King's Business - 1952-02

Jonah, the Whale, and the Word o f God (Continued from Page 23) Channel. Briefly, the account stated that in the attempt to harpoon one of these monstrous sharks, this sailor fell over­ board and before he could be picked up again, the shark, feeding, turned and engulfed him. His horrified friends made so much outcry that they frightened the fish, and it sounded and disappeared. The entire trawler fleet put out to hunt the fish down, and forty-eight hours after the accident occurred, the fish was sighted and slain with a one- pound deck gun. The winches on the trawlers were too light to haul up the body of the mighty denizen of the deep, so they towed the carcass to the shore and opened it, to give the body of their friend Christian burial. But when the shark was opened, they were amazed to find the man unconscious but alive! He was rushed to the hospital, where he was found to be suffering from shock alone, and a few hours later was dis­ charged as being physically fit. The account concluded by saying that the man was on exhibit in a London Museum at a shilling admittance fee, being ad­ vertised as “ The Jonah of the Twentieth Century.” We corresponded with our representa­ tives in London, and shortly^ afterward received corroboration of this incident, and last year had the privilege of meet­ ing this man in person. His physical appearance was odd, in that his entire body was devoid of hair, and odd patches of a yellowish-brown color covered his entire skin. For two days and nights he lived in a monster of the deep. And this without any special providential care expressly stated, or even implied. Does it seem reasonable to concede that if a man in the ordinary course of nature can exist for two days and nights inside a marine monster, a prophet of God under His direct care and protection could stand the experience a day and a night longer? The summary of the matter is this: There are creatures which swim the seas which could in the very course of their nature be hosts to a man like Jonah. The heart of the matter, however, is this statement from the Book, that God had prepared a fish. It is impossible to state whether God prepared this fish in the natural order of generation and birth or whether this was a special creature. So the purpose of this demonstration is to show that the account is reason­ able. It could have happened. As the intelligent thinker suggested, if it could have happened, and the Scripture says it did happen, upon the authority of Jesus Christ and the weight of attested reason, let us acknowledge the truth of this account.



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Page Twenty-five

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