of one seminary were recent­ ly told that most of the premillennial ideas have been invented within the past few years. “ It is BIBLE TEACHERS who promote these ideas,” said one pro­ fessor, “ but the THEOLOGIANS do not go for them.” Was this good man imply­ ing that Bible teachers know less about the Bible than theologians? He should know that most of the outstanding Bible teachers have been and are fully recog­ nized theologians. But, has our “ theologian” ever read “ Hope of the Ages” by Dr. A. C. Gae- belein—that book that traces back to the early church every important position of premillennialism as it is taught today? It is not strange, in view of the tre­ mendous prophetic developments of the last century with its almost miraculous means of spreading enlightenment, that the general outline of prophetic truth should have taken more definite form. The very trend of modern inventions to­ ward a cataclysmic consummation of the age, has turned millions of minds with little help from either Bible teachers or theologians to think upon the prophecies of an evil consummation of the age, and to regard the prophecies of the close of the New Testament in their now very obvious sense. If it is BIBLE TEACHERS who are keeping alive the “ blessed hope” of the true people of God being caught out of the world before the Tribulation wrath falls upon a thoroughly corrupt world— and Bible teachers who proclaim a glori­ ous millennial reign under the King of (Continued on Page 20)

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Official Publication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

Louis T. Talbot, D.D.

Betty Bruechert Managing Editor

William W. Orr, D.D

Editor in Chief

Associate Editor

Copyright, 1952, The King’s Business No part o f this magazine may be reproduced without permission. All Rights Reserved. Vol. 43 February, 1952 No. 2

Theologians Versus Bible Teachers, Keith L. Brooks ....................... 3 Editorially Speaking ..................................................................................... 4 The Work and the Workers, William W. O rr .......................................... 5 Dr. Talbot’s Question B ox...................................................... Inside Hollywood, Dorothy Clark Haskin ................................................... T Why I Do Not Attend the Movies............................................................. 8 Israel Lives Aga in ! George T. B. Davis ................................................... 3 Poem, He Liveth Long, Horatius Bonar ................................................... 10’ Jonah, the Whale and the Word o f God, Harry Rimmer ..................... 11 Poem, His Path for Me, Martha Snell Nicholson ............................... 12 Junior King’s Business: A Real Valentine, Norma M orse ............... 13 Biola Family Circle ...................................................................................... 14 The Bible in the News, William W. O rr ................................................... 15 Young People’s Topics, James H. Jauncey .............................................. 13 Book Reviews, Donald G. Davis ................................................................... 21 Miscellanea ..................................................................................................... 22: Sunday School Lessons, Homer A . Kent, Allison Arrowood ............. 23 Object Lessons, Elmer L. Wilder ................................................................. 33 Picture Credits: Cover, Hollywood Boulevard Looking West, Courtesy of the Hollywood Chamber o f Commerce; p. 9, Israel O ffice of Information, Los Angeles; p. 11, Wilde Bible Pictures, Boston, Mass. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION—“ The King’s Business” is published monthly; $2.00, one- year; $1.00, six months; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at Bpecial rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES—Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to “ The King’s Business.” Date of expiration will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING—For information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS—“ The King’s Business” cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1988, at the Post Office at Los Angeles. Cali­ fornia, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 538. P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. ADDRESS: The King’s Business. 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.


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F E B R U A R Y , 1 9 5 2

Salem, N. C. For a long time the idea was considered highly impractical. There had been employee counseling of a secular nature for many years. In fact, every one of the 600 foremen and supervisors had been trained to give advice on personal problems. The ques­ tion that concerned the executives was this: Could religion give something to our employees that psychology was not already giving them? Finally, the experiment was conducted and during the last two years several wonderful things have been accom­ plished. The morale of the company’s regular employees has improved to such an extent that old-timers say they can actually “feel” the difference when they walk through the factory. Labor turn­ over has dropped from 7.61 to 5.22 in two years. The accident rate has de­ clined approximately 40 per cent and absenteeism is much lower than it used to be. Labor-management frictions have decreased and tensions between white and colored workers have diminished almost to the vanishing point. While perhaps all these changes have not come through the mere employment of a company preacher, still in the opinion of the executives, company “ religion” has played a very important part. Without a doubt there is a tremendous potentiality for business improvement along this line. Certainly the presence of Christ in every-day affairs needs to be stressed consistently. Too long have people associated Christ and His worship with cathedrals, churches or “ saw-dust trails.” In the mind of far too many people God is a companion only for Sunday, depending upon the weather! What needs to be emphasized is that Christianity is a seven-day-a-week, t w e n t y-f o u r-hour-a-day proposition. Christ is at home in business, in educa­ tion, in social life as much as He is in churches. The answer that God has to give concerns not only so-called spiritual needs but concerns the every-day-down- to-earth matter-of-fact problems with which everyone is confronted. To take Him into one’s every-day life is the wisest, more practical and the most ef­ ficient thing that anyone can ever do. It is utterly ridiculous to endeavor to separate God’s influence from men’s everyday problems. God fills the earth, He fully understands about business, large and small. Reverence for Him is the very beginning of education and social life can never be what it ought to be without His fellowship. The segrega­ tion of religion and attempted separa­ tion of God from daily life is the main cause of the world’s woe. Invite God into every avenue of your being and by far the largest majority of problems will be solved automatically. The prayers of industrial parsons will not answer humanity’s needs but it is a step in the right direction. If this should be followed up to the extent that Christ Jesus were to become a daily companion in everything done in life, some real progress would be made. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

their talents are average talents. On the other hand, the problems of govern­ ment are so great in their widespread effect that the decision is oftentimes far beyond the power of mere human ability to make. Who is there of mortal man who has innate ability within himself rightly to govern millions or even thou­ sands of people? We speak of the wisdom of Solomon, but let it be remembered that Solomon became synonomous for wise government only through the fact that God bestowed upon him extraor­ dinary wisdom. All during this election year and, as a matter of fact, every year our govern­ ment would greatly benefit were Chris­ tians to consistently and persistently pray down upon our party conventions, our electorate and the elected officers the special wisdom which God will most certainly give to those who humbly de­ sire it. There seems to be little doubt but that good government is the result of intercessory prayer. God will most surely answer the believing petition of His children in vouchsafing to elected officers that special wisdom which is so desperately needed. So in the final analy­ sis the responsibility for good govern­ ment lies directly at the door of people who know how to pray. Here is a good year in which to demonstrate the reality and effectiveness of definite prayer. Industrial Parsons I N one of the lead articles of the American Magazine an account is given of an increasing trend on the part of large corporations to include a minis­ ter among their personnel. This move­ ment does not stem particularly from any pious sentiment on the part of boards of directors; it is based on the hard fact that industry is more efficient and consequently profits are larger when employees have access for their prob­ lems to a man of God and through him to the Book of God. A notable experiment has been con­ ducted in a large company in Winston-

Election Year T HE air is starting to fill with elec­ tion news. Candidates are declaring themselves, platforms are being dis­ cussed and formulated and for the next ten months or so the most general topic of conversation will center around elec­ tion. This is the good, right and proper American way. However, those who name the name of Christ and are acquainted with the Word of God have a much deeper re­ sponsibility devolving upon them than merely to discuss politics. The Scrip­ tures, in at least two separate instances, directly advise that such governmental matters ought to be a subject of real intercession. We are told to pray for all men, but especially for kings and all that are in authority. The promise con­ tingent upon such intercession is that the result will be a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty (I Tim. 2 : 1 , 2 ). In another passage of far-reaching implication (Rom. 13:1-7) the attention of the children of God is directed to an astounding fact. The powers that be are ordained of God, and since they are, the child of God is to be subject to them. He is to render such obedience and benevolence as befits a government or­ dained of God. Therefore, it is fitting and proper that the government under which the Christian lives should have a share in his prayer life. There is no way of obtaining reliable statistics as to how many praying peo­ ple include governments and government leaders in their prayers, but it has been observed by some that the public prayers made in many churches very largely omit this important matter. If public prayer is any indication of private prayer it is quite safe to say that the bulk of ascending prayer contains no mention whatsoever of petition for the needs of governmental leaders. And the need is so great for one should remember that those elected to high office are quite ordinary people, their wisdom is average wisdom and Page Four

The W ork and the Workers By Wm. W. Orr

One way to visualize the number of stars is to think of every grain of sand on every beach in the world for all the grains together would not equal the number of suns in the heavens. It will be interesting to hear the re­ port of the completed survey which is being recorded on 2,000 photographic plates. It is estimated that astronomers will be kept busy for the next 100 years deciphering the material presented by these photographs. What is to be learned from all this? Surely our minds stagger at the im­ mensity of it all. Who can comprehend a million suns not to speak of billions of them, and the God who has brought into being all these star systems is greater than them all? This, however, is the God who has caused to be written “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ” (Rom. 8:16,17). Birthdays February always is thought of as the month of birthdays, mainly because the birthdays of two of our greatest Americans fall within this month. But birthdays come to us all and birthdays are a God given marking of time for God has planned the years and He has set the bounds of man’s tenure of years upon the earth as approximately three score and ten. Is there not a distinct lesson to be learned as each anniversary comes around? Should this not be merely a time of felicitations and giving of gifts but rather a time of heart searching and meditation? Does not the fact that life is divided into these divisions call atten­ tion to the desirability of growth and progress? Should not each year be spent in more nearly attaining the goal which God has planned for us? It is characteristic of human nature to avoid thinking of matters which are distasteful. Very rarely does one con­ sider the inevitable approach of his death, yet perhaps if it could be known, the anniversary of a death date would be far more appropriate than the anniver­ sary of his birth date for such recogni­ tion would bring to our hearts some very serious thinking which would inevitably lead to more earnest living and more profitable service. It is a serious thought that all birth­ days must be accounted for at the judg­ ment seat of Christ. God will most cer­ tainly require of His children a reckon­ ing concerning the years of our life here upon the earth. May genuine wisdom be given to each of us to so number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

Object Lessons Man D R. Elmer L. Wilder, who has since 1934 written the widely-appreciated Object Lessons for The King’s Business, recently resigned as pastor of the Im­ perial Community Church, Imperial, California, to accept the pastorate of the Minthorn Community Church of Mil- waukie, Oregon. In addition to his being a pastor and an author, Dr. Wilder has for many years served as conference director of the Pine Valley Conference Association. He is well known as the originator of the “ Sing and Bring Clubs” for children. Dr. Wilder began his ministry in Ore­ gon the middle of December. The church of which he is now pastor holds the same doctrinal views as the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles. Any who are interested in securing his services in the Portland area may write him at P.O. Box 7574, Milwaukie, Oregon. The Heavens Declare M ANY times on the pages of Scrip­ ture the readers are exhorted to consider the night sky. Evidently one of God’s most convincing answers to skepticism is this vast and unbelievably amazing display which is presented night after night in the greatest drama of the ages as God unfurls the story of the stars. Since the very beginning of man’s sojourn on the earth he has mar­ veled at the multitude of these twink­ ling lights and wondered just how many stars there might be. One of the most interesting results coming from the Palomar Observatory in Southern California will be a closer approximation of the true number of these scintillating heavenly bodies which populate the visible universe. A survey is under way which will not be finished until possibly 1954 when the 48-inch “ Big Schmidt” telescope will be used. This survey plans to number the stars and systems of stars out to a distance of 350,000,000 light years. Dr. Albert G. Wilson, who is in charge of this program, has already intimated his belief with regard to the size of the universe. Our own Milky Way galaxy, of which the earth is but a tiny part and no star at all, is made up of 300,- 000,000,000 stars. The sun in our solar system is one of these stars but of medium size only. It is easy to remember how many stars there are in the Milky Way, says Dr. Wilson, because there are as many stars as there are dollars in our national debt. But of course our own galaxy is but one of many millions of other star systems which move through the heavens even to the observational limits of our greatest telescopes. There may be well over one billion such systems with some of them as big or bigger than our own

WCTU Increases An increase of nearly 1,000 in the number of new and reorganized local units during 1951 was recently an­ nounced by the National Women’s Tem­ perance Union. The total membership in the National W.C.T.U. and its affili­ ates is about 400,000 in approximately 10,000 state, district, county and local unions. Flying Seminar Plans for a Flying Seminar to Bible Lands have been completed by the Wi­ nona Lake School of Theology. The five- week tour of the Near East, which will include stops in Britain, France, Ger­ many, Portugal and the Azores, will be inaugurated on July 25, 1952. The Sem­ inar is to include graduate divinity stu­ dents and instructors who will be flown to Bible cities by means of an 82-pas­ senger DC-6Z chartered for the trip. Dean John A. Huffman of the Winona Lake school will direct the courses. Opportunities for Doctors Young Christian doctors just out of medical school should avail themselves of the great new opportunities in med­ ical missions and particularly in leprosy work. This is the recommendation of one of the world’s outstanding leprolo- gists, Dr. Robert G. Cochrane, of Lon­ don, England, who states, “ The oppor­ tunities for evangelization and religious education have also increased as more victims of leprosy come into the mission colonies to be cured and go back out into their home villages to spread Chris­ tianity.” New Themes A pair of dual themes, “ Share the Scriptures,” and “ Search the Scrip­ tures,” have been adopted by the Amer­ ican Bible Society for its 1952 Bible seals. These seals are the usual postage stamp size and the society is encourag­ ing the widest possible use, according to Dr. Frederick W. Cropp, General Sec­ retary. Daily Evangelism Because he was surprised upon find­ ing only six of his 100 workers were church members, Chester H. Thompson, plant manager of the Gerber Plumbing & Fixture Co., of Plymouth, Indiana, has instituted a daily morning prayer service on the company’s time. It is said that 14 or more of the workers have become church members since the serv­ ices were started. The pastor of the local Presbyterian Church attends to give to the workers daily talks on a Bible pas­ sage in a strictly down-to-earth manner. Church members among the workers have formed a choir to supply music for the services. Page Five

Milky Way system. F E B R U A R Y , 1 9 5 2

o In the book of Jude, verse 12, I read that certain false teachers are TWICE DEAD. What does this mean? Let us first remember that this pas­ sage is highly figurative. The reference is to apostates who are likened (in the Revised Version) unto “hidden rocks . . . shepherds without fear . . . clouds without water . . . autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots . . . wild waves of the sea . . . wandering stars.” Thus you see on the face of it, that one does not need to attempt to give a literal meaning to these words. Such is never the case in any literature, yet the meaning is un­ mistakable, and all the more impressive by these comparisons. However there is a' twofold descrip­ tion of the man who is unregenerated. That is, he is “ twice dead,” as it were for these two reasons, either one of which would indicate that he is a lost soul: (1) He is “ dead in trespasses and sins,” never having been regenerated (see Ephesians 2 :1 ); and he is dead in a false religion, trusting in a false sense of security. This condition is de­ scribed in Revelation 3:1, “ Thou hast a name that thou livest, but art dead.” John is here speaking of unregenerate church members. Sad, indeed, it is to see people who think that any certain ritualism, church attendance, almsgiv­ ing, or self-righteousness can make them fit for the presence of a holy God. “Nothing but the blood of Jesus” can take away the sins of the unregenerate heart! What is the second death? I have just been reading the second chapter of Rev­ elation, and would like your explanation. There are two more references in the book of Revelation to “the second death.” In this chapter the eleventh verse reads, “ He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.” Let me call your attention to Revelation 20: 6, 14, where we are told it is “ the lake of fire.” The term is used in the sense of eternal punishment, separation from God, remorse, suffering and sorrow; not in the sense of physical death as the whole body of Scripture makes plain. Bear in mind always that death, in the Bible, never means cessation of ex­ istence. It means separation. The prod­ igal son was separated from his father, and from his father’s house. Note here that the father said, “ This my son was dead, and is alive again.” (Luke 15:24.) (Continued on Page 24) T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

What is the difference between the cherubim and the seraphim? The cherubim and the seraphim are not identical; there are different ranks and orders in the angelic hosts. The cherubim and the seraphim are but two of these. The cherubim appear to have to do with the holiness of God as out­ raged by sin. The seraphim have to do with the uncleanness in the people of God as you will see in the reading of Isaiah 6:1-8. Christians shall judge angels accord­ ing to First Corinthians 6:3. Who are these angels, and when will this judg­ ment take place? These angels are referred to in the sixth verse of Jude: “ And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath re­ served in everlasting chains under dark­ ness unto the judgment of the great day.” (Read 2 Pet. 2:4.) The likelihood is that the judgment of the angels mentioned will take place at the Great White Throne, where wicked men are to be judged, though there is no definite statement to that effect in the Word of God. The part Christians will have in judging angels is not re­ vealed, and where the Scriptures are silent we must be silent also, accepting His Word for it on faith. In Luke 1:46 and 4? I read: “Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.” The Catholic Church teaches that Mary is to be worshiped. The verse you have quoted is a defi­ nite statement made by Mary that she was a sinner and needed a Saviour. She made this statement to Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, and that forever settles the question you ask. No Christian should pray to Mary—no Christian should worship her. Mary prayed with the disciples and the other women in the upper room as recorded in Acts 1:14. This is the last reference to Mary in the Bible. Here she was praying with others; praying and waiting for the promise of the Holy Spirit in accordance with the express command of the risen Christ. Not only was she obedient to Him here, but she made no claim to superiority. She is listed as just one with the other be­ lievers on the Lord Jesus, praying to the Father in the name of the Son. There is not the slightest suggestion in all the Word of God that we are to pray to Mary.

Dr. Louis T. Talbot

What is wrong with Unity? The Unity School of Christianity was founded about fifty years ago by a woman, Mrs. Myrtle Fillmore. We might summarize its contradiction of the Word of God in six denials of the “faith which was once [for all] delivered unto the saints.” 1. Unity denies that the Bible is uniquely inspired. In their magazine Unity (Feb. 1929), Mrs. Fillmore says: “ Beginning from the very first chapter of Genesis, the Bible is an alle­ gory.” “ Everybody can be inspired; if we think that inspiration ceased with Jesus, or with Paul and the apostles, we hinder the stream of God-thought from flowing to us; and we get no direct revelation.” 2. Unity denies sin and the personal­ ity of Satan. In Unity (No. 5, page 403) we will find this statement: “ There is no sin, sickness or death.” In “ Lessons in Truth,” page 185, this statement is found: “ God is good, and God is all; therefore I refuse to believe in the reality of the devil, or evil in any of its forms.” 3. Unity denies that salvation is by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It teaches that we achieve per­ fection by a realization that we are God through constant aflirmation. Master and mind are one, says Unity. We all have a God-mind. Followers of Unity know nothing about the blood of Christ, and attempt to find salvation by the denial of the reality of sin and by the constant aflirmation, “ I am good, and therefore I am God.” 4. Unity denies that Jesus is the Christ any more than any man. Accord­ ing to their proclamation it is the privilege of every man to be every­ thing that Jesus was. In their brochure, Christian Healing, page 172, they state: “He became the Word of God incarnate because He fulfilled all the requirements of the law, but this is the privilege of every man. Similar state­ ments are to be found all through the writings of Unity. 5. Unity denies that death is uni­ versal, and teaches that Unity disciples may never die. 6. Unity also denies a real Heaven, and teaches reincarnation.

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Inside Hollywood

By Dorothy Clark Haskin

cannot be expected to stay up until 11 and 12 o’clock at night and then go to school in the morning. When I was in New York, I did attend a special school which began at ten, called the Professional Children’s School. At the same time Mary Miles ilinter was also a pupil, but in those days she used her real name, Julliette Shelby. When I worked at Universal where the first series of children’s pictures were made, the Board of Education sent out a teacher. At that time it was quite a famous school with most of the child-stars of the day, Lina Basquette, Clara Horton, Zoe Rae and others, attending. And we studied—when we were not needed on the set. It was not until after I graduated from the Bible Institute that I completed my high school. This lack of regular school­ ing with emphasis on lessons in extra accomplishments is typical of the false front of the stage and Hollywood. Except on rare occasions I was not allowed to play with other children. They had “ germs” and I dared not be sick. Too much depended upon me. Not only were my mother and I dependent upon my salary for our livelihood but so was the entire company. There were few child actresses; it was almost impossible to replace me. And “ the show must go on.” Often you hear this expression but rarely do you hear the reason. The show must go on because the money has been paid at the box office and the manager does not want to refund the money. Or if a motion picture is being shot, the expense per minute is so terrific that no one dare be sick and so cause the expenses to mount. Many a time I stared out of the window at the children playing on the street with longing in my heart. I was only a child and yearned to play with them. But I would blink away my tears and go back to my practicing. Hours each day were devoted to practice. Professional dancing is an unnatural and exacting art. It is training the body in motions which are not normal, such as high kicking, backbends and splits, and therefore requires excessive hours of tedious work. I gave up playing to practice, but not reading. I delighted in reading anything, everything. When my mother was out

Child Actress H OLLYWOOD—a word which means glamour, heart­ break, fortune, sin. Ministers have cried against it as Jonah cried against Nineveh. Newspapers have made copy of its more colorful characters. Publicity writers have worn out dictionaries seeking words to laud the stars. Out of the excessive criticism by some and the sentimental slush by others, the Christian tries to form a true estimation of Holly­ wood. I know Hollywood for I have lived within walking distance o f Vine and Hollywood Boulevard for over twenty years. I live on a side street, in a hillside house, up fifty steps, for which Mary Pickford loaned me the money for the down payment. During those years I have been a successful dancer and motion picture actress, a young girl crushed by her first per­ sonal touch with death and, as a new Christian, I attended the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. And I still live in the same house, as a Christian writer, my stories and articles having appeared in over a hundred publications, mostly Christian magazines. I came across the entire United States to live in Hollywood. My mother grew up in Hallowell, Maine. She read the press agents’ stories of the so-called glamorous life of the actresses of her day. They fascinated her but it was not easy for a girl to go on the stage in her generation. It was' not until after marriage failed in life that she was able to take her small daughter, give her dancing lessons and put her on the stage. My first public appearance was in Portland, Maine, shortly before my fifth birthday. Then in New York, among other engagements, I appeared in “Mrs. Christmas Angel,” an Arnold Daly production, and several musicals produced by J. J. Shubert, the well-known theatrical magnate. In Chicago, I played Lady Patricia Vere de Vere in “ Racketty-Packetty House” by Prances Hodgson Burnett. By the time I was nine, I was in Hollywood, playing in the motion pictures with Henry B. Walthal, Ruth Stonehouse, Bryant Washburn, Theda Bara, Mae Murray, and Mr. and Mrs. Carter De Haven. Another child in the pictures at that time was Ben Alexander, now a TV announcer. I worked under the direction of Rupert Julian, Rex Ingram and D. W. Griffith. And there were plays with Edmond Lowe, Richard Dix and Marguerite de la Motte. These were all stars in their day. Many of them are dead and most of them are forgotten. There is nothing as fleeting as fame. People applaud one day and forget the next. Those who saw Dorothy Clark perform saw only the glamorous side of my life. One newspaper critic wrote, “ Like a little fairy, she appeared on the stage, entering into the various dances with a gleefulness that showed her love for the work and she certainly has made a beginning for a bright future.” This is how my life appeared to the public. It is true that there were pleasant aspects to my life. I responded to the favor and admiration showered upon me. Any child would. But even as a child I sensed that something was lacking. I had special lessons in dancing, piano, singing, elocution, horse-back riding, swimming, but there was little time for such ordinary things as spelling and arithmetic. A child

Dorothy Clark Haskin as Lady Patrica Vere de Vere in Racketty Packetty House

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I knew that what I was used to was not the real thing. But I did not know anything of the most real of all things in life—worship of God. Theatrical people have little time for religion. They have a vague standard of being and doing good, but they are busy. I was on the Keith-Albee vaudeville time in the East and Pantages time in the West, both as a dancer and in a dramatic playlet. That meant I performed in two shows during the week and three on Saturday and Sunday. Sometimes there were four or even five shows on the week-end. “ Church” was a spire seen from a train window. Since I have become a Christian, a question often burns in my heart. As I toured the United States, appearing on the stage in performance after performance, many people saw me. Often the house was packed. Can it be possible that not one who saw me was a Christian? If not, then far too many people in the United States are not saved. However, I cannot but believe that some of those in the audience were Christians—nominal Christians, Christians out of fellowship, say it any way you please, but still Christians, members of churches and regular attendants. If so, they were a party to the abnormal life I was forced to live. They were, encouraging my mother in her false ideas of glamour. They were responsible for her eventual disillusion­ ment and death. By their attendance and support they were giving at least tacit approval of putting upon a child the strain of appearing in public. Worse, they were approving of bringing up a child in an environment which not only had no time for God, but only glorified the flesh and the lusts thereof. Surely they will be held accountable to God for the contribution they made to the unhappy life of the little child actress. (The second installment of Mrs. Haskin’s account of her actual Hollywood experiences will appear in next month’s issue.) Why I Do Not Attend theMovies Newsweek recently reported an article which the Rev. Grant H. Elford placed in his bulletin relative to excuses for not attending church. He listed them as reasons for not attending the movies, satirical imitations of church-going excuses. He said that for the following reasons he did not attend the movies: 1. The manager of the theater never called on me. 2. I did go a few times, but no one spoke to me. Those who go there aren’t very friendly. 3. Every time I go they ask me for money. 4. Not all folks live up to the high moral standards of the films. 5. I went so much as a child, I’ve decided I’ve had all the entertainment I need. 6. The performance lasts too long. I can’t sit still for an hour and three-quarters. 7. I don’t care for some of the people I see and meet at the theater. 8. I don’t always agree with what I hear and see. 9. I don’t think they have very good music at the theater. 10. The shows are held in the evenings, and that’s the only time I am able to be at home with the family. From The Clarion, First Baptist Church, Cheyenne, Wyoming. V * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lina Basquette, Zoe Rae and Dorothy Clark Haskin, with Marshall Stedman, casting director of Universal Pictures, Inc.

of the room, I used to put a book on the floor and read a sentence on each bend. I was not only a dancer but an actress. That meant I had to feel any emotion the play required. When I was in "On Trial” with Edmund Lowe, I had to cry every night on the stage. At first the story of the play affected me. But I grew used to it. Then mother resorted to reading sad poetry to get me in the mood. If that failed she would tell me, “No one likes you. They think you are a hateful child.” And when I was torn to shreds emotionally, and sobbing heart-brokenly, I would be pushed onto the stage! This excessive playing upon my emotions developed in my nature a streak of brooding melancholy. I was old, far too old, for my years. What else could be expected of a child thrust into the position of responsibility that I was? When ordinary children were punished for getting into mischief, I was punished if I missed a step in my dance or failed to show the emotion the director demanded. One of the so-called advantages of being on the stage is that one travels and sees places. This might be an advantage if theatrical people went to see the places of interest, but the attitude of an actor is that, to look at anything except him­ self, is to be a “ yokel” ! They pride themselves upon NOT being “sight-seers.” A different town is merely a different dressing-room. To be brought up in a dressing-room, as is the child actress, is to be reared in a drafty hole of a room the furnishings of which consist of a large mirror, a shelf for one’s make-up, a few straight chairs and a number of hooks on which to hang one’s costumes. There are always waits when one is not on stage. The grown-ups spend this time playing cards or sewing on cos­ tumes. The lone child sits around in an atmosphere of smoke, powder and profanity. The stage and the movie lot are strictly places of make- believe. Most of the sets are built of heavy, coarse cloth, painted and braced into position. The audience sees the illusion. The actor knows it is papier-mache. Once when I was on a train, I was restless and asked, “ What can I do?” “ Look at the scenery,” mother replied. I glanced out of the window at the passing green fields and, confused, replied, “Why, Mother, that’s not scenery; that’s the real thing.” Page Eight


Sixth In A Prophetic Series

By George T. B. Davis*

O NE day during our stay in Jeru­ salem we visited- the beautiful Scotch Church and its comfort­ able hospice. As we sat in the pleasant living room of that Christian home, we looked out on the southeastern wall of Jerusalem, which is the only part of the wall that is included at present in the Jewish State. The Jews no longer have access to their ancient Wailing Wall, with its huge stones which date back to the Second Temple. But God has promised that Jerusalem will be the place of Messiah’s Throne, where He shall reign over the Gentiles and over His regathered people Israel: “ At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the Lord; and all the na­ tions shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the Lord, to Jerusalem” (Jer. 3:17). Jerusalem is now and will be “ a cup of trembling” and a “burdensome stone” to all people who gather against it (Zech. 12:2,3). The United Nations have long announced that they plan to internationalize the Old City—a num­ ber of nations to have jurisdiction over it. Dr. Weizmann, the President of the State of Israel, in an article in “ Israel and the Middle East” stated: “ We are agreeable that special arrangements he made for the Old City with its Holy Places. We would like to see this sacred zone beautified so that worshipers com­ ing from all parts of the world to Jeru­ salem will derive joy and inspiration from their pilgrimage. There is, how­ ever, no reason why special arrange­ ments for the Old City should extend

take another train for Tel Aviv. From Lydda to Haifa there was plenty of room, and we had interesting times talking with passengers and giving out New Testaments to various ones in our car. One of the passengers we met was an ex-captain of the Jewish army which defended Jerusalem during the Arab- Jewish conflict. He gladly received a Hebrew New Testament. The railway runs along the coast as it nears Haifa. Soon we passed the fisheries where the Jews are breeding fish to replenish the food supply in Israel. At last, after a pleasant four- hour journey of witnessing and giving out New Testaments to interested Jews, we reached Haifa. Our faithful friend met us at the station and took us to our former room on Mount Carmel. Again we rejoiced in the beautiful view of the thousands of twinkling lights of the harbor city and of its homes built along the mount. Above were the myr­ iads of brilliant stars like jewels, which caused Mrs. Davis to exclaim, “ The stars seem to shine more brightly in Israel than in any other part of the world!” That night in our pension we slept again in the bed which had been pur­ chased years ago from a wealthy Arab emir., The bed was the widest we had ever seen. It was over seven feet wide and six and three-quarters feet long. It took two sets of sheets and two sets of blankets to cover its width. When we saw it, after we first arrived from America and slept in it during our stay on Mount Carmel, we were reminded

also to the New City outside the walls. This new city has sprung up within the past hundred years essentially as a re­ sult of Jewish effort.” The stage is already set for future battles over the possession of Jerusalem. From a study of Zechariah 14, we gather that the ownership of the whole city will never be fully settled until the Lord Jesus Christ comes back to reign there. But many striking events will come to pass in Israel, according to God’s Word, before our Lord returns to rule and reign over all nations, as King of kings, and Lord of lords. We will hope to speak in more detail about these events later in this chapter. During our last twelve days in Jeru­ salem we were shown gracious hospital­ ity by Canadian and Swiss missionaries who invited us to be their guests in their apartment. We continued to have blessed times of witnessing to individual Jews and to groups of Jews who gath­ ered in homes to hear God’s Word. Our two months’ stay in Israel was rapidly drawing to a close and we had to go back to Haifa to embark for Europe, for the work that awaited us there. We bade good-bye to the many missionary friends in Jerusalem and the dear Hebrew Christians from Ger­ many, France, Hungary, Switzerland, Bulgaria and from other lands, and took the train for Haifa via Lydda. The train from Jerusalem to Lydda was crowded. As we drew near Lydda, we saw a few planes on the airfield, and a plane about to make a landing. At Lydda many of the passengers left to

*Executive Secretary of the M il lio n T e s t a m e n t s C a m p a ig n s . Reprinted from the hook, I srael R e tu r n s H om e A ccording to P r o ph e c y , obtainable at 1505 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. I I I ■~.......... ■ b-- • I K # fbiîiüi iSf ^11

Sheep in the Emek

Elite Chocolate factory in Ramai Gan

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of the Scripture story of the man whose friend came knocking at his door at midnight and the householder called out: “ Trouble me not: the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed.” On the morning of the day we sailed from Haifa for Greece and Italy, an American lady introduced Mrs. Davis to a Jewess in her early twenties. The American friend had been dealing with the Jewess about her soul’s salvation and had given her one of our Prophecy New Testaments, and she had been reading it. Mrs. Davis brought her Bible to the veranda. The three of them gath­ ered around the open Word for a couple of hours, while the way of salvation was further made known to that seeking soul. The Spirit of God moved upon the young Jewess in convicting and con­ vincing power, and shortly before noon —about an hour before we left for our steamer—the Jewess definitely confessed her acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour. It was a beau­ tiful and fitting climax to our stay in Israel, where we had witnessed the re­ turn of many Jews to their homeland and the openness of many to receive the New Testament and to hear the gospel of God’s grace in Christ. And now in this closing article let me mention the past history of the children of Israel, and then give glimpses of what the Bible reveals about their future in the land of their forefathers. The past history of the Jews can be summarized in two sen­ tences : When they kept God’s com­ mandments they enjoyed great blessing. When they failed to keep God’s laws, they suffered terrific judgments. When Israel’s long-promised Messiah appeared, multitudes of the Jews be­ lieved on Him, but their blind leaders rejected Him. He was crucified on Gol­ gotha’s hill outside the walls of old Jerusalem. There he died for the sins of all mankind, and to save all those who believe on Him. The third day He arose again and ascended into Heaven where He is interceding for us, from whence He will come again, first for His own, and then to rule in Jerusalem over Israel and all other nations. Swift and terrible judgments followed the Jews’ rejection of their Messiah. In A.D. 70 Jerusalem was destroyed, the Temple was burned, and a million Jews were slain. And for nearly 2,000 years the Jews have been wanderers among the nations, without a country, without a city, “without a king, without a prince, and without a sacrifice” (Hosea 3 :4). But God has not given up Israel! God loves the Jews with an everlast­ ing love. They are His chosen people. And today, even though as a nation they have not repented of their sin of reject­ ing their Messiah, yet in His matchless mercy and compassion, God is taking them back to their ancient homeland. I confess that at first we were puzzled to know why it was that God was leading the Jews back to their land when they have not repented of their great sin, but are continuing in unbelief. But at Page Ten

length we found the answer in the book of Ezekiel. God is bringing them back, not for their righteousness, but for His Name’s honor and glory! Here is Ezekiel’s description of what is happen­ ing today: “ Thus saith the Lord God; I do not this for your sakes, 0 house of Israel, but for mine holy name’s sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went. For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land” (Ezek. 36:22, 24). As the Jews return to their homeland in increasing numbers and make the long-barren land to blossom as the rose, there is a certain nation that will envy Israel, both for her strategic position geographically, and for the wealth she will accumulate. More than 2,500 years ago the prophet Ezekiel predicted that this northern nation would “ think an evil thought” against the Jews and covet the land and the wealth there and de­ termine to take it. The name of the aggressor nation is indicated quite clearly by the prophet Ezekiel. It is “He Liveth Long Who Liveth Well” He liveth long who liveth well! All other life is short and vain; He liveth longest who can tell Of living most for heavenly gain. He liveth long who liveth well! All else is being flung away; He liveth longest who can tell Of true things truly done each day. —Horatius Bonar “the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal.” Most Bible teach­ ers agree that these ancient names point clearly to Russia. The people of that northern confederacy will come against the land of Israel. These great hordes will descend upon Israel with their cav­ alry “ like a storm” and with planes, “ like a cloud to cover the land.” But let the prophet Ezekiel tell the story in his inspired words: “ Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him . . . After many days thou shalt be vis­ ited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them. Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee” (Ezek. 38:2,8,9). The prophet continues his prophecy against the northern confederacy: “ At the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil

thought . . . To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhab­ ited, and upon the people that are gath­ ered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land. And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee... “ and thou shalt come up against my people of Israel . . . it shall be in the lat­ ter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before .their eyes. And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, that my fury shall come up in my face” (Ezek. 38:10, 12, 15, 16, 18). The prophet tells of the terrific earth­ quake that God will sepd upon the in­ vading northern armies which will come down to plunder His chosen people. The effects of the earthquake described in Ezekiel 38:19 and 20, will be more tre­ mendous than those of an atomic bomb. God’s Word continues: “And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflow­ ing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone. Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the Lord” (Ezek. 38:22,23). God will be glorified through Russia’s judgment! In the thirty-ninth chapter the proph­ et Ezekiel tells of the terrific slaughter of the people of the northern nation, and their allies. He declares that only a sixth part of the invading armies would be left, and that it would take the Israelites seven months to bury their bones on the eastern side of the Dead Sea. Another event in the future of "the Jews that is foretold in the Word of God is a period of great tribulation. Jeremiah calls it “ the time of Jacob’s trouble.” “Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble, but he shall be saved out of it” (Jer. 30:7). According to many Scripture pas­ sages, a great world ruler will arise who will be the man of sin, the anti- Christ. He will make a seven-year covenant with the Jews. He will set himself up as God in the temple in Jerusalem. Daniel, and the Lord Jesus call it “the abomination of desolation” (Dan. 9:24-27; Matt. 24:15; 2 Thess. 2:3-10). The orthodox Jews and other godly Jews will doubtless refuse to worship this idol. And terrible suffer­ ings will be visited upon the Jews by their enemies, even worse than the ter­ rific sufferings they have endured under Hitler. The prophet Daniel says: “ And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even (Continued on Page ZU) T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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