King's Business - 1952-02

SYNGMAN RHEE, President of Korea, makes a plea for Scriptures



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d went to nimf a n d hound up his wounds , , orea is a wounded nation — bleeding in body and spirit — crying out for a message o f comfort and hope. ^ These suffering, sorrowing, dying people are in desperate ' need of the Word of God. Christian America must help. SaS m v v u vta s a iv tt u i u v a \ 7 v u * v n u l o i i u n m u v i i v n u i u o i /> We must pour the healing power o f the Scriptures into the grievous wounds o f Korea’s millions. % POCKETTESTAMENTLEAGUE

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is now d istribu ting Gospels in Korea. Will you help? We need your prayers! We need your money! Give now — for the need is desperate. The Word of God holds the only message o f hope and comfort for Korea’s suffering people. Write for free copy “Korea” — a special edition of the PTL Quarterly ALFRED A. KUNZ , EXE CUT I VE DI RECTOR


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