King's Business - 1952-02

our faithfulness to the guidance of the Spirit and God’s faithfulness to His word. The seeker for souls must always be prayerfully aware that he is relying on the power of the Spirit of God. QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION Why are relatives so hard to win for Christ? Can there be surrender without per­ sonal evangelism? What is the difference between preach­ ing and witnessing? What does the Holy Spirit do in con­ version? For ONE DOLLAR, ten of your friends may receive a sample copy of The King’s Business. Why not send in a list today?

March 9, 1952 ANDREW WINS HIS


m . A-'OM

BROTHER John 1:40-42

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From what we can tell in the New Testament record, Andrew never came into very great prominence in the church but he did bring Peter who was to dpen up the gospel for both Jew and Gentile and wield a tremendous in­ fluence. The lowly but faithful souls who win a John Wesley, a Charles Spurgeon or a Dwight Moody, in the long run, minister to the kingdom of God far beyond their wildest dreams. The way to multiply usefulness is to win others. There are three aspects of Andrew’s act which reflect the very heart of evangelical Christianity. A Mission Notice that Andrew’s first concern was for his brother. He could not be a disciple and leave it at that. Without a word from Christ on the matter he im­ mediately recognized his duty. Personal s ou l-w in n in g has always been the strength of the Ch ristian fa ith . Throughout its long history it has not been the preachers who have propa­ gated it, but the ordinary disciples. They were concerned for the salvation of their families, their friends and their workmates and could not be happy un­ til they too had been brought within the fold. When revival comes it will bring that kind of experience. It is revival when the masses become evangelists. You are not worthy of the name of a disciple of Christ unless you are trying to win others for Him. A Witness Andrew did not make the mistake of preaching to Peter. That could have only incensed the rough fisherman who would have concluded that Andrew was pre­ tending to a superior religiousness. All that Andrew said was: “We have found the Messiah.” He witnessed to what had happened to him. When a student, the writer was once arguing with an atheist who had an answer for every argument. A fellow student came up and said: “ I can’t understand all this philosophy but let me tell you what Christ has done for me.” The atheist had no answer to that. Our Lord’s way is expressed in His great command: Ye shall be wit­ nesses unto me. An Introduction Andrew did not really win his brother. He merely introduced him to Christ. That is the most that anyone can do. We do not win souls. Only God does that. The most that the best of oratory or persuasion can do is to create an atmosphere in which the sinner will be willing to come to Christ and then the Holy Spirit will do the rest. That is a very encouraging truth, for it means that our success as soul-winners does not depend on our ability. It depends on F E B R U A R Y , 1 9 5 2

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