King's Business - 1952-02

have a map at this point in order to trace the movements of the missionary at this time. The places mentioned in the text may easily be seen upon the map. The main objective at this time was Philippi. It was a Roman colony. In other words it was a little bit of Rome in a distant country. Because of some particular service to Rome, Phil­ ippi had probably won this colonial dis­ tinction. The nearest thing to a syna­ gogue that could be found at this place was a prayer meeting by a riverside. It took ten men to establish a Jewish synagogue in a Gentile city. Apparently there were not that many Jews in Philippi at this time. So they did the best they knew, meeting at a convenient riverside for prayer and the observance of their rites. Here it was that the heart of Lydia was reached for the gospel. Open Door Results 16:15, 40 Immediate results of entering the door which was opened to these mis­ sionaries by the Spirit of God were a household dedicated to the cause of Christ (v. 15), and a nucleus of breth­ ren from which the Philippian church would later emerge (v. 40). And it may be added that in Lydia the church gained at this time a woman who has become one of the brightest examples of Christian devotion and service. Helps for the Children Lydia, Who Believed in Jesus Acts 16:6-15, 40 Memory Verse: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house” (Acts 16:31). One night Paul, the great missionary, had a vision or a dream. He saw a man of Macedonia begging him to come over into Macedonia to preach the gospel. Paul had been praying about where God would have him go next to tell about the Lord Jesus. Here was the answer! In the city of Philippi Paul met with a group of women outside the city by the riverside on the sabbath day. These women regularly met there for prayer each sabbath. A wealthy woman named Lydia from another city heard the gos­ pel and believed upon the Lord . Jesus Christ. After she and her household were baptized, she asked Paul and those with him to stay in her home while they were ministering there. Just as soon as she became a follower of the Son of God she wanted to show her love for Him by helping those who were His servants. Those who become new creatures by believing upon the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour always live dif­ ferently than they did before they were saved. They desire to spend their entire lives showing their love for Him and for others. They ask His wisdom about every decision they make; they let Him plan their lives completely. Their un­

saved friends and loved ones soon see the change in their lives and desire to know their Saviour. If you have unsaved loved ones in your home, remember God’s promise: “ Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.”

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March 30, 1952 HOW LUKE SERVED HIS LORD Luke 1:1-4; Acts 1:1, 2; 16:6-10; Col. 4:14 Pointers on the Lesson

The quarter’s series of lessons on the early followers of Jesus is brought to a close this week by a study of Luke, the beloved physician. The lesson will ac­ quaint us with the contribution of Luke as a historian in the realm of Christian knowledge. It will also relate how he met Paul, how their meeting developed into a warm friendship and how the subject of our study became a valuable missionary companion of the great Apostle. 'Luke stands out as probably the only Gentile writer of the New Testament, and as one especially gifted in literary style. A Man of Certainty Luke 1:1-4 Luke was sure of his ground as he wrote his book. He was not speaking from mere hearsay when he wrote. He had contacted those who had known the Lord Jesus Christ personally and had learned the facts from their own lips (v. 2). He was, to be sure, in­ spired by God as he wrote the record of our Lord’s life but he was led by the Spirit to make use of all reliable sources of information. He was a very careful and accurate investigator. In verse ,3 Luke speaks of “having had perfect knowledge of all things from the very first.” Dr. C. I. Scofield, in a footnote in the Scofield Bible, says the phrase “from the very first” may well be translated “from above” as it is in other places such as John 3:31 and 19:11. This translation readily explains Luke’s “ perfect understanding.” Luke addresses his book particularly to a man by the name of Theophilus which name means “ lover of God.” He was probably some Roman oflicial who had manifested at least some interest in the things of God. The manner of address, “most excellent,” was such as was often used in addressing Roman officials. Luke wanted this man, and through him all the rest of us, to know the certainty of the things he wrote. An Adequate Historian Acts 1:1, 2 A comparison of this passage with the former passage (Luke 1:1-4), indi­ cates that the book of Acts is really volume 2 of his historical account. In Luke’s Gospel, the writer has presented what Jesus began to do and teach. In the Acts he has shown what Jesus has


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