King's Business - 1952-02

ETERNAL RETRIBUTION By William Elbert Munsey


Seven sermons on the future punish­ ment of the unsaved from the pen of a Southern Methodist preacher of a hundred years ago provide the sub­ stance of this work. Scriptural teaching oh this subject is not often heard in today’s pulpits. The sermons are scrip­ tural, calling upon men to consider the awful alternative to accepting refuge in the finished work of Christ for sinners. 128 pages. Sword of the Lord Publish­ ers, Wheaton, 111. Cloth. $1.50. Edited by Theodore W. Engstrom The reader will find in this work thirteen outstanding sermons from John Chrysostom, Savonarola, Luther, Cal­ vin, Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, Charles G. Finney, F. W. Robertson, Alexander Maclaren, T. DeWitt Talmage, D. L. Moody, and Billy Sunday. While the ages of the church are very unequally represented in these pages, these burn­ ing messages from the Word of God will be read and studied with profit by both preacher and layman. 180 pages. Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. $2.00. GREAT SERMONS From Master Preachers of All Ages

A former Professor of the History of Methodism in Emory College, Georgia, here presents a factual study of Meth­ odist socialism and alleged communism. The background of the controversy be­ tween the laymen of the Methodist Church and The Methodist Federation for Social Service is fully documented. A severe condemnation of the ideologies of Methodist leaders, the book closes with an appeal to the rank and file of the church to purge itself from un- American elements. 186 pages. The Uni­ versity Press, Houston, Texas. Paper. No price given. The book being reviewed is the fourth and last volume of Dr. Scroggie’s monu­ mental work of the Psalms, covering the last sixteen Psalms. The author has long been known for his keen insight into Scripture and his apt way of or­ ganizing his material. The pastor will find here a veritable mine of homiletic suggestions, its use facilitated by five indexes and twelve appendices. To look into this book is to desire the entire set. 327 pages. Pickering & Inglis, London, England. Cloth. $3.75. This book was written because the author had for a long time “ felt the need of a book which would briefly and convincingly solve a few of the out­ standing problems that discourage peo­ ple of today.” Her scriptural solutions are gathered under the headings, the Keys of Faith, Scripture, Prayer, Obe­ dience, Consecration, and Suffering. Much Scripture is used, and the com­ ments would be of great help and stimu­ lation to the disheartened. 248 pages. W. A. Wilde Company, Boston, Mass. Cloth. $2.50. AMERICA’S HOUR OF DECISION Including a Life Story of Billy Graham Vincent C. Hogren is the author of “ Billy Graham’s Own Hours of Deci­ sion,” which provides the biographical first section of this book. Those who have been blessed through the young evangelist’s ministry and those who are praying for the revival movement he heads will be grateful for the life sketch and “ The Billy Graham Family Album” of informal pictures. Accounts of great city-wide revivals in all parts of Amer­ ica follow Graham’s life story, and the volume concludes with five evangelistic sermons. 158 pages. Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, 111. Cloth. $2.00. THE PSALMS By W. Graham Scroggie KEYS TO CHRISTIAN LIVING By Luella Knott

By DONALD G. DAVIS, Ph.D. Head of the Church History Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles

THE DAWN OF WORLD REDEMPTION By Erich Sauer The first two books to be reviewed in these columns this month are the 'work of one of the leaders among the [Plymouth] Brethren in Germany, head of the Bible School at Wiedenest. A real appreciation of the dispensational as­ pects of the Word of God characterizes his presentation—the two volumes pro­ vide an admirable text for an advanced course in dispensational truth. This book has the subtitle, “ A Survey of Historical Revelation in the Old Testa­ ment.” The unfolding of God’s ways with man is fascinating, and the care­ fully outlined sections enable the stu­ dent of Bible truth to retain what he has learned. Both the pulpit and the pew will welcome these two books. 206 pages. The Paternoster Press, London, England. Cloth. $3.00. THE TRIUMPH OF THE CRUCIFIED By Erich Sauer This volume, subtitled “ A Survey of Historical Revelation in the New Tes­ tament,” carries on the author’s work on the Old Testament, reviewed above. The life and work of Christ, the Church of the firstborn ones, and the doctrine of the last things are here presented in a format which challenges study and sustains interest. Ninety outlines of Biblical messages are a feature of the work. Scripture indexes would have en­ hanced the value of both books, but even without this aid, here is an indis­ pensable Bible study tool. 207 pages. The Paternoster Press, London, Eng­ land. Cloth. $3.00.

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