King's Business - 1952-02

ing on His Word. The soul delights to listen to the faithfulness of God to the patriarchs, His kindness to Israel, His inspiration in the Psalms, His right­ eousness in the prophets, His love in the Gospels and His care in the Epis­ tles. In prayer we talk with God but do please notice that that means far more than to make requests to Him. Let us converse with Him about everyday life for He is interested in both secular and sacred. In talking with Him we get to know Him. Power In giving advice to young converts, personal worship has always been re­ lated to power. Strength comes only as regular, daily, personal worship is con­ tinued. The reason is that both the Scripture and prayer are gateways into the very presence of God. The Bible not only was inspired when it was written, it is inspired now. It is radio­ active with the power of God. Therefore to read its pages is to permeate the soul with the unseen healing rays. So also with prayer. Prayer leads into His presence but in His presence there is power. He could give us our needs with­ out prayer but He forces us to prayer so that even in spite of ourselves we might be molded by the power of His presence. Service Personal worship results in adequate service instead of the fruitless service of self-will. God wants His work done but only if it is done in His way. The Bible teaches us the ways of God and shows up the pitfalls into which others have fallen. It reveals inadequacies in the life that could hinder service and it gives that knowledge that equips for service. Prayer is two-way. Not only do we talk with God but He talks with us, that is if we will take the time to lis­ ten. Someone has said that God has given us two ears and only one tongue and therefore we should listen to God twice as much as we talk to Him. He will not necessarily exhibit the super­ natural, a voice from the blue or such like. Most likely He will gently impress upon our hearts and thoughts the things we should do. When we follow that Voice, that is service indeed. QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION How do we know that God desires our personal worship? Why is public worship insufficient? What should one look for in reading a Scripture passage? Should prayer be planned and if so, how?

between knowing about the President of the United States and knowing him personally. So also you may know much about Christ without entering into an intimate experience ,of friendship with Him. This is not achieved in a day for one grows into it but only as one has a vision of it. Victory Victory is another feature of ma­ turity but not of infancy. The child stumbles, fails to express himself prop­ erly, does not succeed in many of the tasks he sets himself. The immature Christian is like that. His experience is an alternation of sinning and repent­ ing. But the more he allows Christ to take control and His Spirit to permeate the heart and mind the more he is con­ scious of power and victory. The pas­ sage in James names four victories es­ pecially. First, victory over anger, that is, power over the emotions. Second, victory over indecision and inaction, that is power over the will. Third, vic­ tory over careless or hurtful speech, that is, power over self - assertion; Fourth, victory in service to others, that is, power over selfishness. QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION How does Spiritual immaturity affect usefulness? How does one count all things but loss for Christ? What practical aids has God given so that we may know Him? What are the secrets of victory? March 30, 1952 TECHNIQUES OF PERSONAL WORSHIP John 5:39; Matt. 6:5-8 Personal worship is one of the great ends of the Christian religion. It is one of the great mysteries of our faith that God should desire such worship from sinful, unworthy beings like our­ selves, but it is also one of the great certainties that He does so desire it. Experience has shown also that no Christian can grow without it. All through Christian history there has been absolute unanimity of opinion that the two main techniques of personal worship are Scripture reading and prayer. We will show today that each of these techniques minister to devo­ tion, power and service, the three as­ pects of all adequate worship. Devotion We all love the Lord or else we would not be Christian Endeavorers but we all wish to love Him better that is why we are Christian Endeavorers. But love intensifies when it is expressed. There­ fore we express our love for Christ in our devotions to Him. Just as the lover feeds her love by reading the love let­ ters of the distant sweetheart so do we deepen our passion for Christ by feed- F E B R U A R Y , 1 9 5 2

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